Abas Class. Myth. 1. a son of Celeus and Metanira who was changed into a lizard for mocking Demeter. 2. a king of Argolis and the father of Acrisius and Proetus who was protected from all enemies by a magic shield in his possession. 3. ( in the Iliad ) a son of Eurydamas who was slain by Diomedes in the Trojan War. 4. a youth who was changed into a bird for trying to protect his companion, Diomedes, from the revenge of Aphrodite.
Batia Class. Myth. 1. a nymph. 2. the mother, by Dardanus, of Erichthonius.
Cynurus Class. Myth. a son of Perseus.
Matuta Also Mater Matuta. [L. See MATURE.] Rom. Relig. An ancient Italian goddess of the dawn, and hence of birth, orig. associated with Janus.
Amphius ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan ally.
Matuta Also Mater Matuta. [L. See MATURE.] Rom. Relig. An ancient Italian goddess of the dawn, and hence of birth, orig. associated with Janus.
Amphius ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan ally.
Apemius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning " averter of ills."
Laias A son of Oxylus and Pieria, king of Elis. ( Paus. v. 4 § 4, &c.; comp. AETOLUS. No. 2. ).
Gortys Class. Myth. 1. a son of Rhadamanthus of Crete. 2. a son of Stymphalus.
Laias A son of Oxylus and Pieria, king of Elis. ( Paus. v. 4 § 4, &c.; comp. AETOLUS. No. 2. ).
Gortys Class. Myth. 1. a son of Rhadamanthus of Crete. 2. a son of Stymphalus.
Metope Class. Myth. the wife of Asopus, who bore him many children, among them, Thebe, Aegina, and Salamis.
Pronax The son of Talaüs and Lysimaché and brother of Adrastus and Eriphylé. By some the Nemean Games were said to have been held in his honour.
Ledaea A epithet given to Hermioné, and sometimes to Helen, and others, as related to Leda ( Verg. Aen. iii. 378 ).
Polidalirius The son of Asclepius and Epioné. Like his brother Machaon ( q.v. ), physician to the Greeks before Troy, and a brave warrior besides. He was honoured as a hero at Mount Dria.
Cloanthus Rom. Legend. a companion of Aeneas.
Pronax The son of Talaüs and Lysimaché and brother of Adrastus and Eriphylé. By some the Nemean Games were said to have been held in his honour.
Ledaea A epithet given to Hermioné, and sometimes to Helen, and others, as related to Leda ( Verg. Aen. iii. 378 ).
Polidalirius The son of Asclepius and Epioné. Like his brother Machaon ( q.v. ), physician to the Greeks before Troy, and a brave warrior besides. He was honoured as a hero at Mount Dria.
Cloanthus Rom. Legend. a companion of Aeneas.
Philonis Class. Myth. Chlone.
Junonian pertaining to, or having the characteristics of Juno.
Erysichthon ( Ερυσιχθων ) " Render of the earth." The son of the Thessalian king Triopas, who cut down trees in a grove sacred to Demeter, for which he was punished by the goddess with a fearful hunger, that caused him to devour his own flesh ( Ovid, Met. viii. 738; Callim. Hymn. in Dem. 34 foll ).
Junonian pertaining to, or having the characteristics of Juno.
Erysichthon ( Ερυσιχθων ) " Render of the earth." The son of the Thessalian king Triopas, who cut down trees in a grove sacred to Demeter, for which he was punished by the goddess with a fearful hunger, that caused him to devour his own flesh ( Ovid, Met. viii. 738; Callim. Hymn. in Dem. 34 foll ).
Hesperis Class. Myth. a daughter of Hesperus sometimes believed to be the mother, by Atlas, of the Hesperides.
Aesacus Class. Myth. one of the 50 sons of Priam.
Aesacus Class. Myth. one of the 50 sons of Priam.
Maera Class. Myth. 1. Hecuba, after being changed into a dog for blinding Polymnestor. 2. a daughter of Atlas and the wife of Tegeates. 3. a hound belonging to Icarius.
Elymus A natural son of Anchises and brother of Eryx; one of the Trojans who fled from Troy to Sicily. With the aid of Aeneas they built the towns of Aegesta and Elymé. The Trojans who settled in that part of Sicily called themselves Elymi, after Elymus.
Callianassa one of the daughters of Nereus, mentioned in the Iliad.
Gordian knot 1. A knot supposed to have been tied by Gordius, legendary king of Phrygia, and declared by an oracle to be capable of being undone by the man who should rule Asia. Alexander the Great cut the knot in two with his sword. 2. Any difficulty that can be solved by drastic measures. ― to cut the Gordian knot to solve a problem or difficulty by drastic measures.
Sardus A son of Maceris, and leader of a colony from Libya to Sardinia, which as believed to have derived its name from him. (Paus. x. 17. § 1.)
Aeoliae Insulae A group of islands northeast of Sicily, where Aeolus, the god of the winds, reigned. These islands were also called Hephaestiades or Vulcaniae, because Hephaestus or Vulcan was believed to have his workshop in one of them called Hiera. They were also named Liparenses, from Lipara, the largest of them.
Phaon [L., fr. Gr. Phāon.] In Greek legend, a boatman of Mytilene. Sappho is fabled to have leaped from the Leucadian rock because her love for him was not requited. He is said to have been originally an ugly old man, but to have been given youth and beauty by Aphrodite for not accepting pay when he carried her across the sea.
Hylas [L., fr. Gr. Hylas.] Gr. Myth. A beautiful youth loved by Hercules. He accompanied Hercules on the Argo nautical expedition and was drawn down by the nymphs while drawing water at a Mysia spring.
Ouranos Class. Myth. Uranus ( def. 2).
Tritogenia Class. Myth. Athena: so called because it was said it was near lake Tritonis that she was born from the head of Zeus.
Medus Class. Myth. a son of Medea and Aegeus who fled to Asia with his mother.
Elymus A natural son of Anchises and brother of Eryx; one of the Trojans who fled from Troy to Sicily. With the aid of Aeneas they built the towns of Aegesta and Elymé. The Trojans who settled in that part of Sicily called themselves Elymi, after Elymus.
Callianassa one of the daughters of Nereus, mentioned in the Iliad.
Gordian knot 1. A knot supposed to have been tied by Gordius, legendary king of Phrygia, and declared by an oracle to be capable of being undone by the man who should rule Asia. Alexander the Great cut the knot in two with his sword. 2. Any difficulty that can be solved by drastic measures. ― to cut the Gordian knot to solve a problem or difficulty by drastic measures.
Sardus A son of Maceris, and leader of a colony from Libya to Sardinia, which as believed to have derived its name from him. (Paus. x. 17. § 1.)
Lampedo (1) A Lacedaemonian woman, wife of Archidamas II., king of Sparta, and mother of Agis. She was regarded as being the daughter, wife, sister, and mother of a king. (2) A queen of the Amazons ( Justin, ii. 4 ).
Aeoliae Insulae A group of islands northeast of Sicily, where Aeolus, the god of the winds, reigned. These islands were also called Hephaestiades or Vulcaniae, because Hephaestus or Vulcan was believed to have his workshop in one of them called Hiera. They were also named Liparenses, from Lipara, the largest of them.
Phaon [L., fr. Gr. Phāon.] In Greek legend, a boatman of Mytilene. Sappho is fabled to have leaped from the Leucadian rock because her love for him was not requited. He is said to have been originally an ugly old man, but to have been given youth and beauty by Aphrodite for not accepting pay when he carried her across the sea.
Hylas [L., fr. Gr. Hylas.] Gr. Myth. A beautiful youth loved by Hercules. He accompanied Hercules on the Argo nautical expedition and was drawn down by the nymphs while drawing water at a Mysia spring.
Ouranos Class. Myth. Uranus ( def. 2).
Tritogenia Class. Myth. Athena: so called because it was said it was near lake Tritonis that she was born from the head of Zeus.
Medus Class. Myth. a son of Medea and Aegeus who fled to Asia with his mother.
Lycaeus Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "wolfish."
Pholoë A mountain forming the boundary between Arcadia and Elis; mentioned as one of the abodes of the Centaurs. See PHOLUS.
Aeginetan adj. [L. Aegineta, n., fr. Gr. Aiginētēs.] Of or pert. to Aegina. ─ Aeginetan, n.
Plutonian adj.1. Of or pertaining to Pluto and the lower world. 2. Plutonic ( def. 2. ). [ < L Plutonius < Gk. Ploutonios < Ploutōn Pluto ]
Aeginaea Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "goat-goddess."
Pholoë A mountain forming the boundary between Arcadia and Elis; mentioned as one of the abodes of the Centaurs. See PHOLUS.
Aeginetan adj. [L. Aegineta, n., fr. Gr. Aiginētēs.] Of or pert. to Aegina. ─ Aeginetan, n.
Plutonian adj.1. Of or pertaining to Pluto and the lower world. 2. Plutonic ( def. 2. ). [ < L Plutonius < Gk. Ploutonios < Ploutōn Pluto ]
Aeginaea Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "goat-goddess."
Sthenius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "strong."
bucentaur 2. A mythical monster, half bull and half man. [< Ital. bucentoro, ? < Med. Gk. boukentauros bucentaur < Gk. bous bull + kentauros centaur; def. 1 with ref. to the vessel's figurehead ]
Triopas A son of Poseidon and Canacé, a daughter of Aeolus, or of Helios ( the Sun ) and Rhodos, and the father of Iphimedia and Erysichthon. Hence his son Erysichthon is called Triopeïus, and his granddaughter Mestra or Metra, the daughter of Erysichthon, Triopeïs. He is said to have expelled the Pelasgians from a part of Thessaly, but was himself at last obliged to leave the country, when he went to Caria, in Asia Minor and founded Cnidus, hence called TRIOPIA ( Herod. i, 74; Apollod. i. 7, 4; Diod. v. 56 ). He or his son Erysichthon violated the sacred grove of Demeter, for which he was punished with endless hunger.
Cupid's bow 1. a classical bow Cupid is traditionally pictured as bearing. 2. a line or shape resembling the, esp. the line of the upper lip.
Sirius 1. Astron. the Dog Star, the brightest-appearing star in the heavens, located in the constellation Canis Major. 2. Also, Seirios. Class. Myth. a. the dog of Orion. b. Icarius' faithful dog, who was changed into a star. [1325-75; ME < L Sīrius < Gk Seirios]
Talassio a god invoked at ancient Roman weddings, esp. in epithalamions.
Tros Class. Myth. a son of Erichthonius and the husband of Callirrhoë. The Trojans were named in his honor.
bucentaur 2. A mythical monster, half bull and half man. [< Ital. bucentoro, ? < Med. Gk. boukentauros bucentaur < Gk. bous bull + kentauros centaur; def. 1 with ref. to the vessel's figurehead ]
Triopas A son of Poseidon and Canacé, a daughter of Aeolus, or of Helios ( the Sun ) and Rhodos, and the father of Iphimedia and Erysichthon. Hence his son Erysichthon is called Triopeïus, and his granddaughter Mestra or Metra, the daughter of Erysichthon, Triopeïs. He is said to have expelled the Pelasgians from a part of Thessaly, but was himself at last obliged to leave the country, when he went to Caria, in Asia Minor and founded Cnidus, hence called TRIOPIA ( Herod. i, 74; Apollod. i. 7, 4; Diod. v. 56 ). He or his son Erysichthon violated the sacred grove of Demeter, for which he was punished with endless hunger.
Cupid's bow 1. a classical bow Cupid is traditionally pictured as bearing. 2. a line or shape resembling the, esp. the line of the upper lip.
Sirius 1. Astron. the Dog Star, the brightest-appearing star in the heavens, located in the constellation Canis Major. 2. Also, Seirios. Class. Myth. a. the dog of Orion. b. Icarius' faithful dog, who was changed into a star. [1325-75; ME < L Sīrius < Gk Seirios]
Talassio a god invoked at ancient Roman weddings, esp. in epithalamions.
Tros Class. Myth. a son of Erichthonius and the husband of Callirrhoë. The Trojans were named in his honor.
Argia Class. Myth. 1. a daughter of Oceanus and Tethys. 2. the wife of Polybus and the mother of Argus, builder of the Argo. 3. Aegia. 4. the mother of Eurystheus and Procles.
Pancratis Class. Myth. a daughter of Aloeus and Iphimedia.
Ichthyes The fish of the constellation Pisces. They ferried Aphrodite and Eros to safety when the gods fled from the monster Typhon.
Mariandynus 1. A son of Phineus, Titius, or Phrixus, was the ancestral hero of the Mariandynians in the Bithynia. ( Schol. ad Apollon. ii. 723, 748.) 2. It also occurs as a surname of Bormus. ( Aeschyl. Pers. 938; comp. BORMUS.)
Actaeon In Greek mythology, a hunter who surprised Aremis bathing and was turned by her into a stag and killed by his own hounds.
Moneta 2. ( in Roman religion ) an epithet of Juno.
Hipponoüs The original name of Bellerophon, who changed it on slaying the Corinthian Bellerus.
Praxithea Class. Myth. the wife of King Erechtheus.
Ichthyes The fish of the constellation Pisces. They ferried Aphrodite and Eros to safety when the gods fled from the monster Typhon.
Mariandynus 1. A son of Phineus, Titius, or Phrixus, was the ancestral hero of the Mariandynians in the Bithynia. ( Schol. ad Apollon. ii. 723, 748.) 2. It also occurs as a surname of Bormus. ( Aeschyl. Pers. 938; comp. BORMUS.)
Actaeon In Greek mythology, a hunter who surprised Aremis bathing and was turned by her into a stag and killed by his own hounds.
Moneta 2. ( in Roman religion ) an epithet of Juno.
Hipponoüs The original name of Bellerophon, who changed it on slaying the Corinthian Bellerus.
Praxithea Class. Myth. the wife of King Erechtheus.
Acesius Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "healer."
Proclea Class. Myth. the first wife of Cycnus of Colonae.
Heracles Hercules. Also Herakles. ─ Heraclean adj.
Hippothoön An Attic hero, son of Poseidon and Alopé, daughter or Cercyon. After him one of the Attic tribes was called Hippothoonis. He had a shrine at Athens.
Clusius A surname of Ianus, whose temple was closed ( clusum ) in peace.
Sirenusae Called by Vergil ( Aen. v. 854 ) SIRENUM SCOPULI. Three small uninhabited and rocky islands near the south site of the Promontory Misenum, off the coast of Campania, which were, according to tradition, the abode of the Sirens. See SIRENES.
Adrastus Class. Myth. a king of Argos and leader of the Seven against Thebes. Also, Adrastos.
Carpus A son of Zephyrus and Chloris.
Rhodos, sometimes called Rhodé A daughter of Poseidon and Helia, or of Helios and Amphitrité, or of Poseidon and Amphitrité, or lastly of Oceanus. From her the island of Rhodes is said to have derived its name, and in this island she bore to Helios seven sons ( Pind. Ol. vii.72 ).
Curotrophos " Nurse of children." The title of several Greek goddesses ─ for instance, Gaea ─ who were regareded as protectresses of youth. Cf. Hesiod, Theog. 450; Macrob. Saturn. i.10, 19, 20.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
Heracles Hercules. Also Herakles. ─ Heraclean adj.
Hippothoön An Attic hero, son of Poseidon and Alopé, daughter or Cercyon. After him one of the Attic tribes was called Hippothoonis. He had a shrine at Athens.
Clusius A surname of Ianus, whose temple was closed ( clusum ) in peace.
Sirenusae Called by Vergil ( Aen. v. 854 ) SIRENUM SCOPULI. Three small uninhabited and rocky islands near the south site of the Promontory Misenum, off the coast of Campania, which were, according to tradition, the abode of the Sirens. See SIRENES.
Adrastus Class. Myth. a king of Argos and leader of the Seven against Thebes. Also, Adrastos.
Carpus A son of Zephyrus and Chloris.
Rhodos, sometimes called Rhodé A daughter of Poseidon and Helia, or of Helios and Amphitrité, or of Poseidon and Amphitrité, or lastly of Oceanus. From her the island of Rhodes is said to have derived its name, and in this island she bore to Helios seven sons ( Pind. Ol. vii.72 ).
Curotrophos " Nurse of children." The title of several Greek goddesses ─ for instance, Gaea ─ who were regareded as protectresses of youth. Cf. Hesiod, Theog. 450; Macrob. Saturn. i.10, 19, 20.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
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