Amechania In Greek mythology, the personification of helplessness, and want of means, and sister of Penia.
Agon In Greek mythology, the personification of contest, and associated with Zelos.
Penia In Greek mythology, the personification of poverty and need, wife of Poros.
Panacea an ancient Greek goddess of healing.
Iaso ( Ιασώ, from ίάομαί, "to heal "). A personification of recovery from illness, and called the daughter of Aesculapius and sister of Hygiea.
Epidotes The Greek god of purification, and attendant of the Delphian Apollo.
Deimos 1. an ancient personification of terror, son of Ares and Aphrodite. 2. Astron. one of the two moons of Mars.
Phobos 1. Also Phobus. Class. Myth. a son and attendant of Ares and the personification of a fear held to possess armies and cause their defeat. 2. Astron. one of the two moons of Mars. Cf. Deimos.
Hedone In Greek mythology, goddess of pleasure, enjoyment and delight, daughter of Eros and Psyche.
Hybris The female spirit of insolence, violence, arrogance, and wantonness, etc.
Rhea In Greek mythology, the daughter of Uranus and Gaea, wife of her brother, Kronos and mother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia: identified with the Phrygian Cybele and the Roman Ops. See CRONUS.
Inachus In Greek mythology, a river god who became the first king of Argos; father of Io.
Thalassa Class. Myth. the personification of the sea.
Ceto Class. Myth. the mother, by her brother Phorcys, of the Graeae and the Gorgons.
Phobetor A dream-god, son of Morpheus. See SOMNUS.
Horcus The male spirit of oaths, and who inflicted punishment upon perjurers.
Geras The personification of old age, a son of Nyx.
Adicia The female personification of injustice and wrongdoing.
Aceso In Greek mythology, goddess of the healing process.
Doris In Greek mythology, wife of Nereus and mother of the Nereides.
Elpis The female personification and spirit of hope.
Palaemon A Greek sea-god. See MELICERTES.
Phthonus The personification of Envy. Like most spirits who are abstractions, Phthonus has no specific legends attached to him.
Oneiroi In Greek mythology, the dark-winged gods of dreams.
Dysnomia In Greek mythology, a personification of lawlessness and daughter of Eris.
Anicetus 2. Class. Myth. a son of Hercules and Hebe.
Angelia In Greek mythology, goddess of proclamations, messages, and tidings, and daughter of Hermes.
Adrestea [L. Adrastea, Adrastia, fr. Gr. Adrastea.] Gr. Relig. The goddess of inevitable fate, early associated and later identified with Nemesis.
Melinoe In Greek mythology, goddess of ghosts and propitious offerings made to the deceased, sister of Macaria.
Oïzys Class. Myth. a child of Nyx, the personification of pain.
Philotes In Greek mythology, goddess of friendship and affection.
Porus In Greek mythology, the personification of expedience, son of Metis and brother of Athena.
Eucleia In Greek mythology, goddess of good report.
Eupheme In Greek mythology, goddess of acclaim and praise.
Philophrosyne In Greek mythology, goddess of welcome, friendliness, and kindness, daughter of Hephaestus and Aglaia.
Euthenia In Greek mythology, goddess of prosperity.
Hedylogos In Greek mythology, god of sweet talk and flattery, son of Aphrodite.
Pandia In Greek mythology, goddess of the full moon and daughter of Zeus and Selene.
Pherusa In Greek mythology, goddess of substance and farm estates.
Euphorie The Greek goddess of abundance.
Orthosie In Greek mythology, goddess of prosperity.
Furies In classical mythology, the three goddesses, Alecto, Megaera, and Tisiphone, who avenge unpunished crimes: also called Erinyes, Eumenides.
Sokos In Greek mythology, a rustic god of Euboea.
Charites the ancient Greek name for the Graces.
Palici In Greek mythology, a group of rustic gods who presided over the geysers and hot springs of Palacia, Sicily. (04/10/2015)
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