Salmoneus In Greek mythology, a son of Aeolus and king of Elis who was destroyed by thunderbolts for claiming to be the equal of Zeus.
Lepreum A town of Elis in Triphylia, situated forty stadia from the sea ( Herod. iv. 148 ). Its name was derived from Leprea, daughter of Pyrgeus, or from Lepreus, son of Poseidon, and rival of Heracles, by whom he was slain ( Pausan. v. 5,4 ).
Polyphontes Class. Myth. according to some accounts, the brother and murderer of Cresphontes.
Pronuba Class. Myth. an epithet of Juno as goddess of marriage.
Plutus In Greek mythology, the god of riches, blinded by Zeus so that his gifts should be distributed without discrimination. [ < L < Gk. Ploutos < ploutos wealth ]
Lampetia Daughter of Helios ( the sun ) and sister of Phaëthon ( Odyss. xiii.132 ).
Harma A small place in Boeotia, near Tanagra ( Il. ii. 499 ). It got its name traditionally from the chariot ( äμρα ) of Adrastus, which broke down at this place; or, according to others, from the fact that the chariot of Amphiaraüs ( q. v.) was here swallowed up by the earth ( Pausan. ix. 19 § 4 ).
Hymen In Greek mythology, the god of marriage.
Aristaeus Class. Myth. a son of Apollo and Cyrene who was worshipped in various regions and colonies of Greece as the god of beekeeping, winemaking, and other forms of husbandry: responsible for the death of Eurydice.
Atropos Gk. Myth. One of the three Fates, the cutter of the thread of destiny.
Eteocles Class. Myth. a son of Oedipus and the brother of Polynices, by whom he was slain. Cf. Seven against Thebes ( def. 1).
Soter [Gr. sōtēr savior, deliverer, preserver.] 1. Gr. Relig. A savior or deliverer; ─ an epithet of Zeus, Poseidon, and other gods. 2. A title of Ptolemy I of Egypt ( 367-285 B. C.).
Plutus In Greek mythology, the god of riches, blinded by Zeus so that his gifts should be distributed without discrimination. [ < L < Gk. Ploutos < ploutos wealth ]
Lampetia Daughter of Helios ( the sun ) and sister of Phaëthon ( Odyss. xiii.132 ).
Harma A small place in Boeotia, near Tanagra ( Il. ii. 499 ). It got its name traditionally from the chariot ( äμρα ) of Adrastus, which broke down at this place; or, according to others, from the fact that the chariot of Amphiaraüs ( q. v.) was here swallowed up by the earth ( Pausan. ix. 19 § 4 ).
Hymen In Greek mythology, the god of marriage.
Aristaeus Class. Myth. a son of Apollo and Cyrene who was worshipped in various regions and colonies of Greece as the god of beekeeping, winemaking, and other forms of husbandry: responsible for the death of Eurydice.
Atropos Gk. Myth. One of the three Fates, the cutter of the thread of destiny.
Eteocles Class. Myth. a son of Oedipus and the brother of Polynices, by whom he was slain. Cf. Seven against Thebes ( def. 1).
Soter [Gr. sōtēr savior, deliverer, preserver.] 1. Gr. Relig. A savior or deliverer; ─ an epithet of Zeus, Poseidon, and other gods. 2. A title of Ptolemy I of Egypt ( 367-285 B. C.).
Castalides [L., fr. Gr. Kastalidai.] Gr. Myth. The Muses.
Asia A daughter of Oceanus and Tethys, wife of Iapetus, and mother of Atlas, Epimetheus, and Prometheus ( Hes. Theog. 35). The name of the continent of Asia is traditionally derived from hers.
Deucalion In Greek mythology, a son of Prometheus who, with his wife Pyrrha, was the only survivor of a deluge sent to punish the world's wickedness.
Admetus Class. Myth. a Thessalian king, one of the Argonauts and husband of Alcestis.
Promethean adj.1. Of, pertaining to, or like Prometheus. 2. Creative or life-bringing. ─ n. One who is Promethean in manner or deed.
Damon and Pythias In Roman legend, two devoted friends. Damon served as hostage for the condemned Pythias ( Phintias ) who wished to visit his home before dying.
Damocles In Greek legend, a courtier who overpraised the happiness of the tyrant Dionysius the Elder, and was forced to sit at a banquet under a sword suspended by a single hair that he might know the perilous nature of that happiness. ─ sword of Damocles Any impending calamity. ─ Damoclean adj.
Danaid One of the Danaides.
Geryon In Greek mythology, a winged monster with three bodies: killed by Hercules.
Ilium Latin name of ancient Troy.
Thersites In the Iliad, an ugly and scurrilous Greek soldier in the Trojan War, later killed by Achilles for troublemaking.
Orestes 1. Class. Myth. the son of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra, and the brother of Electra and Iphigenia: he avenged the death of Agamemnon by killing Clytemnestra and her lover, Aegisthus, then was pursued by the Furies until saved by Athena. 2. ( italics ) a tragedy ( 408 B. C. ) by Euripides.
Trojan horse 1. In classical legend, a large, wooden horse, described in Vergil's Aeneid, filled with Greek soldiers and left at the Trojan gates. When it was brought within the walls the soldiers emerged at night and admitted the Greek army, who burned the city: also called wooden horse. 2. A person, device, etc., intended to disrupt or undermine a plan or institution.
Trojan War In Greek legend, the ten year's war waged by the confederated Greeks under their king Agamemnon, against the Trojans to recover Helen, the wife of Menelaus, who had been abducted by Paris; celebrated especially in the Iliad and the Odyssey. See APPLE OF DISCORD.
hamadryad In mythology, a wood nymph fabled to live and die with the tree she inhabited. [ < Gk. hamadryas, -ados < hama together with + drys oak tree ]
Carna A Roman divinity whose name is probably connected with caro, " flesh," for she was regarded as the protector of the physical well-being of man. Her festival was celebrated on June 1, and was believed to have been instituted by Brutus in the first year of the Republic. Ovid confounds this goddess with Cardea ( q.v.). See Macrob. Sat. i. 12.
Aesculapian adj. Relating to Aesculapius or the art of healing. ─ n. A disciple of Aesculapius; Physician. Also spelled Esculapian.
Fountain of Youth A legendary fountain said to have the power of restoring youth; sought by Ponce de Leon and other early explorers in Florida and the West Indies.
Ixion In Greek mythology, a Thessalian king whom Zeus punished for his love for Hera by having him tied to a perpetually revolving wheel in Hades.
Elara Class. Myth. the mother of Tityus.
Ampycides Class. Myth. an epithet of Mopsus, meaning " son of Ampycus."
Curiatii In Roman legend, three brothers killed by the Horatii.
a-1964 Standard College Dictionary
Curiatii In Roman legend, three brothers killed by the Horatii.
a-1964 Standard College Dictionary
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