Ossa A mountain in eastern Thessaly, Greece; 6, 490 ft; in Greek mythology, the giant sons of Poseidon attempted to scale Olympus by piling Pelion on Ossa.
Alexiacacus Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning " averter of evil," in reference to his dispelling a plague that afflicted the Athenian forces in the Peloponnesian War.
Icarian Sea In ancient times, the Aegean Sea off the coast of Asia Minor, where Icarus was supposed to have drowned.
Labdacus Class. Myth. a Theban king who was the father of Laius and the grandfather of Oedipus.
thiasus 2. Class. Myth. the group of maenads, satyrs, etc., following Dionysus. [<Gk. thiasos Dionysias revel ]
Polyphides Class. Myth. 1. a seer upon whom Apollo bestowed special gifts. 2. a king of Sicyon who protected Agamemnon and Menelaus after the murder of Atreus.
Aesacus Class. Myth. one of the 50 sons of Priam.
Appias A nymph of the Appian Well in the Forum of Iulius Caesar, near the temple of Venus Genetrix, and surrounded by statues of nymphs called Appiades. ─ a name also given to prostitutes living in that vicinity ( Ovid, A. A. ii. 452 ).
Niflheim In Norse mythology, the world of eternal chill, fog, and darkness; the realm of Hel. Also Nifelheim. [< ON < nifl fog + heimr world ]
Niobe In Greek mythology, the mother whose children were killed by Apollo and Artemis after she had vaunted their superiority to Leto. She was turned by Zeus into a stone from which tears continued to flow.
Antilochus [L., fr. Gr. Antilochus.] A son of Nestor and friend of Achilles, to whom he broke the news of Patroclus's death ( Iliad XVIII ).
Manto Class. Myth. a daughter of Tiresias who, like her father, had prophetic powers.
Appias A nymph of the Appian Well in the Forum of Iulius Caesar, near the temple of Venus Genetrix, and surrounded by statues of nymphs called Appiades. ─ a name also given to prostitutes living in that vicinity ( Ovid, A. A. ii. 452 ).
Niflheim In Norse mythology, the world of eternal chill, fog, and darkness; the realm of Hel. Also Nifelheim. [< ON < nifl fog + heimr world ]
Niobe In Greek mythology, the mother whose children were killed by Apollo and Artemis after she had vaunted their superiority to Leto. She was turned by Zeus into a stone from which tears continued to flow.
Antilochus [L., fr. Gr. Antilochus.] A son of Nestor and friend of Achilles, to whom he broke the news of Patroclus's death ( Iliad XVIII ).
Manto Class. Myth. a daughter of Tiresias who, like her father, had prophetic powers.
Pterelaus Class. Myth. a descendant of Poseidon whose immortality depended upon his preserving a lock of golden hair. Cf. Comaetho ( def. 1. ).
Spelaites Class. Myth. an epithet of Hermes, meaning "of the caves," referring to his advising certain warring generals to hide their women and children in a cave for safety.
Lycurgus 2. Class. Myth. a king of Thrace whose opposition to the worship of Dionysus was punished when, in a fit of madness, he killed Dryas, his son.
Belus [L., fr. Gr. Bēlus.] 1. Class. Myth. a A son of Libya, father of Aegyptus, Danaüs, Cepheus, and Phineus. b A king of Tyre, father of Dido. 2. A legendary king of Assyria, father of Ninus.
Damia Class. Myth. a spirit of fertility.
Alcimedon Class. Myth.1. an Arcadian hero whose daughter, Philao, was seduced by Hercules. 2. ( in the Iliad ) a son of Laerces who was a captain of the Myrmidons under Patroclus.
Leucosia or Leucasia The modern Piana; a small island in the south of the Gulf of Paestum, off the coast of Lucania, said to have been called after one of the Sirens.
Ino Class. Myth. a sea goddess who rescued Odysseus from drowning by giving him a magic veil.
Scilla A town at the NE end of the Strait of Messina, southern Italy, on a small promontory supposed to be the site of the cave of the legendary Scylla.
Timandra Class. Myth. a daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, and the sister of Clytemnestra and Helen: as were her sisters, she was cursed by Aphrodite and fated to become an adulteress.
Naubolus 1. A son of Lernus and the father of Clytoneus, was king of Tanagra in Boeotia. (Apollod. Rhod. i. 135, &c., 208 Orph. Argon. 144. ; Lycoph. 1068.) 2. A son of Ornythus, and father of Iphitus, was king of Phocis. (Hom. Il. ii. 518; Apollod. i. 9. § 16.)
Portunus the ancient Roman god of ports and harbors. Also, Portumnus.
Eleusis In Greek mythology, the son of Hermes.
Palamedes [L., fr. Gr. Palamēdēs.] A hero of the Trojan War ( in post-Homeric poets ) who was slain treacherously by the Greeks, or, accordin to one version, by Odysseus in revenge for Palamedes's detection of his feignec madness.
Talaüs The son of Bias and Pero, and king of Argos. He was married to Lysimaché ( Eurynomé or Lysianassa ), and was father of Adrastus, Parthenopaeus, Pronax, Mecistus, Aristomachus, and Eriphylé. The patronymic Talaionides is given to his sons Adrastus, and Mecistus ( Il. ii. 566 ).
Acestes [L., form of Gr. Aigēstes.] Gr. Myth. A son of a river god and a Trojan woman, who appears in the Aeneid.
goat-god The god Pan.
Agamedes Class. Myth. a son of Erginus who, with his brother Trophonius, built the temple of Apollo at Delphi.
Endymion In Greek mythology, a beautiful youth loved by Selene and granted eternal youth through eternal sleep.
Charybdis In Greek mythology, a monster dwelling in a whirlpool on the Sicilian coast opposite the cave of Scylla; also, the whirlpool. See SCYLLA.
Entellus ( in the Aeneid ) a powerful Sicilian boxer who won a match against Dares.
Belus [L., fr. Gr. Bēlus.] 1. Class. Myth. a A son of Libya, father of Aegyptus, Danaüs, Cepheus, and Phineus. b A king of Tyre, father of Dido. 2. A legendary king of Assyria, father of Ninus.
Damia Class. Myth. a spirit of fertility.
Alcimedon Class. Myth.1. an Arcadian hero whose daughter, Philao, was seduced by Hercules. 2. ( in the Iliad ) a son of Laerces who was a captain of the Myrmidons under Patroclus.
Leucosia or Leucasia The modern Piana; a small island in the south of the Gulf of Paestum, off the coast of Lucania, said to have been called after one of the Sirens.
Ino Class. Myth. a sea goddess who rescued Odysseus from drowning by giving him a magic veil.
Scilla A town at the NE end of the Strait of Messina, southern Italy, on a small promontory supposed to be the site of the cave of the legendary Scylla.
Timandra Class. Myth. a daughter of Tyndareus and Leda, and the sister of Clytemnestra and Helen: as were her sisters, she was cursed by Aphrodite and fated to become an adulteress.
Naubolus 1. A son of Lernus and the father of Clytoneus, was king of Tanagra in Boeotia. (Apollod. Rhod. i. 135, &c., 208 Orph. Argon. 144. ; Lycoph. 1068.) 2. A son of Ornythus, and father of Iphitus, was king of Phocis. (Hom. Il. ii. 518; Apollod. i. 9. § 16.)
Portunus the ancient Roman god of ports and harbors. Also, Portumnus.
Eleusis In Greek mythology, the son of Hermes.
Palamedes [L., fr. Gr. Palamēdēs.] A hero of the Trojan War ( in post-Homeric poets ) who was slain treacherously by the Greeks, or, accordin to one version, by Odysseus in revenge for Palamedes's detection of his feignec madness.
Talaüs The son of Bias and Pero, and king of Argos. He was married to Lysimaché ( Eurynomé or Lysianassa ), and was father of Adrastus, Parthenopaeus, Pronax, Mecistus, Aristomachus, and Eriphylé. The patronymic Talaionides is given to his sons Adrastus, and Mecistus ( Il. ii. 566 ).
Acestes [L., form of Gr. Aigēstes.] Gr. Myth. A son of a river god and a Trojan woman, who appears in the Aeneid.
goat-god The god Pan.
Agamedes Class. Myth. a son of Erginus who, with his brother Trophonius, built the temple of Apollo at Delphi.
Endymion In Greek mythology, a beautiful youth loved by Selene and granted eternal youth through eternal sleep.
Charybdis In Greek mythology, a monster dwelling in a whirlpool on the Sicilian coast opposite the cave of Scylla; also, the whirlpool. See SCYLLA.
Entellus ( in the Aeneid ) a powerful Sicilian boxer who won a match against Dares.
Alopecus Class. Myth. a Spartan prince.
Sisyphean adj.1 Of or pertaining to Sisyphus. 2. Difficult and intermediate: a Sisyphean task.
Aegides A patronymic applied to Theseus, son of Aegeus.
Metis Class. Myth. a Titaness, the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys and the mother of Athena by Zeus. Zeus swallowed Metis, and Athena was born from his head.
Nestor In Greek legend, a king of Pylos and one of the Argonauts, the oldest and wisest Greek chief in the Trojan War. ─ n. Any wise old man.
Midgard serpent Scand. Myth. a serpent, the child of Loki and Angerboda, who lies wrapped around the world, tail in mouth, and destined to kill and to be killed by Thor at Ragnarok; Jormungand.
echidna 2. ( cap.) Class. Myth. a monster, half woman and half serpent, who was the mother of several monsters including the Chinese, the Hydra, the Sphinx, and Cerberus. She was killed by Argus. [<L <Gk échidna viper ]
Hellen [Gr. Hellēn.] a Gr. Myth. The eponymous founder of the Hellenic race. He was a son of Deucalion; his sons, Aeolus and Dorus, were ancestors of the Aeolians and Dorians respectively. A third son, Xuthus, was stepfather of Ion, ancestor of the Ionians. b Var. of HELLEN.
Vica Pota [L., fr. vicere to conquer + potiri to gain power over.] Rom. Relig. A goddess of victory, one of the di indigetes ( see DI ).
Lichas Class. Myth. 1. a herald who in innocence delivered a poisoned robe to Hercules and was turned to stone. 2. a Spartan who sought the bones of Orestes.
Acastus [L., fr. Gr. Akastos.] Gr. Myth. One of the Argonauts, the son of King Pelias of Iolcus.
mormo [Gr. mormō. See FORMIDABLE.] Gr. Myth. An imaginary bugbear; esp., a hideous she-monster with which mothers or nurses frighten children.
favonian adj.1. Of or relating to Favonius. 2. Soft and gentle: a favonian breeze; also, propitious.
Querquetulanae Or Querquctultanae virae, nymphs presiding over the green oak forests, near the porta quequetularia, or quequetulana, were believed to be possessed of prophetic powers. ( Festus, p. 261, ed. Müller; Plin. H. N. xvi. 10, 15. § 37.) It should be observed that the word vira is the feminine of vir, and signifies women. Hence virugo or viryo.
Methymna A daughter of Macar and wife of Lesbus, from whom the town of Methymna derived its name. ( Diod. v. 81; Steph. Byz. s. v.
Nereid In Greek mythology, one of the fifty daughters of Nereus, sea nymphs who attend Poseidon. [< L Nereis, -idis < Gk. Nērēis < Nēreus ]
Tartarus 1. In Greek mythology, the abyss below Hades where Zeus confined the Titans. 2. Hades; hell.
Iolcus An ancient city in Thessaly, NE Greece, near modern Volos; traditionally the home of Jason.
Horatii In Roman legend, three Roman brothers who fought and killed the Curiatii, three brothers from Alba Longa.
Pieria A coastal region of ancient Macedon, at the base of Mount Olympus, legendary birthplace of the nine Muses. ─ Pierian adj.
Amphrysian adj. Of or pert. to the Amphrysus, a river of Thessaly; hence, pert. to Apollo, who fed the herds of Admetus near this river ( See ALCESTIS ).
Cadmeïs An ancient name of Boeotia ( q.v.), and of Thebes ( Hes. Op. 161 ). It is also applied to Semelé ( q.v.).
a-1964 Standard College Dictionary
Sisyphean adj.1 Of or pertaining to Sisyphus. 2. Difficult and intermediate: a Sisyphean task.
Aegides A patronymic applied to Theseus, son of Aegeus.
Metis Class. Myth. a Titaness, the daughter of Oceanus and Tethys and the mother of Athena by Zeus. Zeus swallowed Metis, and Athena was born from his head.
Nestor In Greek legend, a king of Pylos and one of the Argonauts, the oldest and wisest Greek chief in the Trojan War. ─ n. Any wise old man.
Midgard serpent Scand. Myth. a serpent, the child of Loki and Angerboda, who lies wrapped around the world, tail in mouth, and destined to kill and to be killed by Thor at Ragnarok; Jormungand.
echidna 2. ( cap.) Class. Myth. a monster, half woman and half serpent, who was the mother of several monsters including the Chinese, the Hydra, the Sphinx, and Cerberus. She was killed by Argus. [<L <Gk échidna viper ]
Hellen [Gr. Hellēn.] a Gr. Myth. The eponymous founder of the Hellenic race. He was a son of Deucalion; his sons, Aeolus and Dorus, were ancestors of the Aeolians and Dorians respectively. A third son, Xuthus, was stepfather of Ion, ancestor of the Ionians. b Var. of HELLEN.
Vica Pota [L., fr. vicere to conquer + potiri to gain power over.] Rom. Relig. A goddess of victory, one of the di indigetes ( see DI ).
Lichas Class. Myth. 1. a herald who in innocence delivered a poisoned robe to Hercules and was turned to stone. 2. a Spartan who sought the bones of Orestes.
Acastus [L., fr. Gr. Akastos.] Gr. Myth. One of the Argonauts, the son of King Pelias of Iolcus.
mormo [Gr. mormō. See FORMIDABLE.] Gr. Myth. An imaginary bugbear; esp., a hideous she-monster with which mothers or nurses frighten children.
favonian adj.1. Of or relating to Favonius. 2. Soft and gentle: a favonian breeze; also, propitious.
Querquetulanae Or Querquctultanae virae, nymphs presiding over the green oak forests, near the porta quequetularia, or quequetulana, were believed to be possessed of prophetic powers. ( Festus, p. 261, ed. Müller; Plin. H. N. xvi. 10, 15. § 37.) It should be observed that the word vira is the feminine of vir, and signifies women. Hence virugo or viryo.
Methymna A daughter of Macar and wife of Lesbus, from whom the town of Methymna derived its name. ( Diod. v. 81; Steph. Byz. s. v.
Nereid In Greek mythology, one of the fifty daughters of Nereus, sea nymphs who attend Poseidon. [< L Nereis, -idis < Gk. Nērēis < Nēreus ]
Tartarus 1. In Greek mythology, the abyss below Hades where Zeus confined the Titans. 2. Hades; hell.
Iolcus An ancient city in Thessaly, NE Greece, near modern Volos; traditionally the home of Jason.
Horatii In Roman legend, three Roman brothers who fought and killed the Curiatii, three brothers from Alba Longa.
Pieria A coastal region of ancient Macedon, at the base of Mount Olympus, legendary birthplace of the nine Muses. ─ Pierian adj.
Amphrysian adj. Of or pert. to the Amphrysus, a river of Thessaly; hence, pert. to Apollo, who fed the herds of Admetus near this river ( See ALCESTIS ).
Cadmeïs An ancient name of Boeotia ( q.v.), and of Thebes ( Hes. Op. 161 ). It is also applied to Semelé ( q.v.).
a-1964 Standard College Dictionary
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