Tuesday, December 4, 2012


Bubona [L.] Roman Relig. A goddess who protected cattle.

Menoeceus Class. Myth. a descendant of the Sparti and the father of Jocasta and Creon, who sacrificed himself to end a plague in Thebes. 2. the son of Creon of Thebes, who took his own life because of the prophecy that the Seven against Thebes would fail if only a descendant of the Sparti sacrificed himself.

Iapis The son of Iasus. He was loved by Apollo, who taught him the healing art and prophecy. Iapis cured Aeneas of a wound received by him in his war with Latinus ( Verg. Aen. xii. 391 ).

Atlantides [L., fr. Gr. Atlantides. See ATLANTES.] 1. a The Pleiades, or seven stars fabled to be the daughtrs of Atlas and Pleione. b = HESPERIDES a. 2. The inhabitants of Atlantis.

Canace Class. Myth. a daughter of Aeolus who committed suicide at her father's command because of her incestuous relations with her brother Macareus.

Enipeus (1) A river in Thessaly, rising in Mount Othrys, receiving the Apidanus, near Pharsalus, and flowing into the Peneus ( Ovid, Met. i. 579 ). Poseidon assumed the form of the god of this river in order to obtain possession of Tyro, who was in love with Enipeus. She became by Poseidon the mother of Pelias and Neleus.

Molus Class. Myth. a son of Ares and Demonice, father of Meriones.

Caca an ancient Roman goddess of the hearth, often identified with Vesta.

Mynes ( in the Iliad ) a king of Lyrnessus and husband of Briseis, killed by Achilles in the Trojan War. 

Limnaea Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "of the lake."

Aegimius Class. Myth. a son of Dorus who was king of the Dorians.

Magna Mater Rom. Religion. Cybele; Ops; Rhea. [<L: great mother ]

Thoas Class. Myth. 1. Also called Thoön. one of the Gigantes who was killed by Hercules. 2. a son of Hypsipyle and Jason. 3. a son of Ariadne and either Dionysus or Theseus who became a king of Tauris and the benefactor of Iphigenia. 4. ( in the Iliad ) a suitor of Helen who aided the Greek forces in the Trojan War.

Cleta Class. Myth. one of the Graces worshiped at Sparta.

Imbrius ( in the Iliad ) a son of Mentor who joined the Trojans in the war against the Greeks and was slain by Teucer.

Virbius an ancient Roman god of the forest and hunting, worshipped with Diana and identified with Hippolytus.

Thyiad bacchante. [<L Thyiad- ( s. of Thyias ) <Gk <thý(ein) (to) seethe ]

Thaumatian adj. Of or pertaiming to Iris, called Thaumantias after her father Thaumas, her father.

Alethia the ancient Greek personification of truth.

Morta One of the Roman Parcae, or Fates. She was identified with the Greek Atropos, the fate who cut the thread of life.

Bifrons An epithet of Ianus ( q. v.) as being represented with two faces.

kraken A legendary sea monster believed to inhabit the waters of Norway.  [< Norw ]

Ygdrasil In Norse mythology, a huge ash tree whose roots and branches bind together heaven, earth, and hell: also spelled Igdrasil. Also Ygdrasill, Yggdrasill.

Ambarvalia an ancient Roman festival in which sacrifices were offered to Ceres, as an invocation for fertile fields. The sacrificed animals were first led about the fields.

Ninus 1. In Assyrian legend, the founder of Nineveh and husband of Semiramis. 2. The Latin name for NINEVEH.

Ragnorök In Norse mythology, the twilight of the gods, and the doomsday of the world, preceding its regeneration. Also Ragnorok.  [< ON < ragna of the gods (genitive pl. of regin ) + rök judgement ]

Coronis Class. Myth. 1. a princess killed by Apollo for being unfaithful to him. Hermes saved Asclepius, her unborn child by Apollo. 2. one of the nymphs who cared for the infant Dionysus.

Rumina [L.] Rom. Relig. The goddess of nursing mothers.

Minyas Class. Myth. a king of Orchomenus, famed for his wealth.

Libera an ancient Italian goddess of wine, vineyards, and fertility and the wife of Liber, in later times identified with Persephone.

Potami The gods of the rivers, sons of Oceanus and Tethys. [ See OCEANUS.]

Hyas The son of Atlas, and father or brother of the Hyades ( q.v.), and said to be the ancestor of the Hyades ( q.v.).

Menippe Class. Myth. a daughter of Orion who, with her sister Metioche, offered herself as as sacrifice to end a plague in Boeotia.

Nysa Class. Myth.1. the mountain where Zeus sent the infant Dionysus to protect him from the vindictive wrath of Hera. 2. one of the Nysaean Nymphs.

Cleobis Class. Myth. a son of Cydippe, known for his affection for his mother; he and his brother Biton died painlessly in their sleep when Cydippe prayed to Hera to give her sons what was best for mortals.

Tullia 1. Rom. Legend. the wife of Tarquin and the daughter of Servius Tullius, whom she helped to assasinate.

Hiordis ( in the Volsunga Saga ) the second wife of Sigmund and the mother of Sigurd. Also, Hjordis.

Cymothoë One of the Nereides, represented by Vergil as assisting the Trojans, with Triton, after the storm with which Aeolus, at the request of Iuno, had afflicted the fleet ( Aen. i. 148 ).

Tarchetius Rom. Legend. a king of Alba Longa.

Minervae Promontorium A rocky promontory in Campania, running out a long way into the sea, six miles southeast of Surrentum, on whose summit was a temple of Minerva, said to have been built by Odysseus. Here the Sirens are reported to have dwelt.

Lamus Class. Myth. a son of Hercules and Omphale. 2. the king of a people who attacked 11 ships of Odysseus and devoured their crews.

Harpina Class. Myth. a daughter of Asopus who became the mother, by Ares, of Oenomaus.

Leucippe Class. Myth. 1. a daughter of Minyas of Orchomenus. 2. a daughter of Thestor. 3. the mother of Teuthras.

Panopé A sea-nymph, daughter of Nereus and Doris.

Agenor Class. Myth. 1. a son of Poseidon and Libya who became king of Phoenicia. 2. ( in the Iliad ) a son of Antenor and Theano who was noted for his bravery.

Empusa [ML., hobgoblin, fr. Gr. empousa.] a Gr. Myth. A terrifying being associated with Hecate, often with the vampire's appetite for human flesh. b [ not cap.] A specter or hobgoblin.

Thamesis [L.] The river Thames;  a personification.

Hypenor a Trojan warrior, slain by Diomedes.

Corycia [L., fr. Gr. Kōrykia.] Gr. Myth. A nymph, mother by Apollo of Lycorus.

Phoebad [Gr. phoibas, phoibados, fr. Phoibos PHOEBUS.] Gr. Relig. A priestess of Apollo at Delphi; hence, an inspired woman; a prophetess or seeress. Cf. PYTHIA.

Macaria The daughter of Heracles and Deianira. When Eurystheus, after the death of Heracles, made war upon the Heraclidae and their allies, the Athenians, an oracle declared that the descendants of Heracles would be victorious if one of them should devote himself to death. This lot Macaria voluntarily accepted, and the oracle was fullfilled in the success of the Athenians by whom Macaria was therefore held in great honour. A fountain at Marathon was called by her name ( Pausan. i. 32 ).

Iasion [L., fr. Gr. Iasiōn.] Gr. Relig. According to myth, a mortal who was united with Demeter "in the thrice ploughed field," and was punished for his presumption of Zeus. He was possibly originally a hero or deity of agriculture, the myth is probably derived from a ritual symbolizing fertilization of the field.

a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities

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