Thaumas Class. Myth.the father of the Harpies.
Tyche In Greek mythology, the goddess of chance: identified with the Roman Fortuna.
Poena The Greek goddess of retribution, vengence, and recommence.
Nemesis In Greek mythology, the goddess of retributive justice or vengence. [< NEMESIS ]
Hespera The Greek goddess of the dusk.
Pheme The Greek goddess of fame, rumour, and report.
Eileithyia the ancient Greek goddess of childbirth, identified by the Romans with Lucina. Also, Ilithyia.
Alectrona In Greek mythology, an early sun-goddess.
Carpo an ancient Greek goddess of summer fruit, considered by Athenians as one of the Horae.
Thallo In Greek mythology, the goddess of spring buds and shoots.
Sosipolis In Greek mythology, a child-god, son of Ilithyia, the goddess of childbirth, and protector of the people of Elis.
Nyx In Greek mythology, the goddess of night: identified with the Roman Nox.
Amphitrite In Greek mythology, one of the Nereids, wife of Poseidon and goddess of the sea.
Epione Class. Myth. the wife of Asclepius.
Algaea the female spirits of pain and suffering.
Leto In Greek mythology, the mother of Apollo and Artemis by Zeus: identified with the Roman Latona.
Hemera Class. Myth. a daughter of Erebus and Nyx who is sometimes identified with Eos.
Hesychia In Greek mythology, goddess of quietness, stillness, rest, etc, and daughter of the goddess Dike.
Chloris the Greek goddess of springtime and flowers, equivalent to Flora in Roman mythology.
Irene In Greek mythology, the goddess of peace, daughter of Zeus and Themis: identified with the Roman Pax.
Gaea In Greek mythology, the goddess of earth, mother and wife of Uranus and mother of the Titans, etc.: identified with the Roman Tellus: also called Gaia, Ge. [< Gk. Gaia Earth ]
Aeolus 1. In Greek mythology, the god of the winds. 2. In Greek legend, a Thessalian king: son of Hellen and ancestor of the Aeolians.
Zelos the ancient Greek personification of zeal or emulation: the son of Pallas and Styx and the brother of Bia, Cratus, and Nike.
Cratos The personification of strength, is ascribed as a son of Pallas and Styx. ( Hes. Theog. 385; Aeschyl. Prom. init. ; Apollod. i. 2. § 4.)
Bia the ancient Greek personification of force: daughter of Pallas and Styx and sister of Cratus, Nike, and Zelos.
Peitho [Gr. Peithō.] Gr. Relig. A goddess who is the personification of persuasion, especially in love. She is frequently an attendant of Aphrodite, and sometimes identified with her.
Pothos [Gr.] Class. Myth. a companion of Aphrodite, regarded as the personification of desire and longing.
Moerae Class. Myth. the Fates.
Aegaeus In Greek mythology, an ancient sea-god.
Eosphorus In Greek mythology, god of the morning.
Themis In Greek mythology, a goddess of law and justice, daughter of Uranus and Gaea. [< Gk., law ]
Lyssa In Greek mythology, the personification of rage, fury, madness, frenzy, etc.
Ananke [Gr. anankē.] Gr. Relig. A personification of compelling necessity, or ultimate fate, which to even the gods must yield.
Apate The female spirit of deceit, guile, fraud, and deception.
Pistis The female spirit of truth, honesty, and good faith.
Menae In Greek mythology, goddess who preside over the luner months, and daughters of Endymion and Selene.
Harmonia in Greek mythology, the daughter of Aphrodite and Ares, and wife of Cadmus: she presided over harmony and order.
Caerus In Greek mythology, the personification of opportunity and favorable moments.
Dice Greek Mythology. the daughter of Zeus and Themis. She represented justice. Also, Dike. [< Greek Díkē ( originally ) judgement; legal rights ]
Cybele In Phrygian mythology, the goddess of nature: identified with the Greek Rhea: also Great Mother.
Psychai In Greek and Roman mythology, butterfly-winged nymphs who are the progeny of Psyche, and also kin to Eros and his Erotes.
Priapus In Greek and Roman mythology, the god of male procreative power, son of Dionysus and Aphrodite. [< L < Gk. Priapos]
Eunomia Class. Myth. one of the Horae: the personification of order. (04/10/2015)
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