Cydippe [L., fr. Gr. Kydippē.] 1. Gr.& Rom. Myth. An Athenian maiden at whose feet a lover, Acontius, threw an apple bearing the words "I swear by the sanctuary of Artemis that I will wed Acontius." Having read the words aloud she was held by the goddess as pledged to Acontius.
Erechtheus [L., fr. Gr. Erechtheus, lit., the Render, fr. erechthein to rend, break.] Gr. Myth. A king of Athens, son of Gaea and Hephaestus. He was the reputed founder of the Erechtheum, the founder of the Panathenaea, and the inventor of the four-wheeled chariot. In obediance to an oracle he sacrificed his youngest daughter to save Athens from the Eleusinians. Cf. ERICHTHONIUS.
Taenarus A son of Elatus and Erimede, from whom the promontory and town of Taenarum, in Laconia, were believed to have their name. ( Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. i. 102; comp. Paus. iii. 14.§ 2; Steph. Byz. s.c.)
Lamedon A son of Coronus, and husband of Pheno, by whom he became the father of Zeuxippe. He was the successor of Epopeus in the kingdom of Sicyon. ( Paus. ii. 5, in fin., 6, 2.)
Anadyomené An epithet of Aphrodité ( q.v.)
Polymnestor Class. Myth. a Thracian king who murdered Polydorus and stole the treasure that Priam had given him to guard during the Trojan War.
Cyllene Class. Myth. a nymph who nursed Hermes.
Cerealia 2. in Roman antiquities, festivals in honor of Ceres, the goddess of agriculture.
Phegeus Class. Myth. a king of Psophis who purified Alcmaeon, gave him his daughter Arsinoë in marriage, and later murdered him for betraying her.
Cerealia 2. in Roman antiquities, festivals in honor of Ceres, the goddess of agriculture.
Phegeus Class. Myth. a king of Psophis who purified Alcmaeon, gave him his daughter Arsinoë in marriage, and later murdered him for betraying her.
Fields of Mourning ( in the Aeneid ) a place in the underworld inhabited by the shades of lovers who committed suicide.
Iasion Class. Myth. the twin brother of Dardanus and the founder of the Trojan race.
Boreadae Class. Myth. the descendants of Boreas.
Janus-faced 1. having two faces, one looking forward, one looking backward, as the Roman deity Janus.
Tritonis ( in ancient geography ) a mythical lake near the Mediterranean coast of Libya.
Lavinia Rom. Legend. the daughter of Latinus and second wife of Aeneas. 2. a female given name.
Orion In Greek and Roman mythology, a giant hunter who pursued the Pleiades and was killed by Diana. ─ n. A constellation, containing the bright star Rigel. [ < L< Gk. ]
Apollonian adj.1. Gk. & Rom. Myth. Of or relating to Apollo or his cult. 2. Often apollonian. Clear, harmonious, and restrained.
Postvorta Class. Myth. a nymph of the Camenae having full knowledge of the past. Cf. Antevorta.
Janus-faced 1. having two faces, one looking forward, one looking backward, as the Roman deity Janus.
Tritonis ( in ancient geography ) a mythical lake near the Mediterranean coast of Libya.
Lavinia Rom. Legend. the daughter of Latinus and second wife of Aeneas. 2. a female given name.
Orion In Greek and Roman mythology, a giant hunter who pursued the Pleiades and was killed by Diana. ─ n. A constellation, containing the bright star Rigel. [ < L< Gk. ]
Apollonian adj.1. Gk. & Rom. Myth. Of or relating to Apollo or his cult. 2. Often apollonian. Clear, harmonious, and restrained.
Postvorta Class. Myth. a nymph of the Camenae having full knowledge of the past. Cf. Antevorta.
Mater Turrita Rom. Religion. Cybele.
Alcaids Class. Myth. the descendants of Alcaeus.
Iacchus ( in the Eleusinian mysteries ) a god, usually identified with Dionysus, having Zeus, or sometimes Dionysus, as father, and Demeter, Persephone, or Semele as mother.
Alcaids Class. Myth. the descendants of Alcaeus.
Iacchus ( in the Eleusinian mysteries ) a god, usually identified with Dionysus, having Zeus, or sometimes Dionysus, as father, and Demeter, Persephone, or Semele as mother.
Agrotera Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "the huntress."
Ennomus ( in the Iliad ) an augur who joined the Trojans in the war against the Greeks.
Canthus Class. Myth. one of the Argonauts.
Thymbraeus Class. Myth. one of the twin sons of Laocoön.
Zeuxippe 1. The wife of Pandion, the king of Attica, and mother of Erechtheus, Butes, Procne and Philomela ( Table 11 ). She was the sister-in-law of her own mother, the Naiad Praxithea, who married Erechtheus. 2. The daughter of Lamedon, King of Sicyon ( Table 22 ). She married Sicyon, by whom she had a daughter Chthonophyle. 3. The daughter of Hippocoon. She married Antiphates, the son of Melampus, and by him had two sons: Oecles and Amphalces ( Table 1 ).
Cissaea Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "ivy goddess."
Iphitus Class. Myth. a son of Eurytus, thrown to his death off the walls of Tiryns by Hercules. Also, Iphitos.
Ammonian horn, the Gr. Myth. a A horn of plenty. b A horn-shaped tract of fertile land given by Ammon, king of Libya, to Amalthaea, the mother of Bacchus.
Poliatas Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "keeper of the city."
Tegeates Class. Myth. a son of Lycaon for whom Tegea was named.
Zeuxippe 1. The wife of Pandion, the king of Attica, and mother of Erechtheus, Butes, Procne and Philomela ( Table 11 ). She was the sister-in-law of her own mother, the Naiad Praxithea, who married Erechtheus. 2. The daughter of Lamedon, King of Sicyon ( Table 22 ). She married Sicyon, by whom she had a daughter Chthonophyle. 3. The daughter of Hippocoon. She married Antiphates, the son of Melampus, and by him had two sons: Oecles and Amphalces ( Table 1 ).
Cissaea Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "ivy goddess."
Iphitus Class. Myth. a son of Eurytus, thrown to his death off the walls of Tiryns by Hercules. Also, Iphitos.
Ammonian horn, the Gr. Myth. a A horn of plenty. b A horn-shaped tract of fertile land given by Ammon, king of Libya, to Amalthaea, the mother of Bacchus.
Poliatas Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "keeper of the city."
Tegeates Class. Myth. a son of Lycaon for whom Tegea was named.
Europe 2. Class. Myth. Europa.
Mechaneus Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "contriver."
Ocypete Class. Myth. one of the Harpies.
Ocypete Class. Myth. one of the Harpies.
Delphinius Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "dolphin."
Haliacmon A son of Oceanus and Tethys, was a river god of Macedonia. ( Hes. Theog. 341.; Strab. vii. p. 330.).
Panophaeus The author of all signs and omens; a surname of Zeus ( Il. viii. 250 ).
Aex (1) A rocky island between Telos and Chios, so called from its having the shape of a goat ( cîξ ). (2) The goat Amalthea ( q. v.) that suckled Zeus, and became a constellation under the name of Aex.
Ialmenus The son of Ares and Astyoché and brother of Ascalaphus. He was one of the Argonauts and a suiter of Helen. After the destruction of Troy, he wandered about with his followers, the Orchomenians, and founded colonies in Colchis.
Epopeus [Gr. Epōpeus.] Gr. Myth. The king of Sicyon with whom Antiope found refuge.
Pactolus [L., fr. Gr. Paktōlos.] A river of Lydia in Asia Minor which yielded gold-bearing sand. A Greek legend attributed the gold to Midas, who by bathing in the river was freed from the curse of the golden touch ( See MIDAS).
Alebion Class. Myth. a son of Poseidon who, with his brother Dercynus, was killed by Hercules while attempting to steal the cattle that Hercules had taken from Geryon. Also Albion.
Icaris and Icariotis Names given to Penelopé, as daughter of Icarius.
Aulis An ancient town in Boeotia, on the Gulf of Euboea; traditional site of the embarkation of the Greeks for the Trojan War.
Alexandra 2. Class. Myth. Cassandra ( def. 1).
Antinous In the Odyssey, the most insistant of Penelope's suiters and the first to be slain by Odysseus.
Dolius Class. Myth. 1. ( in the Odyssey ) a slave given to Penelope when she married Odysseus. 2. an epithet of Hermes, meaning "crafty."
Hypseus A son of Peneüs and Creüsa. He was king of the Lapithae ( q.v.) and father of Cyrené.
Melië Class. Myth. a nymph who was the mother, by Poseidon, of Amycus.
Haliacmon A son of Oceanus and Tethys, was a river god of Macedonia. ( Hes. Theog. 341.; Strab. vii. p. 330.).
Panophaeus The author of all signs and omens; a surname of Zeus ( Il. viii. 250 ).
Aex (1) A rocky island between Telos and Chios, so called from its having the shape of a goat ( cîξ ). (2) The goat Amalthea ( q. v.) that suckled Zeus, and became a constellation under the name of Aex.
Ialmenus The son of Ares and Astyoché and brother of Ascalaphus. He was one of the Argonauts and a suiter of Helen. After the destruction of Troy, he wandered about with his followers, the Orchomenians, and founded colonies in Colchis.
Epopeus [Gr. Epōpeus.] Gr. Myth. The king of Sicyon with whom Antiope found refuge.
Pactolus [L., fr. Gr. Paktōlos.] A river of Lydia in Asia Minor which yielded gold-bearing sand. A Greek legend attributed the gold to Midas, who by bathing in the river was freed from the curse of the golden touch ( See MIDAS).
Alebion Class. Myth. a son of Poseidon who, with his brother Dercynus, was killed by Hercules while attempting to steal the cattle that Hercules had taken from Geryon. Also Albion.
Icaris and Icariotis Names given to Penelopé, as daughter of Icarius.
Aulis An ancient town in Boeotia, on the Gulf of Euboea; traditional site of the embarkation of the Greeks for the Trojan War.
Alexandra 2. Class. Myth. Cassandra ( def. 1).
Antinous In the Odyssey, the most insistant of Penelope's suiters and the first to be slain by Odysseus.
Dolius Class. Myth. 1. ( in the Odyssey ) a slave given to Penelope when she married Odysseus. 2. an epithet of Hermes, meaning "crafty."
Hypseus A son of Peneüs and Creüsa. He was king of the Lapithae ( q.v.) and father of Cyrené.
Melië Class. Myth. a nymph who was the mother, by Poseidon, of Amycus.
Pandion the Younger Class. Myth. an Athenian king who was driven out of Athens with his sons and who later reigned in Megara.
Cranaë The island to which Paris first carried Helen from Peloponnesus. Its location is uncertain, but some identify it with Cythera.
Alcon Class. Myth.1. a noted archer who helped Hercules abduct the cattle of Geryon. 2. a Trojan warrior who wounded Odysseus whil trying to seize the body of Achilles and who was later killed by Odysseus.
Icarus In Greek mythology, the son of Daedalus, who, escaping with his father from Crete by means of artificial wings, flew so high that the sun melted the wax that fastened the wings and he fell into the sea and drowned. ─ Icarian adj.
Eucleia A festival celebrated at Corinth in honour of Artemis. It is mentioned only by Xenophon ( Hell. iv. 4 & 2 ), and no particulars are known about it.
Atlantean adj.1. Pertaining to Atlas. 2. Pertaining to Atlantis. Also Atlantian.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
Cranaë The island to which Paris first carried Helen from Peloponnesus. Its location is uncertain, but some identify it with Cythera.
Alcon Class. Myth.1. a noted archer who helped Hercules abduct the cattle of Geryon. 2. a Trojan warrior who wounded Odysseus whil trying to seize the body of Achilles and who was later killed by Odysseus.
Icarus In Greek mythology, the son of Daedalus, who, escaping with his father from Crete by means of artificial wings, flew so high that the sun melted the wax that fastened the wings and he fell into the sea and drowned. ─ Icarian adj.
Eucleia A festival celebrated at Corinth in honour of Artemis. It is mentioned only by Xenophon ( Hell. iv. 4 & 2 ), and no particulars are known about it.
Atlantean adj.1. Pertaining to Atlas. 2. Pertaining to Atlantis. Also Atlantian.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
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