Teucrian adj.1. Trojan. 2. Of or pertaining to Teucer. ─ n. A Trojan.
Epona [Gallo-Lat., akin to OIr. ech horse. See EQUINE.] Rom. Relig. A goddess of horses, also of mules and assessment, especially honored in Gaul.
Hercules In classical mythology, the son of Alcmene and Zeus, renowned for his great strength and endurance, and for his performance of the twelve gigantic labors imposed upon him by Eurystheus through the enmity of Hera: also Heracles, Alcides. ─ n.1. Any man of great size and strength. 2. A constellation. See CONSTELLATION.
Automedon [L., fr. Gr. Automedōn.] A friend and follower of Achilles, who served as his charioteer.
Delius and Delia Surnames of Apollo and Artemis respectively, from the island of Delos ( q. v. ).
Pandora In Greek mythology, the first woman sent to earth as a punishment to man for Prometheus's theft of the fire. She brought with her a box ( Pandora's box ) containing all human ills, which when she opened the lid, escaped into the world, leaving only hope at the bottom of the box. [< Gk., all-gifted ]
Deo Another name for Demeter; hence her daughter Persephone is called by the patronymic Deoïs and Deoïné ( Callim. Frag. 48 )
Hyades 1. In Greek mythology, five daughters of Atlas whom Zeus set among the stars. 2. Astron A cluster of five stars in the constellation Taurus, shaped like the letter V and considered by ancient astronomers to be a sign of rain when they rose with the sun. Also Hyads. [< L < Gk.,? < hyein to rain ]
Alcmene In Greek mythology, the mother of Hercules by Zeus, who seduced her in the guise of her husband Amphitryon.
Titan 1. In Greek mythology, one of a race of giant gods; children of Uranus and Gaea, who were vanguished and succeeded by the Olympian gods. 2. Helios: so called by some Latin poets. 3. A liquid-fueled intercontinental guided missile of the U.S. Air Force. ─ adj. Titanic. ─ Titaness n. fem.
Eurystheus In Greek legend, a king of Argos who imposed the twelve labors upon Hercules.
Eurydice In Greek mythology, the wife of Orpheus, who after death was permitted to follow her husband out of Hades, provided he did not look back at her. He failed in the test, and she was forced to remain in Hades.
Terminus In Roman mythology, the god of boundaries and landmarks.
nymph 1. In Greek and Roman mythology, any of a class of minor female divinities dwelling in groves, forests, fountains, etc., usually depicted as beautiful maidens.
Chloë. Also Chloe. [L., fr. Gr. Chloē.] 1. Literally, young verdure; an herb; fem. proper name, used often as the name of a shepherdess in pastoral poetry. See DAPHNIS AND CHLOË. 2. Gr. Myth. An epithet of Demeter, as a goddess of the green wheat.4
siren 1. In Greek legend, one of a group of nymphs living on an island, who lured sailors to destruction by their sweet singing. 2. A dangerously fascinating woman.
Polyxo Class. Myth. an old nurse who advised Hypsipyle to welcome the Argonauts and to have them father sons by the Lemnian women, who had killed all the men on their island.
Paeonia Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "healer".
Inuus [L.] Rom. Relig. An early deity of herds and flocks, possibly a form of Faunus. See PAN.
Laverna The Roman goddess of thieves and imposters ( Hor. Epist. i.16, 60 ), from which the Porta Lavernalis derived its name. A grove on the Via Salaria was consecrated to her. See Petron. 140.
Eurytus A skilled archer who was king of Ochelia, and father of Iolé. See HERACLES, p. 792.
Aclemon [Gr. Aklēmōn.] Gr. Myth. One of the Cercopes.
hippocampus 1. In Greek and Roman mythology, a sea monster with the head and forquarters of a horse and the tail of a dolphin. 2. A sea horse ( genus Hippocampus ) . 3. Anat. One of two curved ridges on the floor of each of the lateral verticles of the brain. [< L < Gk. hippos horse + kampos sea monster ] ─ hippocampal adj.
Boreiad [Gr. Borēiadēs, patronymic of Boreas.] Myth. A descendant of Boreas.
Charon In Greek mythology, the ferryman who carried the dead over the river Styx to Hades. ─ n. A ferryman: a humorous use.
Parthenos A virgin: epithet of several Greek goddesses, especially of Athena. [< Gk. ]
onocentaur [LL. onocentaurus, fr Gr. onokentauros a kind of tailless ape, a sort of demon, fr. onos ass + kentauros centaur.] a A fabulous creature like a centaur, but with the body of an ass instead of that of a horse. b As described by Aelian, a kind of ape.
Chimera In Greek mythology, a fire-breathing monster, part lion, part goat, and part serpent, killed by Bellerophon. Also Chimaera. [< L chimaera < Gk. chimaira she-goat ]
Semo Sancus [L.] Rom. Relig. A primitive Italian divinity, identical with Dius Fidius. See FIDES.
Alcestis In Greek mythology, the heroic wife of Admetus; she volunteered to die to save her husband's life but was rescued from Hades by Hercules.
Daphne In Greek mythology, a nymph changed into a laurel tree to escape the pursuit of Apollo.
Oenotrus A son of Lycaon. He was fabled to have passed with a body of followers from Arcadia into southern Italy, and to have given the name of Oenotria to that part of the country where he settled Oenotria ( Verg. Aen. i. 532 ). But see OENOTRIA.
Amphinomus ( in the Odyssey ) Penelope's favorite suiter.
Vulcanian adj.1. Relating to Vulcan or to the art of working in metals. 2. Wrought by Vulcan or by Vulcan's art. Also Vulcanic.
Lachesis Gk. Myth. One of the three Fates, the measurer of the thread of destiny.
Neptunian adj.1. Of or pertaining to Neptune or his domain, the sea. 2. Of or pertaining to the planet Neptune. 3. Geol. Of or pertaining to a theory that the principle rock features of the earth were determined by water: distinguished from Plutonic. ─ Neptunist adj. & n.
Cynthus, Mount A mountain in Delos, Greece, anciently regarded as sacred to Artemis and Apollo.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities, 1964 Standard College Dict.
Inuus [L.] Rom. Relig. An early deity of herds and flocks, possibly a form of Faunus. See PAN.
Laverna The Roman goddess of thieves and imposters ( Hor. Epist. i.16, 60 ), from which the Porta Lavernalis derived its name. A grove on the Via Salaria was consecrated to her. See Petron. 140.
Eurytus A skilled archer who was king of Ochelia, and father of Iolé. See HERACLES, p. 792.
Aclemon [Gr. Aklēmōn.] Gr. Myth. One of the Cercopes.
hippocampus 1. In Greek and Roman mythology, a sea monster with the head and forquarters of a horse and the tail of a dolphin. 2. A sea horse ( genus Hippocampus ) . 3. Anat. One of two curved ridges on the floor of each of the lateral verticles of the brain. [< L < Gk. hippos horse + kampos sea monster ] ─ hippocampal adj.
Boreiad [Gr. Borēiadēs, patronymic of Boreas.] Myth. A descendant of Boreas.
Charon In Greek mythology, the ferryman who carried the dead over the river Styx to Hades. ─ n. A ferryman: a humorous use.
Parthenos A virgin: epithet of several Greek goddesses, especially of Athena. [< Gk. ]
onocentaur [LL. onocentaurus, fr Gr. onokentauros a kind of tailless ape, a sort of demon, fr. onos ass + kentauros centaur.] a A fabulous creature like a centaur, but with the body of an ass instead of that of a horse. b As described by Aelian, a kind of ape.
Chimera In Greek mythology, a fire-breathing monster, part lion, part goat, and part serpent, killed by Bellerophon. Also Chimaera. [< L chimaera < Gk. chimaira she-goat ]
Semo Sancus [L.] Rom. Relig. A primitive Italian divinity, identical with Dius Fidius. See FIDES.
Alcestis In Greek mythology, the heroic wife of Admetus; she volunteered to die to save her husband's life but was rescued from Hades by Hercules.
Daphne In Greek mythology, a nymph changed into a laurel tree to escape the pursuit of Apollo.
Oenotrus A son of Lycaon. He was fabled to have passed with a body of followers from Arcadia into southern Italy, and to have given the name of Oenotria to that part of the country where he settled Oenotria ( Verg. Aen. i. 532 ). But see OENOTRIA.
Amphinomus ( in the Odyssey ) Penelope's favorite suiter.
Vulcanian adj.1. Relating to Vulcan or to the art of working in metals. 2. Wrought by Vulcan or by Vulcan's art. Also Vulcanic.
Lachesis Gk. Myth. One of the three Fates, the measurer of the thread of destiny.
Neptunian adj.1. Of or pertaining to Neptune or his domain, the sea. 2. Of or pertaining to the planet Neptune. 3. Geol. Of or pertaining to a theory that the principle rock features of the earth were determined by water: distinguished from Plutonic. ─ Neptunist adj. & n.
Cynthus, Mount A mountain in Delos, Greece, anciently regarded as sacred to Artemis and Apollo.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities, 1964 Standard College Dict.
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