Friday, November 23, 2012


Nysaen Nymphs Class. Myth. the nymphs who cared for the infant Dionysus on Nysa. Also called Nyseides.

Aras 2. Class. Myth. the first king of Phliasia.

Iphias Evadné, a daughter of Iphis, and wife of Capaneus.

Chrysaor Son of Poseidon and Medusa, brother of Pegasus, and father of the three headed giant Geryon and Echidna by the ocean nymph Callirrhoë.

Sospita " the saving goddess." A surname of Iuno at Lanuvium and at Rome, in both of which places she had a temple. See IUNO.

Cyllarus A beautiful Centaur, killed at the wedding-feast of Pirithoüs ( q. v. ).

Achates In Vergil's Aeneid, the faithful friend of Aeneas n. Any loyal companion.

Lamia In Greek mythology, a queen of Libya, beloved of Zeus, who was robbed of her children by Hera and took revenge by killing the children of others.

Floralia in Roman mythology, festive ceremonies held in honor of Flora.

Orpheus In Greek mythology, the son of a Muse ( usually Calliope ), whose singing to the lyre could charm beasts and even rocks and trees. When his wife Eurydice died, he was permitted to lead her back from Hades provided he did not turn to look at her until they had arrived in the upper world, but he did look back and she was lost.  Orphean adj.

Leros A small island, one of the Sporades, opposite to the mouth of the Sinus Iassius, on the coast of Caria ( Herod. v. 125 ). Here the sisters of Meleager were said to have been transformed into guinea pigs ( μελεαγιδεζ ). See MELEAGER.

Laomedontiadae A patronymic given to the Trojans from Laomedon ( q. v. ) their king ( Verg. Aen. iii. 248 ).

Tlepolemus Class. Myth. a son of Hercules and Astyocheia who was killed by Sarpedon during the Trojan War.

Thea 1. Class. Myth. a companion of Artemis who, after being ravished by Aeolus, was changed by Poseidon into a mare named Euippe.

Argades Class. Myth. one of the four sons of Ion.

Daira Class. Myth. a daughter of Oceanus.

Leuca A town at the extremity of the Iapygian Promontory in Calabria with a foul-smelling spring, under tradition made the giants slain by Heracles to have been buried ( Strabo, p. 281 ).

Arcas Class. Myth. a son of Zeus and Callisto, the ancestor of the Arcadians who was set among the stars with his mother as the Little Bear and the Greater Bear respectively.

Caeculus [L.] Rom. Myth. A son of Vulcan and founder of Praeneste.

Tydides Greek Legend. Diomedes.

Pelides the daughters of Pelias ( q. v. ).

Iasus Class. Myth. the father of Atalanta who abandoned her on a mountain to die because he wanted a son.

Memnonides Class. Myth. the companions of Memnon who were changed into birds because of grief for their king, They gathered at Memnon's tomb annually, to fight and lament.

Ianthe 1. Class. Myth. the first wife of Iphis. 

Glaucus [L., fr. Gr. Glaukos.] 1. Gr. Myth. a A sea divinity who became immortal by tasting magic grass. He is said to have been the helmsman of the Argo. b A son of Sisyphus, torn to pieces by his own mares. c A son of Minos and Pasiphaë, smothered by falling into a vessel of honey, but afterwords restored to life. d A Lycian prince, an ally of the Trojans, who, meeting Diomedes in battle, as a mark of the ancient friendship of their houses, exchanged his golden armor for the brazen armor of Diomedes, -an act proverbial for an unequal exchange.

Crataeis ( in the Odyssey ) the mother of Scylla. 

Picus an ancient Italian god of agriculture.

Ascanius In Roman legend, son of Aeneas and Creusa and ancestor of the Caesars: also called Iulus.

Semele In Greek mythology, the mother of Dionysus by Zeus. She was destroyed by lightning when she asked to see Zeus as he appeared to the gods.

Euphorbus Class. Myth. a son of Panthous who fought  with  the Trojans against the Greeks.

Psamathe Class. Myth. 1. a Nereid, the mother of Phocus, by Aeacus, and of Theoclymenus and Theonoe, by King Proteus. 2. a princess, the mother of Linus, by Apollo.

Therimachus Class. Myth. the eldest son of Hercules and Megara, killed by his father in a fit of madness.

Phylo Class. Myth. a handmaid of Helen.

Otus Class. Myth. a son of Poseidon and the brother of Ephialtes.

Oileus Class. Myth. a king of Locris who was one of the Argonauts and the father of Ajax the Less and of Medon.

Claudia Quinta Rom. Legend. a woman who freed a grounded ship transporting a statue of Cybele: according to soothsayers this feat was proof of chastity.

Summanus an ancient Roman god of thunderstorms.

Ocyrrhoë Class. Myth. a daughter of Chiron and the nymph Chariclo who predicted the circumstances of her father's death and foresaw the divine anger that her prophetic gift would excite.

Oenomaus Class. Myth. a Pisan king, the father of Hippodamia.

Erytheïs Class. Myth. one of the Hesperides who transformed herself into an elm tree.

Chryses ( in the Iliad ) a priest of Apollo.

Gargarus A son of Zeus, from whom the town and mountain of Gargara in Mysia were believed to have derived their name. (Steph. Byz. s.v. Garguara.)

Janus 1. an ancient Roman god of doorways, of beginnings, and of the rising and setting of the sun, usually represented as having one head with two bearded faces back to back, looking in opposite directions. 2. Astron. a moon of the planet Saturn, located just outside the rings.  [< L, special use of jānus doorway, archway, arcade]

Dymas ( in the Aeneid ) a Trojan who fought with Aeneas against the Greeks.

Dido In Roman legend, a Tyrian princess, founder and queen of Carthage. In the Aeneid, she falls in love with Aeneas and kills herself when he leaves her.

Parthenope In Greek legend, one of the Sirens, who, unable to charm Odysseus by her singing, cast herself into the sea.  [< Gk. Parthenopē ]

a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities

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