Monday, July 5, 2021


Chelidon Class. Myth. a sister of Aëdon who was raped and then made a slave by her brother-in-law Polytechnus: Artemis changed her into a swallow.

Atabyrian Class. Myth. Zeus: so called because of his sanctuary on Mount Atabyrium in Rhodes.

Taurica Thea "The Taurian goddess," commonly called Artemis. Her image was believed to have been conveyed to Brauron, Sparta, or Aricia. The worship of this Taurian goddess, who was identified with Artemis and Iphigenia, was carried on with orgiastic rites and human sacrifices, and seems to have been very ancient in Greece. ( Paus. iii. 16 § 6; Herod. iv. 103; comp. ARTEMIS.)

Epeus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Panopeus who was noted for his cowardice. With the help of Athena, he built the Trojan Horse. 2. a son of Endymion who succeeded his father as king in the Peloponnesus.

Tritogeneia Class. Myth. Athena: so called because it was near lake Tritonis that she was born from the head of Zeus.

Hecatonchires Class. Myth. three giants, Briareus, Cottus, and Gyges, who were the sons of Uranus and Gaea and had 50 heads and 100 arms each: they were best known for having helped the gods in their struggle against the Titans. Also, Hecatoncheires.

rhesus 2. ( cap.) Class. Myth. a Thracian ally of Troy whose horses were captured by Odysseus and Diomedes to prevent them from eating Trojan fodder or drinking from the Xanthus, since it was foretold that if the horses did so, Troy would not fall. ─ rhesian, adj.

Cumaean sibyl Class. Myth. a famous prophetess at Cumae who guided Aeneas through the underworld and who was believed in the Middle Ages to have foretold the coming of Christ.

Antipoenus Class. Myth. a Theban descendant of the Sparti who refused to give his life for his city. Cf. Alcis.

Hippolochus ( in the Iliad ) a son of Bellerophon.

Ceyx Class. Myth. a son of Hermes who served as herald of the gods at the Eleusinian mysteries.

Pallas 1. Class. Myth. a. a name given to or used with the name of Athena. b. a daughter of Triton who was killed while playing with the youthful Athena. The goddess adopted her name and made an effigy of her.

Telegonus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Odysseus and Circe who eventually married Penelope. 2. a son of Proteus and the husband of Io who was killed by Hercules in a wrestling match.

Stymphalian birds Class. Myth. a flock of annoying or dangerous birds of Arcadia that were driven away or killed by Hercules as one of his labors. Also called Stymphalides.

Ultor an ancient Roman epithet of Jupiter meaning "avenger."

Gigantes Class. Myth. beings with the heads of men and the bodies of serpents, who were born to Gaea when she was impregnated with  the blood of the mutilated Uranus: the Gigantes attacked the gods but were defeated with the help of Hercules. [<L <Gk (pl.): giants]

Hippothous Class. Myth. a son of Alope and Poseidon who was crowned king of Arcadia.

Aristomachus Class. Myth. one of the Heraclidae, the father of Temenus, Cresphontes, and Aristodemus: he was killed while invading Peloponnesus.

Heliconian 1. Class. Myth. an epithet of Poseidon.

Eurymedon Class. Myth. an epithet of Perseus, meaning "wide-ruling."

Melicertes Class. Myth. a son of Athamas and Ino who was changed into the sea god Palaemon when his father, in a fit of madness, tried to kill him.

Cresphontes Class. Myth. a Heraclid who gained control of Messinia after helping lead the invasion of Peloponnesus by the Heraclidae.

Phoroneus Class. Myth. a son of Inachus and the nymph Melia who was the founder of  Argos and who was considered a national hero for furthering religious, cultural, and civil causes in the Peloponnesus.

Eumelus 1. ( in the Iliad ) the commander of the Thessalian forces. He lost a chariot race to Diomedes. 2. ( in the Aeneid ) a Trojan companion of Aeneas.

Acetes Class. Myth. a Lydian helmsman who, realizing that a youth captured by his crew was actually Dionysus in disguise, protected the god from the crew and eventually became his follower.

Pholus Class. Myth. a centaur who guarded the wine presented to the centaurs by Dionysus.

Nisus Class. Myth. a son of Pandion whose life and fate of his kingdom depended upon a lock of hair on his head. 2. Rom. Legend. the son of Hyrtacus and the nymph Ida: a companion of Aeneas on the flight from Troy. 

Sychaeus Rom. Legend. a priest of Hercules and the husband of Dido: murdered for his wealth by his brother-in-law Pygmalion. Also called Acerbas.

Antiphas Class. Myth. one of the twin sons of Laocoön.

Medon 1. ( in the Odyssey ) a herald who warned Penelope that her suitors were conspiring against Telemachus. 2. ( in the Iliad ) the illegitimate son of Oileus and Rhene, slain in the Trojan War by Æneas.

Itylus Class. Myth. the only child of Aëdon and Zethus, mistakenly killed by his mother.

Cretheus Class. Myth. 1. the founder of Iolcus and a son of Aeolus. 2. ( in the Aeneid ) a companion of Aeneas beloved by the Muses.

Proteus 1. Class. Myth. a sea god, son of Oceanus and Tethys, noted for his ability to assume different forms and to prophesy. 2. a king of Egypt and the husband of Psamathe. During the Trojan War, in Euripides' version of the story, Proteus kept Helen in Egypt while a phantom Helen joined Paris.

Archelaus Class. Myth. a son of Temenus and a descendant of Hercules: founder of the royal house of Macedonia.

Ilioneus 1. ( in the Aeneid ) a Trojan warrior who fled from Troy with Aeneas. 2. ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan warrior who was brutally killed by Peneleus.

Phorbas Class. Myth. 1. a son of Lapithes who dispelled a plague of serpents in Rhodes. 2. a leader of the Phrygian allies of Troy, slain by Ajax. 3. a renowned boxer who challenged pilgrims, killed them, and was eventually slain by Apollo.

Antiphates Class. Myth. 1. a son of Melampus. 2. ( in the Odyssey ) a chieftain of the Laestrygonians, the man-eating giants of Italy. 3. ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan warrior, slain by Leonteus.

Machaerus Class. Myth. a Phocian who killed Neoptolemus.

Pythian 2. of or pertaining to Apollo, with reference to his oracle at Delphi.

Athaemenes Class. Myth. a son of Catreus who mistakenly killed his father, thus fulfilling a prophecy that Catreus would die by the hand of one of his children.

Phantasus Class. Myth. an ancient Greek god of dreams who assumed the shapes of inanimate objects.

Mestor Class. Myth. a son of Perseus and Andromeda.

Archelochus ( in the Iliad ) a son of Antenor and Theano who joined Aeneas in skirmishes against the Greeks and was killed by Telamonian Ajax.

Melanippus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Theseus and Periguene. 2. a Theban who killed Tydeus in the battle of the Seven against Thebes and who was in turn, slain by Amphiaraus. 3. ( in the Iliad ) a son of Hicetaeon, slain by Antilochus. 4. a youth who impiously made love to Comaetho in the temple of Artemis.

Phobetor Class. Myth. an epithet of Icelus, meaning "terrifier."

Adrestus ( in the Iliad ) 1. the son of Merops who was a Trojan ally killed by Diomedes. 2. a Trojan ally captured by Menelaus and killed by Agamemnon.

Pedasus ( in the Iliad ) the twin brother of Aesepus, killed in the Trojan War by Euryalus.

Megamede Class. Myth. the wife of King Thespius and the mother of his 50 daughters.

Altes ( in the Iliad ) a king of the Leleges and the father of Laothoë.

Polyxenus Class. Myth. a grandson of Augeas who was an ally of the Greek forces in the Trojan War.

Actor Class. Myth. 1. a brother of King Augeas, sometimes believed to be the father, by Molione, of Eurytus and Cteatus. Cf. Moliones. 2. a son of Myrmidon and Pasidice who became king of Phthia.

Phlias Class. Myth. a son of Dionysus who joined the Argonauts.

Ask Scand. Myth. the first man, made by the gods from an ash tree. Also, Askr. [< Icel; see ASH² ]

Thule 1. the ancient Greek and Latin name for an island or region variously identified as one of the Shetland Islands, Iceland, Norway, etc.: supposed to be the most northerly region of the world.

Gynaecothoenas Class. Myth. an epithet of Ares, meaning "feasted by the women."

Rhiannon Welsh Legend. the wife of Pwyll and mother of Pryderi. Accused of having eaten her son, she was forced to do penance until his return. After Pwyll's death she married Manwyddan.

Neleus Class. Myth. king of Pylus and father of Nestor by Chloris.

Brynhild Scand. Myth. a Valkyrie and the wife of Gunnar, for whom she was won by Sigurd: corresponds to Brunhild in the Nibelungenlied.

Ronan Irish Legend. a king who his son, Mael, after his wife had falsely accused the boy of attempting to seduce her, and who was himself killed by the children of Mael.

Antheus Class. Myth. a son of Antenor, accidentally killed by Paris. 

Brut any of a number of partly legendary, partly historical chronicles dealing with early English history, written during the Middle Ages and usually beginning with Brutus, the mythic and eponymous ancestor of the country. [<ML, Brutus, descendant of Aeneas ]

Procris Class. Myth. 1. a daughter of the Athenian king Erechtheus who was killed, while spying on her husband Cephalus, when he mistook her for a concealed animal, and threw at her a spear fated never to miss. 2. a daughter of Thespius who bore twin sons to Hercules.


Alcmaon ( in the Iliad ) the son of Thestor who wounded Glaucus and was slain by Sarpedon.

Pyrene Class. Myth. 1. a princess who, ravished by Hercules, gave birth to a serpent. 2. the mother, by Ares, of the Cycnus who fought with Hercules.

Tyndarides Class. Myth. a patronymic of Castor and Pollux.

Pitys Class. Myth. a nymph who was changed into a pine tree to escape the god Pan.

Hercyna Class. Myth. a fountain nymph who was the playmate of Persephone.

Ogygus Class. Myth. a Boeotian king, the son of either Poseidon or the soil.

Theritas Class. Myth. Ares: so called because his nurse was named Thero.

Cenaean Class. Myth. Zeus: so called because of a temple in his honor on Cenaeum.

Lycon Class. Myth. a Trojan slain by Peneleus.

Hipponous Class. Myth. 1. a Trojan warrior slain by Achilles. 2. the father of Periboea.

Melantho ( in the Odyssey ) a handmaid of Penelope who became the mistress of Eurymachus: she mocked Odysseus on his return and was killed for her faithlessness.

Tenes Class. Myth. a son of Cycnus and Proclea who was banished by his father and set adrift in a chest when Phylonome, his stepmother, falsely accused him of trying to seduce her.

Aganus Class. Myth. a son of Helen and Paris.

Cunina an ancient Roman deity, the guardian of sleeping infants.

Eniopeus ( in the Iliad ) a charioteer of Hector who was slain by Diomedes.

Iamus Class. Myth. a son of Evadne and Apollo who became a prophet.

Pronaus Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "of the pronaos."

Demphoön Class. Myth. a son of Celeus and Metanira, nursed by Demeter.

Neleus Class. Myth. king of Pylus and father of Nestor by Chloris.

Herceius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "of the courtyard."

Aegialia ( in  the Iliad ) the wife of Diomedes who took Cometes as her lover when Nauplius falsely convinced her that her husband was deceiving her. Also, Aegiale.

Laphystius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus. [< Gk laphýstios gluttonous ]

Nelides Class. Myth. an epithet of Nestor.

Aeseyetes ( in the Iliad )  the father of Antenor.

Philammon Class. Myth. the musician son of Chione and Apollo.

Chalcis 1. Class. Myth. a daughter of Asopus and Metope.

Marmax Class. Myth. a suiter of Hippodamia who was murdered by her father, Oenomaus.

Deïpylus Class. Myth. a grandson of Priam.

Idas Class. Myth. the rival of Apollo for Marpessa.

Harmothoë Class. Myth. the wife of Pandareus and the father of Aëdon, Cleothera, and Merope.

Mulius ( in the Iliad ) the husband of Agamede who was killed by Nestor in the Trojan War where he served as a spearman of King Augeas, his father-in-law.

Cerambus Class. Myth. a man who was changed into a beetle so that he could fly above a flood sent by Zeus to punish the wicked.

Epibaterius Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "seafaring."

Jotunheim Scand. Myth. the outer world, or realm of giants; Utgard. Also, Jotunnheim, Jötunheim, Jötunnheim. [<Icel, equiv. to jötunn giant + heimr world, HOME ]

Ascus Class. Myth. a giant who helped Lycurgus chain Dionysus.

Lycomedes Class. Myth. a king of Scyrus who pushed Theseus over a cliff.

Genetrix an ancient Roman epithet of Venus, meaning "mother."

Ancius Class. Myth. a centaur.

Menestheus Class. Myth. a regent of Athens and a rejected suitor of Helen who assisted Menelaus by leading 50 ships against Troy in the Trojan War.

Anesidora Class. Myth. an epithet of Demeter, meaning "sender of gifts."

Polymastus Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "many-breasted," in reference to a many-breasted image of her at Ephesus.

Tecton ( in the Iliad ) a carpenter, the father of Phereclus.

Sieglinde ( in the Nibelungenlied ) the wife of Sigmund and mother of Siegfried. Cf. Signy.

Apostrophia Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning "rejector of sinful passions."

Lycotherses Class. Myth. a king of Illyria who was murdered by his wife, Agave.

Corynetes Class. Myth. an epithet of Periphetes meaning "cudgel bearer." Cf. Periphetes. ( def. 1.).

Telemus Class. Myth. a seer who warned Polyphemus that Odysseus would blind him.

Coroebus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Mygdon, slain by Diomedes in the Trojan War. 2. an Argive hero who in penance for having slain the monster Poena built a temple to Apollo.

Deicoön Class. Myth. a son of Megara and Hercules, killed by his father in a fit of madness.

Crotus Class. Myth. a son of Pan who was skilled in archery and who served as a companion of the Muses.

Eubuleus Class. Myth. a son of Trochilus who helped Demeter find Persephone.

Spelaites Class. Myth. an epithet of Hermes, meaning "of the cave," referring to his advising certain warring generals to hide their women and children in a cave for safety.

Xanthus 2. ( in the Iliad ) a. one of two immortal horses of Achilles that wept when Patroclus was killed by Hector. Cf. Balius. b. a Trojan warrior slain by Diomedes. c. the name given to the river god Scamander by the gods.

Priamid Class. Myth. any of the 50 sons of Priam.

Ctesius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "god of gain."

Arete Class. Myth. 1. the wife of Alcinous, who had much influence over her husband. 2. the personification of courage.

Lycus Class. Myth. 1. a son of King Pandion and Pylia who succeeded Sarpedon as king of Cilicia. 2. a king in Mysia who earned the gratitude and military assistance of Hercules by hospitably entertaining him. 3. the husband of Dirce and the uncle of Antiope who was killed by Antiope's sons. 4. a son of Lycus and Dirce whose murder of Creon was avenged by Hercules.

Melanippe Class. Myth. an Amazon queen who was a daughter of Ares. 2. a foal born to Euippe: Poseidon transformed the foal into a human girl, Arne.

Children of Hercules Heraclidae.

Thyoneus Class. Myth. an epithet of Dionysus, meaning "son of Thyone."

Hagen ( in the Nibelungenlied ) the killer of Siegfried, himself killed by Kriemhild, Siegfried's wife.

Alphesboea Class. Myth. 1. a nymph who rejected the attentions of Dionysus. 2. Arsinoë. 3. the mother, by Phoenix, of Adonis. 4. a daughter of Bias.

Polypemon Class. Myth. Procrustes.

Crotopus Class. Myth. a king of Argos who murdered his daughter Psamathe for bearing a son to Apollo.

Euphorion Class. Myth. a son of Helen and Achilles who fled from the love of Zeus.

Semaleus Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus meaning "sign-giving."

Saitis Class. Myth. Athena: so called because of her identification with the Egyptian goddess Neïth, of Saïs.

Thialfi Scand. Myth. the fastest man and the servant of Thor.

Pelopia Class. Myth. the mother of Aegisthus. Pelopia was raped by her father, Thyestes, and killed herself on learning that he was her attacker. Also, Pelopea.

Hecamede ( in the Iliad ) a daughter of Arsinous who became the servant of Nestor during the Trojan War.

Scamandrius Class. Myth. 1. Astyanax. 2. ( in the Iliad ) the son of Strophius who was skilled in archery but was slain by Menelaus.

Gorgophone Class. Myth. the daughter of Perseus and Andromeda, and the wife of Perieres and later of Oebalus. She is sometimes believed to have been the first widow to remarry.

Cestrinus Class. Myth. a son of Andromache and Helenus.

Astrabacus Class. Myth. a Spartan prince who, with Alopecus, found the wooden image of Artemis that Orestes had hidden in a willow thicket.

Hugin Scand. Myth. one of the two ravens of Odin that brought him news from the whole world: later regarded as personifying thought. Cf. Munin.

Sidero Class. Myth. the second wife of Salmoneus: she was killed by the sons of her stepdaughter, Tyro, in revenge for her poor treatment of their mother.

Saron Class. Myth. a king of Troezen who pursued a doe into the sea and was drowned.

Eurytus Class. Myth. 1. the son of Melaneus of Thessaly who was a famous archer. 2. a son of Augeas. 3. a son of Actor. Cf. Molionidae. 4. one of the giants who was killed by Hercules.

Polyporthis Class. Myth. a son of Penelope and Odysseus, born after the return of Odysseus to Ithaca.

Acamas Class. Myth. 1. a son of Theseus and Phaedra who entered Troy in the Trojan Horse. 2. ( in the Iliad ) a. the companion of Aeneas who killed Promachus to avenge the murder of his brother Archelochus. b. a captain of the Thracian allies of Troy.

Themisto Class. Myth. a wife of Athamas who killed herself when she discovered she had mistakenly brought about the death of her children while jealously plotting against Ino, her husband's former wife.

Hippodamas Class. Myth. the father of Perimele, who drowned her upon learning that she had been raped.

Tropaean Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "giver of victory."[<Gk tropaî(os) lit., of a turning or change, hence for defeat ( tropé a turn + -aios adj. suffix ) + -AN; see TROPHY ]

Acacallis Class. Myth. the mother of Amphithemis by Apollo.

Dorus Class. Myth. the youngest son of Hellen and  Orseïs. 2. a son of Apollo and  Phthia, slain by Actolus.

Doritis Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning "bountiful."

Himerus Class. Myth. a son of Laecedaemon who unknowingly ravished his sister Cleodice.

Adrastea Class. Myth. Nemesis ( def. 1) 2. a daughter of Melisseus entrusted by Rhea with the rearing of the infant Zeus.

Coccygius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus meaning "cuckoo," alluding to the story that he took the shape of a cuckoo to win the affection of Hera.

Abia Class. Myth. a nurse who founded a temple of Hercules in Messinia.

Eumedes 1. ( in the Iliad ) a wealthy Trojan herald. 2. ( in the Aeneid ) the son of Dolon who was a companion of Aeneas.

Corinthus Class. Myth. a son of either Zeus or Marathon, the eponymous founder of Corinth.

Saturday, July 3, 2021


Cotyleus Class. Myth. an epithet of Asclepius, meaning "of the hip joint," in reference to a hip wound suffered by Hercules which Asclepius cured.

Anaxo Class. Myth. a daughter of Alcaeus who was the mother, by Electryon, of Alcmene.

Hipponous Class. Myth. 1. a Trojan warrior slain by Achilles. 2. the father of Periboea.

Skirnir Scand. Myth. the servant of Frey.

Eurygeneia Class. Myth. a woman sometimes believed to be the mother, by Oedipus, of Polynices and Eteocles.

Pelorus Class. Myth. one of the Sparti.

Salamis 3. Class. Myth. a daughter of Asopus and Metope who bore a son, Cychreus, by Poseidon.

Prytanis ( in the Iliad ) a Lycian ally of Sarpedon, slain by Odysseus.

Galeus Class. Myth. a lizard who was the son of Apollo.

Hecaleius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus.

Metiscus Rom. Legend. the charioteer of Turnus.

Acmon Class. Myth. a companion of Diomedes who was changed into a bird for defying Aphrodite.

Cranaus Class. Myth. a man born of the earth who became a king of Attica.

Prylis Class. Myth. a son of Hermes who is sometimes believed to have suggested, through the inspiration of Athena, the use of the wooden horse in the Trojan War. 

Ialmenus Class. Myth. a son of Ares and Astyoche who joined the Argonauts and was a leader of the Boeotians in the Trojan War.

Phytalus Class. Myth. an Eleusinian who was given a fig tree by Demeter in return for his hospitality.

Wayland ( in N European folklore ) the king of the elves, a smith and artificer: known in Scandinavia as Völund and in Germany as Wieland.

Euneus Class. Myth. a son of Jason and Hypsipyle.

Melus Class. Myth. the son of Cinyras of Cyprus whose grief at the death of Adonis so touched Aphrodite that she changed him into an apple tree.

Talaemenes ( in the Iliad ) the father of Mesthles and Antiphus.

Iache Class. Myth. a nymph who was a companion of Persephone.

Eurysthenes Class. Myth. a son of Aristomachus who shared the Spartan throne with his twin brother, Proclus.

Logi Scand. Myth. a man, a personification of fire, who defeated Loki in an eating contest.

Pytho Class. Myth. Delphi. ( def. 1.).

Thrym Scand. Myth. a giant who, having demanded Freya in return for the stolen hammer of Thor, was killed by Thor, who came disguised as Freya.

Coresus Class. Myth. a priest of Dionysus who loved Callirrhoë, a maiden of Calydon: when she rejected Coresus, Dionysus inflicted a plague on Calydon.

Hippolochus ( in the Iliad ) a son of Bellerophon.

Iphidamas ( in the Iliad ) the son of Antenor and Theano, who was killed by Agamemnon.

Sthenelus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Actor and a companion of Hercules in the war against the Amazons. 2. one of the Epigoni. 3. a son of Perseus and Andromeda who became king of Mycenae: he was the father, by Nicippe of Eurystheus.

Deïpyle Class. Myth. a daughter of Adrastus who became the mother, by Tydeus, of Diomedes.

Narcaeus Class. Myth. a son of Physcoa and Dionysus who initiated the worship of Dionysus in Elis.

Cnidia Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite referring to the city of Cnidus, where there was a statue of the goddess by Praxiteles.

Vulcanalia an ancient Roman festival, in honor of Vulcan.

Oeax Class. Myth. a son of Nauplius and Clymene who, in seeking revenge for the slaying of his brother, Palamedes, provoked Clytemnestra to murder Agamemnon.

Cyprian 6. the Cyprian, Aphrodite: so called because her cult was centered on Cyprus. [<L Cypri(us) of Cyprus (< Gk Kýprios, deriv. of Kýpros CYPRUS ) + -AN ]

Leuce Class. Myth. a nymph changed into a white poplar tree as a protection against the pursuing Pluto.

Bias 2. Class. Myth. a son of Amythaon and Idomene, who, with the help of his brother Melampus, secured the cattle of Phylacus and wed Pero.

Heliadae Class. Myth. the seven sons of Helius and Rhode.

Phlias Class. Myth. a son of Dionysus who joined the Argonauts.

Therapne Class. Myth. a girl who gave her name to the grounds on which the Dioscuri were buried.

Clide Class. Myth. a nymph who lived on the island of Naxos.

Harmonides ( in the Iliad ) Phereclus.

Chamyne Class. Myth. an epithet of Demeter.

Numanus Rom. Legend. the brother-in-law of Turnus, killed in the war between Turnus and Aeneas.

Thespian Maids Class. Myth. the Muses. Cf. Thespiae.

Theoxenius Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "god of strangers."

Periapis Class. Myth. a woman believed to be the mother of Patroclus. Also, Periopis.

Syleus Class. Myth. a king who forced all passing travelers to work in his vineyard: he was killed by Hercules.

Argyrotoxus Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "lord of the silver bow," referring to the bow and arrows made for him by Hephaestus.

Eumolpus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Poseidon and Chione who founded the mysteries at Eleusis. 2. a flute player who supported the false accusations of Phylonome against Tenes.

Merops ( in the Iliad ) a Percosian augur who foresaw and unsuccessfully tried to prevent the death of his sons in the Trojan War. 2. Class. Myth. the husband of Clymene and the stepfather of Phaëthon.

Comaetho Class. Myth. 1. daughter of Pterelaus who, out of love for Amphitryon, betrayed her father by cutting off the lock of golden hair which made him immortal. Despite her love, Amphitryon killed her for her treacherous deed. 2. a priestess who was sacrificed with her lover, Melanippus, to appease Artemis, in whose sanctuary they had impiously made love.

Arsinous ( in the Iliad ) the father of Aecamede.

Gygaea ( in the Iliad ) a lake nymph. Also, Gyge.

Pylas Class. Myth. a king of Megara who gave his throne to Pandion the Younger.

Areïthoüs ( in the Iliad ) the father of Menesthius, who used an iron mace in battle. He was killed by Lycurgus.

Itonia Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena.

Clitus Class. Myth. a son of Mantius who was beloved and abducted by Eos.

Hyrie Class. Myth. the mother of a child by Apollo: she was changed into a swan to relieve her grief over the death of her son.

Thamus Class. Myth. an Egyptian sailor who was bound for Italy when he heard a voice announce the death of Pan.

Zosteria Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "one who girds with armor."

Sesostris ( in Greek legend ) a king of ancient Egypt believed to have conquered areas in Asia and Africa.

Galinthias Class. Myth. a handmaid of Alcmene.

Cytissorus Class. Myth. a son of Phrixus and Chalciope.

Nauplius Class. Myth. 1. a son of Poseidon and a Danaid, credited with discovering a way of navigating by the Great Bear constellation. 2. a king of Nauplia who was one of the Argonauts.

Learchus Class. Myth. a son of Athamas and Ino who was killed by his father in a fit of madness.

Cleone Class. Myth. a daughter of Asopus.

Adamas ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan ally who was killed when his attempt to slay Antilochus was thwarted by Poseidon.

Eurypylus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Poseidon, slain by Hercules. 2. a nephew of Priam, slain by Neoptolemus in the Trojan War. 3. a brave Greek warrior who was driven insane by an image of Dionysus that he received as part of the Trojan spoils.

Hyacinthides Class. Myth. the daughters of Hyacinthus who were sacrificed to save Athens from the attacking King Minos.

Pandareus Class. Myth. a son of Merops who was turned to stone for stealing the golden dog created by Hephaestus to guard the temple of Zeus.

Anchiale Class. Myth. a nymph.

Opheltes Class. Myth. the son of King Lycurgus of Nemea who was killed in infancy by a serpent and in whose memory the Nemean games were held. Also called Archemorus.

Calyce Class. Myth. a daughter of Aeolus and Enarete and the mother of Endymion.

Archegetes Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "founder," referring to an altar established in his honor by the first Greek colonists of Sicily.

Megarus Class. Myth. a son of Zeus who fled to the safety of Mount Gerania during the flood that Zeus sent to punish mankind.

Hylaeus Class. Myth. a cloud-born Arcadian centaur.

Podalirius Class. Myth. a son of Asclepius who was physician to the Greeks in the Trojan War.

Protogonia Class. Myth. a daughter of Erechtheus and Praxithea, who, when her sister Otionia was sacrificed, fulfilled a vow by taking her own life.

Deïon Class. Myth. a son of Aeolus and Enarete who became king of Phocis.

Leucippides Class. Myth. Phoebe and Hilaira, the daughters of Leucippus.

Deïope Class. Myth. a woman believed to be the daughter of Triptolemus.

Aesepus Class. Myth. a son of Abarbarea who, with his twin brother Pedasus, fought in the Trojan War and was slain by Euryalus.

Ptoüs Class. Myth. a son of Athamas and Themisto for whom Mount Ptoüs in Boeotia was named.

Baton Class. Myth. the charioteer of Amphiaraus.

Canens Rom. Legend. a daughter of Janus who cried herself to death over the disappearance of her husband, Picus.

Simois ( in the Iliad ) a river god.

Migonitis Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning "uniter."

Cychreus Class. Myth. a son of Poseidon who became king of Salamis.

Ida 3. Class. Myth. a. one of the nymphs who kept watch over the infant Zeus to protect him from being devoured by his father, Cronus. b. a nymph who was the mother, by Zeus, of the Dactyls.

Agacles ( in the Iliad ) a king of the Myrmidons.

Saturday, June 12, 2021


Aornis Class. Myth. one of the five tributaries of the river Styx.

Eurippa Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "delighting in horses."

Leïtus ( in the Iliad ) the only Boeotian chief to return home safely from the siege of Troy.

Periguene Class. Myth. the mother, by Theseus, of Melanippus.

Catamitus ancient Roman name for Ganymede.

Abantes ( in the Iliad ) a warlike tribe from the island of Euboea, allies of the Greeks in the Trojan War.

Gyas ( in the Aeneid ) a companion of Aeneas on the flight from Troy.

Aornum Class. Myth. the entrance through which Orpheus descended to Hades to find Eurydice.

Itonius Class. Myth. a Boeotian, sometimes believed to be the father of Athena.

Cilix Class. Myth. a brother of Europa who went searching for her after she had been abducted by Zeus.

Tolumnius Rom. Legend. an augur who warned Turnus against fighting Aeneas singlehandedly.

Laertiades ( in the Odyssey ) an epithet of Odysseus, meaning "son of Laertes."

Hypseus Class. Myth. a son of Peneus and Creusa who became king of the Lapiths.

Elaïs Class. Myth. a daughter of Anius and Dorippe who had the power to change anything she touched into oil.

Baton Class. Myth. the charioteer of Amphiaraus.

Ipoctonus Class. Myth. an epithet of Hercules, meaning, "worm-killer," in reference to his protection of vines.

Brize Class. Myth. a gadfly sent by Hera to annoy Io.

Apemosyne Class. Myth. a daughter of Catreus, ravished by Hermes and unjustly killed by her brother, Althaemenes, who considered her immoral.

Caucon Class. Myth. a son of either Lycaon or Poseidon who brought the mysteries of Demeter to Messinia.

Laodocus Class. Myth. a son of Apollo and Phthia who was killed by Aetolus.

Ithome 3. Class. Myth. one of the nymphs who reared Zeus.

Phyleus 1. Class. Myth. a son of Augeas who was banished when he reminded his father of an unpaid debt. 2. a king of Ephyra and the father of Astyochia.

Lecheates Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "in childbed."

Pergamus 1. Class. Myth. a son of Neoptolemus and Andromache.

Aretus ( in the Iliad ) one of the 50 sons of Priam. He was killed by Automedon while trying to seize the immortal horses of Achilles.

Cyaneë Class. Myth. the mother, by Miletus, of Caunus and Byblis.

Echecles ( in the Iliad ) the husband of Polymela who raised his wife's son by Hermes as his own child.

Pielus Class. Myth. a son of Neoptolemus and Andromache from whom Alexander the Great claimed descent.

Mygdon Class. Myth. a king of the Bebryces who was killed by Hermes.

Telphusa Class. Myth. a spring nymph of Boeotia who cunningly advised Apollo to erect a temple and oracle at Delphi where she knew he would have to subdue the Python.

Polites ( in the Odyssey ) a companion of Odysseus who was changed into a swine by Circe.

Gasterocheires Class. Myth. seven Cyclops who accompanied Proteus from Lycia.

Helenor ( in the Aeneid ) a Lydian prince who accompanied Aeneas from Troy.

Idaean Mother Class. Myth. Cybele.

Maris ( in the Iliad ) a companion of Sarpedon in the Trojan War.

Briseus ( in the Iliad ) the father of Briseis: he committed suicide when his daughter was abducted by Achilles.

Prytanis ( in the Iliad ) a Lycian, ally of Sarpedon, slain by Odysseus.

Sergestus ( in the Aeneid ) a Trojan companion of Aeneas on his flight from Troy.

Astydamia Class. Myth. 1. a daughter of Amyntor who was abducted by Hercules. 2. the mother of Amphitryon.

Steropes Class. Myth. one of the Cyclopes.

Aethylla Class. Myth. a sister of Priam.

Deiphontes Class. Myth. the son-in-law of Temenus and husband of Hyrnetho. Temenus willed his kingdom to Deiphontes rather than to his own sons.

Teuthras Class. Myth. 1. a Mysian king who killed a boar sacred to Artemis: he was punished with disease and madness. 2. a king of Phrygia and the father of Tecmessa. 3. ( in the Iliad ) a Magnesian ally of the Greeks who was slain by Hector in the Trojan War.

Aegicores Class. Myth. a son of Ion.

Galata 2. Class. Myth. the ancestress of the Gallic race by her union with Hercules.

Praxis Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning "action."

Atrax Class. Myth. a son of Peneus.

Simoisius ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan youth killed by Telamonian Ajax in the Trojan War.

Tychius ( in the Iliad ) the artisan who created the shield used by Telamonian Ajax.

Brome Class. Myth. one of the nymphs who cared for the infant Dionysus.

Homadus Class. Myth. a centaur killed by Hercules.

Cleothera Class. Myth. a daughter of Pandareus.

Limon Class. Myth. a son of Tegeates and Maera who killed his brother, Scephrus, believing that Scephrus had informed against him to Apollo.

Evius Class. Myth. Dionysus. [< Gk Evios, from the cry evaí, evoí associated with Dionysus in lyric passages ]

Pelasgis Class. Myth. Demeter: named for Pelasgus, the founder of her sanctuary at Argos.

Tyro Class. Myth. the daughter of Salmoneus and Alcidice, and the mother, by Poseidon, of Neleus and Pelias.

Eurytion 1. Class. Myth. a centaur who was killed by Hercules. 2. ( in the Aeneid ) a companion of Aeneas during the flight from Troy. 2. an adopted son of Actor accidentally killed by Peleus. 4. a son of Ares who guarded the cattle of Geryon.

Thisoa Class. Myth. an Arcadian nymph who tended the infant Zeus.

Henioche Class. Myth. an epithet of Hera, meaning "charioteer."

Polymelus ( in the Iliad ) a Lycian ally of the Trojans, killed by Patroclus.

Isenland ( in the Nibelungenlied ) the country of Brynhild, usually identified with Iceland.

Selli Class. Myth. the priests of Zeus at the sacred grove at Dodona.

Meliboea Class. Myth. a maiden who, forbidden to marry Alexis, tried to leap to her death from a housetop but survived to marry him.

Camirus Class. Myth. a grandson of Hellus.

Peisenor ( in the Odyssey ) an Ithacan herald famous for his wise counsel.

Agathyrsus Class. Myth. a son of Hercules.

Hemithea Class. Myth. a daughter of Cycnus and Proclea who was amorously pursued by Achilles and swallowed up by the earth.

Thrasydemus ( in the Iliad ) the squire of Sarpedon: he was slain by Patroclus. Also, Thrasymelus.

Caeneus Class. Myth. an invulnerable Argonaut who was Caenis before Poseidon changed her into a man.

Amphoterus Class. Myth. a son of Alcmaeon and Callirrhoë, and the brother of Acarnan. The two brothers grew to manhood in a single day and avenged the murder of their father by the sons of Phegeus.

Bunaea Class. Myth. an epithet of Hera, alluding to a temple built for her by Bunus.

Saehrimnir Scand. Myth. a boar that is roasted and served up every night in Valhalla and grows whole by morning.

Paraebius Class. Myth. a youth who was cursed because his father had cut down a hamadryad's tree.

Nebrophonus Class. Myth. Thoas ( def. 2.)

Enyeus ( in the Iliad ) a king of Scyrus.

Glaucia Class. Myth. a daughter of Scamander.

Hicetaeon ( in the Iliad ) the brother of Priam who advised to return Helen to Menelaus.

Cyparissus Rom. Legend. a youth who grieved for having accidentally killed his stag: the gods turned him into a cypress tree.

Amphissa Class. Myth. 1. a daughter of Echetus, blinded by her father in punishment for being ravished and bearing a child. 2. a granddaughter of Aeolus, loved by Apollo.

Telesphorus 2. the god of recovery from illness: worshiped with Asclepius and often depicted in art, as a child.

Eurysaces Class. Myth. the son of Telamonian Ajax and Tecmessa who inherited his father's shield of thick bull's hide.

Limnoria Class. Myth. one of the Nereids.

Boëdromius Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "rescuer."

Daphnaea Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "of the laurel."

Strophius Class. Myth. a king of Phocis who sheltered and reared Orestes.

Eëtion ( in the Iliad ) a king of Thebes in Cilicia and the father of Andromeda.

Cithaeronian Class. Myth. Zeus: so called because Mount Cithaeron was sacred to him.

Lycomedes Class. Myth. a king of Scyrus who pushed Theseus over a cliff.

Glenus Class. Myth. a son of Hercules and Deianira.

Molus Class. Myth. a son of Ares and Demodice, father of Meriones.

Demiphon Class. Myth. a king who, at the suggestion of an oracle, annually drew by lot the name of a noble maiden to be sacrificed in order to avert a plague. His daughters were murdered when it was discovered that their names were never placed among the lots.

Archias Class. Myth. a descendant of Hercules who was the founder of the city of Syracuse in Sicily.

Cissaea Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "ivy goddess."

Isenstein ( in the Nibelungenlied ) the home of Brunhild in Isenland. Cf. Hindfell.

Menoetes Class. Myth. a cowherd who tended the cattle of Hades on Erythea.

Lyrus Class. Myth. a son of Aphrodite and Anchises.

Parnopius Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "locust-god, having referred to his once having ended a plague of locusts.

Scyphius Class. Myth. the first horse created by Poseidon.

Harpalyce Class. Myth. 1. daughter of Clymenus of Arcadia, by whom she bore a child: he slew her upon discovering that she had killed the child and had fed it to him. 2. a huntress killed by shepherds upon whose flocks she had preyed.

Nautes ( in the Aeneid ) an aged Trojan, taught by Pallas Athena and noted for his wisdom. who advised Aeneas during the journey from Troy.

Thymoetes Class. Myth. 1. a Trojan elder who counseled Priam and suggested that the Trojan Horse be brought into the city. 2. an Athenian king who gained the throne by killing his brother.

Sthenelaus ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan warrior killed by Patroclus.

Ctesippus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Hercules. 2. ( in the Odyssey ) one of Penelope's suitors.

Hiera Class. Myth. the beautiful wife of Telephus, sometimes described as a daughter of Priam, who was slain by Nireus in the Trojan War.

Saturday, June 5, 2021


Ismarus Class. Myth. a city of the Cicones, plundered by Odysseus on his return from Troy.

Cleone Class. Myth. a daughter of Asopus.

Oeonus Class. Myth. a relative of Hercules who was beaten to death by the owners of a dog he killed in self-defense.

Amymone Class. Myth. one of the daughters of Danaus and mother of Nauplius by Poseidon. 

Gargaphia, Vale of Class. Myth. the place where Actaeon was torn apart by his hounds.

Cipus, Genucius Class. Myth. a praetor who, having heard a prophecy, while away from Rome, that he would be made king when he returned, remained perminantly away from the city in order to preserve the republican form of government.

Hypsistus Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "most high."

Astrabacus Class. Myth. a Spartan prince who, with Aloepecus, found the wooden image of Artemis that Orestes had hidden in a willow thicket.

Centimani an ancient Roman name for the Hecatoncheires.

Amber Islands ( in ancient geography ) a name given by the Greeks in later times to the islands in the North Sea. Cf. Electrides, Glessariae.

Oeno Class. Myth. a daughter of Anius who was empowered by Dionysus to change anything into wine.

Thestius Class. Myth. an Aetolian king fathered by Ares.

Alcidice Class. Myth. the wife of Salmoneus and the mother of Tyro.

Curtius 2. Marcus, Class. Myth. a young Roman who, on learning that a sacrificial victim was needed to close a crevice formed in the floor of the Roman Forum, voluntarily plunged himself and his horse into it.

Lochia Class. Myth. Artemis: so called because she protected women in childbirth. [<Gk Locheía, substantive use of fem. of locheíos of, belonging to childbirth ]

Hegeleos Class. Myth. a son of Tyrsenus.

Damysus Class. Myth. one of the Gigantes.

Alcis Class. Myth. a daughter of Antipoenus, who, with her sister, Androclea, gladly committed suicide to insure a victory against the attacking Erginus, king of the Minyans.

Scephrus Class. Myth. a son of Tegeates who wa murdered by his brother, Limon.

Areus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Bias and Pero who, with his brothers, Leodocus and Talaus, became an Argonaut. 2. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "warlike." Also, Areius.

Myrina ( in the Iliad ) the wife of Dardanus.

Selemnus Class. Myth. 1. a shepherd who died of unrequited love for the sea nymph Argyra and was turned into a river by Aphrodite. 2. a river which enabled those who bathed in it to forget hopeless passions.

Archias Class. Myth. a descendant of Hercules who was the founder of the city of Syracuse in Sicily.

Xenia 2. Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "hospitable."

Balius ( in the Iliad ) one of the two immortal horses of Achilles.

Cteatus ( in the Iliad ) a son of Actor and Molione. Cf. Molionidae.

Ancius Class. Myth. a centaur.

Hyrmina Class. Myth. a granddaughter of Endymion and mother, by Phorbas, of Actor.

Enalus Class. Myth. a youth who leaped into the sea because he was grief-stricken by the impeding sacrifice of his love, Phineis: he was carried to safety on the back of a dolphin.

Dascylus Class. Myth. a member of the Argonauts and son of Lycus.

Pero Class. Myth. a daughter of Neleus and Chloris who was given in marriage to Bias when he presented Neleus with the cattle of Phylacus.

Asphalius Class. Myth. Poseidon: so called because of his power to insure the safety of ships and harbors.

Trochilus Class. Myth. a priest of the mysteries at Argos and father of Eubuleus and Triptolemus.

Carnus Class. Myth. a seer of Apollo who was murdered by one of the Heraclidae invading Peloponnesus.

Eriboea Class. Myth. a wife of Aloeus.

Oxylus Class. Myth. an exiled Aetolian who, upon returning home on a one-eyed mule, was chosen by the Heraclidae to lead their invasion of the Peloponnesus. They believed him to be the three-eyed man who, according to an oracle, would lead them.

Planctae Class. Myth. rocks forming a group said to shift in the sea as as to be a menace to navigation, sometimes identified with the Clashing Rocks. [<L, fem. pl. n. use of planctus, ptp. of plangere to strike, beat, lament ]

Aella Class. Myth. an Amazon, noted for her swiftness , who was slain by Hercules.

Cleodaeus Class. Myth. the grandson of Hercules and the ancestor of many renowned Spartans.

Pylaemenes ( in the Iliad ) a king of the Paphlagonians, slain by Menelaus in the Trojan War.

Thermasia Class. Myth. an epithet of Demeter, meaning "warmth."

Halitherses ( in the Odyssey ) an Ithacan seer who predicted the return of Odysseus and his slaughtering of Penelope's suitors.

Tmolus Class. Myth. a Lydian king killed by a wild bull after having ravished a maiden in the temple of Artemis.

Myles 1. Class. Myth. a Laconian king, believed to have invented the waterpowered grain mill. 2. Also, Miles. a boy's given name.

Acessamenus ( in the Iliad ) a Thracian king.

Symaethis Class. Myth. a sea nymph, the mother, by Faunus, of Aeis.

Daira Class. Myth. a daughter of Oceanus.

Charops Class. Myth. an epithet of Hercules, meaning "with bright eyes."

Ischepolis Class. Myth. a son of Alcathous who was killed on the Calydonian Boar Hunt.

Orthia Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "upright," in reference to an image of the goddess held upright by willow tendrils.

Philoetius ( in the Odyssey ) a cowherd of Odysseus who remained loyal to his master and helped him kill the suitors of Penelope.

Caryatis Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "of the walnut tree."

Agathon 2. ( in the Iliad ) one of the 50 sons of Priam.

Cosmetes Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "orderer."

Chlidanope Class. Myth. a naiad.

Hyrnetho Class. Myth. a daughter of Temenus and a granddaughter of Aristomachus. Cf. Deiphontes.

Thriambus Class. Myth. an epithet of Dionysus.

Arisbe Class. Myth. 1. the wife of Priam and then of Hyrtacus, to whom she was given by Priam. 2. the daughter of Teucer and the wife of Dardanus.

Teuthis Class. Myth. an Arcadian general who wounded the disguised Athena while she was trying to effect a reconciliation between him and Agamemnon: he was punished with disease and a pestilence on his fields. Also called Ornytus.

Everes Class. Myth. the father of Tiresias.

Orthaea Class. Myth. a daughter of Hyacinthus.

Carneus Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, alluding to the cornel trees in his sacred grove.

Doritis Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning "bountiful."

Aenius ( in the Iliad ) a Paeonian ally of the Trojans who was slain by Achilles.

Pyreneus Class. Myth. a king who offered shelter to the Muses, and then tried to assault them. Driven mad for his arrogance, he jumped from a tower to his death. Also, Pyrenaeus.

Ocnus 1. Class. Myth. the personification of unavailing effort, often depicted endlessly plaiting a straw rope which his donkey eats as fast as he makes it. 2. Rom. Legend. the son of the Tuscan river god and the seeress Manto who founded the town of Mantua.

Arnaeus ( in the Odyssey ) a beggar who ran errands for the suitors of Penelope. Also called Irus.

Cedalion Class. Myth. a smith at the forge of Hephaestus who was forced to serve as a guide for the blinded Orion.

Phyxius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "god of escape."

Glessariae Class. Myth. the Amber Islands.

Brizo an ancient Greek goddess of sailors, noted for prophesying through dreams: she was worshiped mainly by women.

Stichius ( in the Iliad ) a captain of Athenian forces in the Trojan War, slain by Hector.

Hypercheiria Class. Myth. an epithet of Hera, meaning, "protectress."

Virtus the ancient Roman personification of courage.

Thessalus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Hercules and Chalciope who became king of Thessaly. 2. a son of Jason and Medea.

Cyane Class. Myth. 1. a princess who was violated by her father, who did not recognize her. 2. a nymph who unsuccessfully attempted to keep Hades from taking Persephone to the underworld.

Iardanus Class. Myth. a Lydian king who was the father of Omphale.

Anchesmius Class. Myth. Zeus: so called because of a shrine to him on Mount Anchesmus, near Athens.

Perilaus Class. Myth. a son of Icarius who demanded vengeance for the murder of his cousin, Clytemnestra.

Scamander 1. ancient name of the river Menderes. 2. Class. Myth. Also called Xanthus. the god of the river Scamander, a son of Oceanus and Tethys.

Molossus Class. Myth. the son of Neoptolemus and Andromache.

Chalinitis Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena meaning "bridler," referring to her invention of the bridle.

Pylaeus ( in the Iliad ) a captain of the Pelasgian allies of Troy.

Arsippe Class. Myth. a daughter of Minyas who was driven mad for mocking Dionysus.

Catharsius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "purifier."

Rhigmus ( in the Iliad ) a Thracian ally of the Trojans, slain by Achilles.

Aetna 1. Class. Myth. a Sicilian nymph.

Telephus Class. Myth. a son of Hercules and Auge who became king of Mysia and who charted the course that the Greeks followed to Troy.

Phereclus ( in the Iliad ) a son of Tecton who was endowed by Athena with great skill as an artisan, and who built the fleet of ships in which Paris sailed with Helen to Troy.

Schoenius Class. Myth. a Boeotian sometimes described as the father of Atalanta.

Rhodus Class. Myth. a son of Aphrodite and Poseidon.

Gorgythion ( in the Iliad ) a son of Priam slain in the Trojan War by Teucer.

Egesta Class. Myth. ( in the Aeneid ) a Trojan woman sold as a slave by Laomedon but rescued by Aphrodite. Also, Aegesta, Segesta.

Scylaeus Class. Myth. a Lycian ally of the Trojans who, on his return home from the Trojan War, was stoned to death by the Lycian women when he told them that their husbands and sons had been slain.

Hippocurius Class. Myth. an epithet of Poseidon, meaning "horse-tending."

Arsinoë Class. Myth. 1. the wife of Alcmaeon, who continued to love her husband even though he was unfaithful. 2. the nurse of Orestes. 3. a daughter of Leucippus and Philodice.

Robigo an ancient Roman goddess who protected grain from blight.

Pyraechmes ( in the Iliad ) a captain of the Paeonian allies of Troy.

Capys Class. Myth. 1. a Trojan who cautioned his countrymen against bringing the Trojan Horse into the city: he fled Troy with Aeneas and later founded the city of Capua. 2. the father of Anchises and the grandfather of Aeneas.

Moeragetes Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "guide of the Fates."

Ochimus Class. Myth. a king of Rhodes who was one of the seven sons of Helius, the husband of the nymph Hegetoria and the father of Cydippe.

Hegemone Class. Myth. one of the Graces worshiped at Athens.

Taranis an ancient thunder-god, sometimes identified by the Romans with Jupiter.

Noëmon ( in the Odyssey ) an Ithacan inspired by Athena to supply Telemachus with a ship to search for Odysseus.

Philia Class. Myth. a nymph of Daxos who watched the infant Dionysus.

Phrontis Class. Myth. 1. a son of Phrixus and Chalciope. 2. the wife of Panthous of Troy.

Telephassa Class. Myth. the wife of Agenor and the mother of many children, among them Cadmus and Europa.

Gallus Class. Myth. a priest of Cybele who established the practice of having eunuchs serve the goddess.

Schedius ( in the Iliad ) a son of Iphitus and Hippolyte who was one of the suitors of Helen.

Ophthalmitis Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena meaning "of the eye."

Saturday, May 22, 2021


Charontissa [ NGr.] In modern Greek folklore, the wife of Charus.

Lover's Leap a Cape Ducato, the promontory from which Sappho is fabled to have thrown herself into the sea for love of Phaon.

Amphionic adj. Of, like, or pertaining to, Amphion, or his music.

hero [L. heros ( pl. heroes ), fr. Gr. hērōs; akin to L. servare to protect. See SERVE.] 1. Myth & Relig. a A man, esp. a warrior, of the Greek epic or heroic age. b A man honored after death by public worship, because of exceptional service to mankind, and usually held to be in part at least of divine descent. Cf. CULTURE HERO; DEMIGOD.

Paeonian adj. [L. Paeonius, Gr. Paionios.] Gr. Antiq. Pertaining to Apollo as god of healing, hence, medical.

Skidbladnir Scand. Myth. the huge ship, made by two dwarves for Frey, that always had a favoring wind.

Vidar Scand. Myth. a son of Odin, who will survive Ragnarok after killing Fenrir.

Muspellsheim. Also Muspelheim [ON. Mūspells-heimr.] Norse Myth. One of the Nine Worlds, generally viewed as in the south. Its forces are against the gods at Ragnarok.

Gleipnir Scand. Myth. a bond with magic properties, forged by elves, and used by the gods to bind Loke. [< ON, perh. deriv. of gleipa to scorn, sneer.]

Sigrdrifa ( in the Elder Edda ) a Valkyrie who, for disobedience to Odin, sleeps with a circle of fire until awakened by Sigurd. Cf. Brynhild.

Hymir [ON. Hȳmir.] Norse Myth. A giant, personifying the inhospitable sea.

earth-god a A deity concerned with vegetation and fertility. b Sometimes, a chthonian deity. c An earth spirit.

Sabazios [L. Sabazius, fr. Gr. Sabazios.] Gr. & Rom. Relig. a god of Phrygian origin, often identified with Dionysus. His orgiastic cult was closely associated with the worship of snakes.  Sabazian, adj. ─ Sabazianism, n.

Galathe In medieval romance and in Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida, Hector's horse, a gift of the fairy Morgana.

Sigyn Scand. Myth. wife of Loki, who held a cup over Loki after his imprisonment in order to spare him the pain of the drops of poison with which he was punished.

Sigmund [ON. Sigmundr.] 1. In the Volsunga Saga, a Volsung, father of Sigurd, the counterpart of Siegmund in the King of the Nibelung. 2. Masculine proper name.

nebris [L., fr. Gr. nebris, fr. nebros fawn.] A fawnskin, worn in classic art by Dionysus, Silenus, satyrs, etc.

Egil, Egill In Norse mythology, brother of Völund ( Wayland the Smith ) and hero of the oldest form of the Wilhelm Tell story. See TELL, WILHELM.

Sleipnir Scand. Myth. the eight-legged horse of Odin. Also, Sleipner.

Charus, Charos [NL., fr. NGr. Charos, fr. Gr. Charōn.] In modern Greek folklore, the personification of death. See CHARON.

Gjallarhorn Scand. Myth. Heimdall's horn, used to warn the gods of Ragnarok. [ON, equiv. to glallar, gen. sing. of glov noise, din. ( cf. glalla to resound loudly, scream; c OE g(i)ellan to YELL ) + horn HORN]

Naglfar [ON.] Norse Myth. The ship, built from the nails of the dead, in which the forces of Hel advance on the Aesir at Ragnarok.

Ginnungagap Scand. Myth. a primordial void, filled with mists, existing between Niflheim and Muspelheim. [<ON, perh. lit., magical gap]

Einherjar [ON.] Norse. Myth. The heroes in Valhalla ( which see ).

Pantheian adj. [ See PANTHEON ] Common to all gods.

Vigrid Scand. Myth. the field in which the last battle between the gods and their enemies is destined to be fought at the time of Ragnarok. [<ON Vīgrīthr, equiv. to vīg battle + rīthr, deriv. of ritha to RIDE.]

Angerbotha, Angerboda, Angerbodha Norse Myth. A giantess of Jotunheim, mother, by Loki, of the wolf Fenrir, the Midgard serpent, and Hel, goddess of the dead.

Men [Gr. Mēn.] Gr. & Roman Relig. A Phrygian lunar god, possessing great powers not only in the celestial world but in the lower world of the dead. In art he is usually represented with a crescent moon.

Nine Worlds In Norse cosmology, the divisions of the universe, viz., Asgard, Midgard, Jotunheim, Muspellheim, and Niflheim, and possibly Alfheim, Svartalfheim, Vanaheim, and Hel. See YGGDRASIL.

Acarnan Class. Myth. an infant who, with his brother, was enabled by Zeus to grow to manhood in a single day in order to avenge his father's murder. Cf. Amphoterus.

Orneus Class. Myth. a son of King Erechtheus who, with his brother Metion, drove another brother, Cecrops, heir apparent to the throne, out of Athens.

Biadice Class. Myth. the wife of Cretheus.

Carmanor Class. Myth. The Cretan king who purified Artemis and Apollo after they killed Python.

Attis, Atys [L., fr. Gr. Attis, Atys.] Gr. & Rom. Relig. A Phrygian god of vegetation and young life, the counterpart of Semitic Adonis. He was beloved of the goddess Cybele. According to one story he was, like Adonis, slain by a boar; according to another he died from loss of blood following self-mutilation. From his blood sprang violets. His death and resurrection were annually celebrated at a spring festival. See CYBELE.

love god a cupid.

Styx [L., fr. Gr. Styx, Stygos; akin to Gr. styx ( in pl.) frost, cold, stygien to hate, fear.] Gr. Myth. The principal river of the lower world, which, according to some accounts, flowed round it seven times and had to be crossed in passing to the regions of the dead; also, the nymph of the river, daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, by whom the most solemn oaths were sworn. The name was also given to a stream in a wild region of Arcadia, probably closely associated in popular belief with the infernal Styx.

nature deity or god A deification of some natural force or phenomenon; as, Thor is a nature deity.

Asynjur Scand. Myth. the goddesses of the Aesir, led by Frigg.

Ioxus a grandson of Theseus and Periguene.

Mantius Class. Myth. a son of Melampus and the father of Clitus.

Rhoeo Class. Myth. a daughter of Chrysothemis and Staphylus who was set adrift in a chest by her father when he learned that she had been seduced by Apollo.

Emathion Class. Myth. a son of Tithonus and Eos.

Udaeus Class. Myth. one of the Sparti.

Sthenele Class. Myth. a daughter of Acastus sometimes believed to have been the mother of Patroclus by Menoetius.

Artacia ( in the Odyssey ) the spring in the land of the Laestrygones where the daughter of Antiphates met the companions of Odysseus.

Dares Phrygius ( in the Iliad ) a priest of Hephaestus.

Melas Class. Myth. a son of Phrixus and Chalciope.

Butes Class. Myth. 1. a son of Pandion and the brother of Procne, Philomela, and Erechtheus: he was a priest of Athena and of Poseidon. 2. a son of Boreas who was stricken with madness as punishment for having ravished Coronis. 3. an Argonaut who, enticed by the song of the Sirens, leaped into the sea and was rescued by Aphrodite.

Ereuthalion ( in the Iliad ) an Arcadian warrior who was killed in a duel with Nestor.

Iodama Class. Myth. a priestess of Athena who saw the Gorgon's head on the shield of Athena was turned to stone.

Lycophron ( in the Iliad ) a Greek who committed a murder, took sanctuary with Telamonian Ajax, accompanied him to Troy, and was killed there by Hector.

Menesthius ( in the Iliad ) a son of Areïthoüs who assisted the Greeks at Troy and was killed by Paris.

Asphodel Fields Class. Myth. a meadow where the shades of dead heroes wandered sadly.

Propoetides Class. Myth. Cyprian maidens made wanton and later changed into stone for denying the divinity of Aphrodite.

Helicaon Class. Myth. a son of Antenor and Theano and the husband of Laodice. Wounded in the Trojan War, he was spared by the Greeks because he had advised the Trojans to return Helen.

Rumor Class. Myth. the messenger of Zeus.

Demonassa Class. Myth. a daughter of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle, the wife of Thersander, and the mother of Tisamenus.

Maro ( in the Odyssey ) a priest of Apollo spared by Odysseus. In gratitude, he gave Odysseus several casks of powerful wine.

Bunus Class. Myth. the son of Hermes and Aleidamea who raised a temple to Hera at Corinth.

Callipolis Class. Myth. a son of Alcathous.

Cicones Class. Myth. a Thracian people, living on the Aegean coast, whose chief city, Ismarus, was plundered by Odysseus on his return from Troy. Also, Ciconians.

Eioneus Class. Myth. 1. the father of Dia. 2. the father of Rhesus.

Argyra Class. Myth. the nymph of the spring of Argyra, whose love for the handsome Selemnus waned when his youth faded.

Hyrtius ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan ally.

Robigus 1. an ancient Roman god who protected grain from blight. 2. the personification of grain blight.

Bucolion ( in the Iliad ) a son of Laomedon.

Idaea Class. Myth. the second wife of Phineus. 2. a nymph of Mount Ida who became the wife of Scamander and the mother of Teucer.

Caletor ( in the Iliad ) a cousin of Hector, slain by Telamonian Ajax.

Olen Class. Myth. a Lycian poet believed to have originated the singing of hymns in the worship of Apollo at Delphi.

Delphyne Class. Myth. 1. Python. 2. a monster, half woman and half beast, that guarded Zeus during his imprisonment by Typhon.

Cypselus Class. Myth. a son of Aepytus and king of Arcadia. By marrying his daughter to Cresphontes, Cypselus protected his kingdom from the Heraclidae invasion of the Peloponnesus.

Paria Class. Myth. a nymph, the beloved of Minos, who was the mother of Eurydon, Nephalion, Chryses, and Philolaus.

Dascylus Class. Myth. a member of the Argonauts and son of Lycus.

Ismenus Class. Myth. a son of Asopus and Metope.

Galinthias Class. Myth. a handmaid of Alcmene.

Bona Dea [L., the good goddess.] Rom. Relig. An ancient goddess of the fertility of fields and of the fruitfulness and chastity of women. She was sister ( or perh. wife ) of Faunus, and was hence called Fauna. Later she was identified with Damia, a Greek goddess of health, whose worship, like her own, was confined to women.

Thersander Class. Myth. one of the Epigoni who later fought as a Greek ally in the Trojan War.

Munippus Class. Myth. the son of Cilla and Thymoetes who was slain by Priam because of a prophecy that a son of the royal house would cause the fall of Troy.

Alalcomenean Athena Class. Myth. Athena: so called because she was reared by Alalcomeneus.

Car Class. Myth. a son of Phoroneus and Cerdo, sometimes believed to be the founder of Megara.

Delphinus 1. Class. Myth. an intermediary who convinced Amphitrite to marry Poseidon and who was placed among the stars for his success. 2. Astron. the Dolphin, a northern constellation between Aquila and Pegasus. [<L: dolphin ]

Cornophion Class. Myth. Hercules: so called because he dispelled a plague of locusts in Euboea. [<Gk Kornōpíon locust scarer ]

Anthas Class. Myth. a son of Poseidon and Alcyone.

Palilicium Rom. Legend. the Hyades.

Hyllus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Hercules and Deianira who built his father's funeral pyre. 2. a son of Hercules and Melite.

Mesthles ( in the Iliad ) a commander of the Maeonian allies of Troy.

Cillus Class. Myth. the charioteer of Pelops.

Phthia Class. Myth. 1. the mother, by Apollo, of Dorus, Laodocus, and Polypoetes. 2. ( in the Iliad ) the concubine of Amyntor who was seduced by Phoenix, Amyntor's son, at his mother's request.

Diores ( in the Iliad ) a son of Amarynceus who fought against the Trojans.

Iphthime ( in the Odyssey ) a sister of Penelope.

Gelonus Class. Myth. a son of Hercules.

Antia Class. Myth. the wife of Proetus who slandered Bellerophon and demanded his death when he rejected her advances. Also Stheneboea.

Piren Class. Myth. a son of Glaucus believed to have been accidentally killed by his brother Bellerophon. Also, Peiren.

Nicippe Class. Myth. the mother, by King Sthenelus, of Eurystheus.

mother goddess Any goddess personifying the female principle of life and fertility.

Endeïs Class. Myth. the second wife of Aeacus.