Euphrosyne Gk. Myth. One of the three Graces.
Minos In Greek mythology: a A king of Crete, son of Zeus and Europa, who became a judge of the lower world after his death. b His grandson, the husband of Pasiphae. [< Gk. Minōs ]
Atalanta In Greek mythology, a maiden who agreed to marry any suitor who could outrun her in a foot race, the losers being put to death. Hippomenes contrived to beat her by dropping three golden apples which she paused to pick up.
Hero In Greek legend, a priestess of Aphrodite at Sestos, whose lover, Leander, nightly swam the Hellespont from Abydos to join her. Finding him drowned one night, she cast herself into the sea.
Narcissus In Greek mythology, a youth who caused the death of Echo by spurning her love. Nemesis caused him to fall in love with his own image in water and pine away for it until he died and changed into the narcissus.
Rhadamanthus In Greek mythology, son of Zeus and Europa, who was noted for justice during his lifetime, and in the afterworld was made a judge, together with Minos and Aeacus. Also Rhadamanthys. ─ Rhadamanthine adj.
Elysium 1. In Greek mythology, the land of the blessed dead, represented as in Hades, or in the Islands of the Blest in the Western Ocean. Also Elysian Fields. 2. A place or condition of supreme delight; paradis. [< L< Gk. Ēlysion ( pedion ) the Elysian ( field ) ]
Loxias A title given to Apollo as the god of oracles, from the base of λέγειν or perhaps from λόξα.
Amphion In Greek mythology, a son of Zeus and Antiope and husband of Niobe, who with his twin brother Zethus walled Thebes by the music of a magical lyre given him by Hermes.
Tartarean adj. Of or pertaining to Tartarus.
Nessus In Greek legend, a centaur who tried to abduct Deianira and killed by Hercules. A shirt that Deianira dipped in Nessus's blood and was used as a charm to preserve her husband's love killed Hercules when he wore it. [< Gk. Nessos ]
Hippocrene A fountain on Mount Helicon, Greece, said to have sprung from a stroke of the foot of Pegasus, and traditionally sacred to the Muses. [< L< Gk. hippokrēnē < hippos horse + krēnē fountain]
Eumenides The Furies. [< Gk., the kind ones; a euphemistic name ]
Cyllenius An epithet applied to Hermes, from his having been born on Mount Cyllené.
dryad In classical mythology, a nymph dwelling in or presiding over woods and trees. [< L dryas, -adis < Gk.< drys, dryos tree ] ─ dryadic adj.
Helen of Troy In Greek mythology, the beautiful daughter of Zeus and Leda, and the wife of Menelaus, king of Sparta. Her enlopment to Troy with Paris caused the Trojan War.
Leda In Greek mythology, the wife of Tyndareus and mother of Clytemnestra, Castor and Pollux, and Helen, of which the latter three, according to many legends, were fathered by Zeus in the form of a swan.
Cadmean adj. Pertaining to Cadmus.
a-1964 Standard College Dict., 1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
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