Pontus The ancient Roman personification of the sea.
Thaumas In Roman mythology, a sea-god and father of Iris and the Harpies.
Fortuna In Roman mythology, the goddess of chance: identified with the Greek Tyche.
Ultio The Roman goddess of retribution, vengence, and recompense.
Rivalitas In Roman mythology, the goddess of retributive justice or vengence.
Fama The personification of fame and renown.
Lucina In Roman mythology, the goddess presiding over childbirth. [ < L lucina, fem. lucinus bringing to the light < lux, lucis light ]
Electryo An early Roman sun-goddess.
Xarpo The Roman goddess of the fruits of the earth.
Thalette The Roman goddess of spring buds and shoots.
Sosipolis In Roman mythology, a child-god, and protector of the people of Elis.
Nox In Roman mythology, the goddess of night: identified with the Greek Nyx.
Salacia [L.] Rom. Relig. An ancient Italian sea goddess, the consort of Neptune.
Epione In Roman mythology, goddess of soothing pain, and wife of Aesculapius.
Dolores The female spirits of pain and suffering.
Latona In Roman mythology, the mother of Diana and Apollo: identified with the Greek Leto.
Dies The personification of the day.
Silentia In Roman mythology, goddess of quietness, rest, and stillness.
Flora In Roman mythology, the goddess of flowers.
Pax In Roman mythology, the goddess of peace: identified with the Greek Irene.
Tellus In Roman mythology, the goddess of the earth: identified with the Greek Gaea. Also Tellus Mater.
Invidia In Roman mythology, the god of eager rivalry, emulation, envy, and jealousy.
Potestas The Roman personification of power, counterpart of the Greek Cratos.
Vis The Roman personification of force, a translation of the Greek figure Bia.
Suada The Roman personification of persuasion, the Greek Pitho ( πεθώ ), also called by the diminutive name Suadela.
Pothus The Roman god of sexual longing, yearning, and desire.
Parcae In Roman mythology, the three Fates.
Aegaeon In Roman mythology, a sea-god.
Luciferus The god of the morning star.
Justitia the ancient Roman personification of justice.
Furror The personification of rage, frenzy, and madness.
Necessitas A goddess regarded as superior even to the gods themselves, since she represented the Inevitable. At Corinth there was a temple dedicated to Ανάγκη and Βία ( Force), which no one was permitted to enter ( Pausan. ii. 4, 6). Among the Romans her symbol is the nail, as fixing fast the decrees of Fate. See Hor. Carm. i. 35, 17.
Fraus The personificationn of guile, fraud, and deception.
Mena In Roman mythology, the goddesses of the lunar months.
Concordia the ancient Roman goddess of harmony or peace. [< L; see CONCORD ]
Occasio The male spirit of opportunity.
Praxidike [Gr. Praxidikē.] Gr. Relig. 1. Goddess of retribution, sometimes represented as triple. 2. An epithet of Persephone. Cf. NEMESIS.
Magna Mater In Phrygian mythology, the goddess of nature.
Psychai In classical mythology, butterfly-winged nymphs/goddesses who are the progeny of the goddess Psyche and kin to Cupid and his brethren.
Mutinus an ancient Italian god of fertility in marriage, identified in Roman mythology with Priapus. Also, Mutunus.
Eunomia In Greek and Roman mythology, goddess of good order and lawful conduct.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
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