Euryale One of the Gorgons.
Hippomedon A son of Aristomachus and Mythidicé, was one of the seven chiefs that went against Thebes. He was by Ismarus, son of Acastus, or by Ismaeus ( Apollod. iii. 6; Aesch. Sept. 490; Pausan. ii. 36 ).
Hermaphroditus In Greek mythology, the son of Hermes and Aphrodite, who became united with the nymph Salmacis in a single body.
Erichtho [L., Gr. Erichthō.] According to Lucan, a Thessalian witch consulted by Pompey; also, a witch mentioned in Ovid.
Jason In Greek legend, a prince of Iolcus who led the Argonauts in search of the Golden Fleece, and who married Medea. [< Gk., healer ]
underworld 1. ( in mythology ) the abode of spirits of the dead under the earth. 2. the part of society habitually engaged in crime.
Sinis Class. Myth. a robber, killed by Theseus, who killed his victims by catapulting them or tearing them apart with pine trees which he bent and then released. Also, Sinnis.
Melanthius ( in the Odyssey ) a goatherd of Odysseus who curried favor with the suitors of Penelope and was quartered and thrown to the dogs when Odysseus returned to Ithaca.
Meter Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning " mother ".
Italus A fabled monarch of early Italy, said to have been the son of Telegonus by Penelope. See Thuc. vi. 2, and ITALIA.
Tartar Obs. Tartarus.
griffin¹ In Greek mythology, a creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion: also griffon, gryphon. [ < OF grifoun < L gryphus < Gk. gryps ]
Erycina Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite. [< Erycina; after Eryx, city in Sicily famous for its temple of Aphrodite; see -INE¹]
Italus A fabled monarch of early Italy, said to have been the son of Telegonus by Penelope. See Thuc. vi. 2, and ITALIA.
Tartar Obs. Tartarus.
griffin¹ In Greek mythology, a creature with the head and wings of an eagle and the body of a lion: also griffon, gryphon. [ < OF grifoun < L gryphus < Gk. gryps ]
Erycina Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite. [< Erycina; after Eryx, city in Sicily famous for its temple of Aphrodite; see -INE¹]
Sancus an ancient Roman god of oaths, hospitality, international affairs, and the safety of roads: sometimes identified with Dius Fidius or with Hercules.
Androclea Class. Myth. a daughter of Antipoenus of Thebes. Cf. Alcis.
Podes ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan warrior killed by Menelaus in the struggle for the corpse of Patroclus.
Norn In Norse mythology, any of the three goddesses of fate.
Laomedonteus An epithet applied to the Trojans from their king Laomedon ( Verg. Aen. iv. 542, vii. 105, viii. 18 ).
Ixios A name applied to Apollo, and derived from a district in Rhodes called Ixiae or Ixia.
gigantomachy 1. In classical mythology, the war of the giants against the gods. 2. Any war of giants. Also gigantomachia. [< Gk. gigantomachia < gigas, -anthos giant + machē battle ]
Antaea Class. Myth. an epithet variously applied to Rhea, Cybele, and Demeter, the goddess to whom men prayed. [< Gk antaia besought with prayers ]
Nausithous Class. Myth. 1. a son of Poseidon and Periboea who became a Phaeacian king. 2. the helmsman of Theseus.
Amyclides Hyacinthus ( q. v.).
Lethe 1. In Greek mythology, a river in the realm of Hades a drink from which produced oblivion. 2. Oblivion; forgetfulness. [< Gk. lēthē oblivion ] ─ Lethean adj.
ancile [L] in Roman antiquity, the sacred shield of Rome, said to have fallen from heaven during the reign of Numa Pompilius.
Midgard In Norse mythology, the earth as the abode of mankind, considered to be encircled by a great serpent: also called Mithgarthr. Also Midgarth. [< ON Mithgarthr < mithr mid + garthr yard, house ]
Iliac adj. Pertaining to Troy ( Ilium ); also, pertaining to the Trojan War. Also Ilian.
Amazonomachia, Amazonomachy [NL. Amazonomachia, fr. Gr. Amazōn Amazon + machē battle.] Gr. Myth. A combat between Amazons and Greeks. Cf. AMAZON, n. 1.
Cypraea [NL., fr. Cypria, a name of Venus. See CYPRIAN.]
Idomeneus In Greek legend, a king of Crete and ally of the Greeks in the Trojan War.
Pandarus Class. Myth. 1. a Trojan who, at the instigation of Athena, attempted to assasinate Menelaus, thereby violating a truce between the Greeks and the Trojans and prolonging the Trojan War: in Chaucerian and other medieval accounts, he is the procurer of Cressida for Troilus. 2. a son of Antenor and a companion of Aeneas.
Tisiphone In Greek mythology, one of the three Furies.
Harpy In Greek mythology, one of several filthy, winged monsters with the head of woman and the tail, legs, and talons of a bird, who fouled or seized the food of their victims, carried off the souls of the dead, etc. [< F Harpie < L Harpyia < Gk. harpazein to seize ]
Lyceum A grove near Athens in which Aristotle taught. [< L< Gk. Lykeion < lykeios, epithet of Apollo ( whose temple was near this grove )]
Elpenor ( in the Odyssey ) a companion of Odysseus who was killed when he fell off the roof of Circe's palace.
Boeotus Class. Myth. a son of Arne and Poseidon, and ancestor of the Boeotians.
Thyestes In Greek legend, a son of Pelops; brother of Atreus. ─ Thyestean adj.
Hippodamia [L., fr. Gr. Hippodameia.] Class. Myth. a Daughter of Oenotrus, who offered her to the suiter who could defeat his horses in a race. She was won by Pelops, for love of wh9m she bribed Myrtilus, her father'said charioteer, to remove a spoke from his charioteer wheel. b Deidamia, the wife of Pirithoüs.
Cloelia [L.] In Roman legend, a maiden who, by swimming the Tiber, escaped Porsena, to whom she had been given as a hostage.
Myrmidon In Greek legend, one of a warlike people of Thessaly, followers of Achilles in the Trojan War. [< L < Gk., pl. Myrmidones ] ─ Myrmidonian adj.
Jupiter Ammon A Roman name for the Egyptian god Amen. Also Jupiter Amen, Jupiter Amon.
Islands of the Blessed In Greek mythology, islands in the Western Ocean, the abode of favorites of the gods after death.
Pyrrha In Greek mythology, the daughter of Epimetheus and wife of Deucalion.
Enosigaeus Class. Myth. an epithet of Poseidon, meaning "earth-shaker".
Agamemnon 1. Class. Myth. a king of Mycenae, a son of Atreus and brother of Menelaus. He led the Greeks in the Trojan War and was killed by Clytemnestra, his wife, upon his return from Troy. 2. ( italics ) a tragedy ( 458 B. C.) by Aeschylus. Cf. Oresteia. [< Gk Agamémon- ( s. of Agamemnon ), < * Agamemnon-, equiv. to aga great + men- ( truncation of MENELAUS , meaning king ) + -mon- suffix used in shortened names ]
Elicius A surname of Iupiter at Rome, because he was invoked to send down lightning ( Ovid, Fast. iii. 328; and cf. Livy, I. 20 ).
Lupa A she-wolf; an animal held in great veneration at Rome, because Romulus and Remus were fabled to have been suckled by one. See ROMULUS.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
Norn In Norse mythology, any of the three goddesses of fate.
Laomedonteus An epithet applied to the Trojans from their king Laomedon ( Verg. Aen. iv. 542, vii. 105, viii. 18 ).
Ixios A name applied to Apollo, and derived from a district in Rhodes called Ixiae or Ixia.
gigantomachy 1. In classical mythology, the war of the giants against the gods. 2. Any war of giants. Also gigantomachia. [< Gk. gigantomachia < gigas, -anthos giant + machē battle ]
Antaea Class. Myth. an epithet variously applied to Rhea, Cybele, and Demeter, the goddess to whom men prayed. [< Gk antaia besought with prayers ]
Nausithous Class. Myth. 1. a son of Poseidon and Periboea who became a Phaeacian king. 2. the helmsman of Theseus.
Amyclides Hyacinthus ( q. v.).
Lethe 1. In Greek mythology, a river in the realm of Hades a drink from which produced oblivion. 2. Oblivion; forgetfulness. [< Gk. lēthē oblivion ] ─ Lethean adj.
ancile [L] in Roman antiquity, the sacred shield of Rome, said to have fallen from heaven during the reign of Numa Pompilius.
Midgard In Norse mythology, the earth as the abode of mankind, considered to be encircled by a great serpent: also called Mithgarthr. Also Midgarth. [< ON Mithgarthr < mithr mid + garthr yard, house ]
Iliac adj. Pertaining to Troy ( Ilium ); also, pertaining to the Trojan War. Also Ilian.
Amazonomachia, Amazonomachy [NL. Amazonomachia, fr. Gr. Amazōn Amazon + machē battle.] Gr. Myth. A combat between Amazons and Greeks. Cf. AMAZON, n. 1.
Cypraea [NL., fr. Cypria, a name of Venus. See CYPRIAN.]
Idomeneus In Greek legend, a king of Crete and ally of the Greeks in the Trojan War.
Pandarus Class. Myth. 1. a Trojan who, at the instigation of Athena, attempted to assasinate Menelaus, thereby violating a truce between the Greeks and the Trojans and prolonging the Trojan War: in Chaucerian and other medieval accounts, he is the procurer of Cressida for Troilus. 2. a son of Antenor and a companion of Aeneas.
Tisiphone In Greek mythology, one of the three Furies.
Harpy In Greek mythology, one of several filthy, winged monsters with the head of woman and the tail, legs, and talons of a bird, who fouled or seized the food of their victims, carried off the souls of the dead, etc. [< F Harpie < L Harpyia < Gk. harpazein to seize ]
Lyceum A grove near Athens in which Aristotle taught. [< L< Gk. Lykeion < lykeios, epithet of Apollo ( whose temple was near this grove )]
Elpenor ( in the Odyssey ) a companion of Odysseus who was killed when he fell off the roof of Circe's palace.
Boeotus Class. Myth. a son of Arne and Poseidon, and ancestor of the Boeotians.
Thyestes In Greek legend, a son of Pelops; brother of Atreus. ─ Thyestean adj.
Hippodamia [L., fr. Gr. Hippodameia.] Class. Myth. a Daughter of Oenotrus, who offered her to the suiter who could defeat his horses in a race. She was won by Pelops, for love of wh9m she bribed Myrtilus, her father'said charioteer, to remove a spoke from his charioteer wheel. b Deidamia, the wife of Pirithoüs.
Cloelia [L.] In Roman legend, a maiden who, by swimming the Tiber, escaped Porsena, to whom she had been given as a hostage.
Myrmidon In Greek legend, one of a warlike people of Thessaly, followers of Achilles in the Trojan War. [< L < Gk., pl. Myrmidones ] ─ Myrmidonian adj.
Jupiter Ammon A Roman name for the Egyptian god Amen. Also Jupiter Amen, Jupiter Amon.
Islands of the Blessed In Greek mythology, islands in the Western Ocean, the abode of favorites of the gods after death.
Pyrrha In Greek mythology, the daughter of Epimetheus and wife of Deucalion.
Enosigaeus Class. Myth. an epithet of Poseidon, meaning "earth-shaker".
Agamemnon 1. Class. Myth. a king of Mycenae, a son of Atreus and brother of Menelaus. He led the Greeks in the Trojan War and was killed by Clytemnestra, his wife, upon his return from Troy. 2. ( italics ) a tragedy ( 458 B. C.) by Aeschylus. Cf. Oresteia. [< Gk Agamémon- ( s. of Agamemnon ), < * Agamemnon-, equiv. to aga great + men- ( truncation of MENELAUS , meaning king ) + -mon- suffix used in shortened names ]
Elicius A surname of Iupiter at Rome, because he was invoked to send down lightning ( Ovid, Fast. iii. 328; and cf. Livy, I. 20 ).
Lupa A she-wolf; an animal held in great veneration at Rome, because Romulus and Remus were fabled to have been suckled by one. See ROMULUS.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
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