Tuesday, April 11, 2017


Ausonia [L.] Italy; so called poetically ( as in Vergil's Aeneid, Xuthus. 54 ) from the lands of the non-Latin tribes, the Ausones, of whom Auson, son of Ulysses, was the fabled progenitor. ─ Ausonian.

Dictys Class. Myth. a fisherman who found the chest in which Danaë and Perseus were cast out to sea.

Carya Class. Myth. a Laconian maiden who was changed into a walnut by Dionysus.

Plisthenes Class. Myth. a son of Atreus and Cleola.

Theophane Class. Myth. a maiden changed into a ewe by Poseidon: she bore him the ram with the Golden Fleece.

Trophonian adj. [L. Trophonius, fr. Trophonius, fr. Gr. Trophonios.] Gr. Relig. Of or pertaining to Trophonius, said to have built the first temple of Apollo at Delphi. He was worshiped after death at a celebrated cave in Boeotia, where inquirers went for purificatory and mystic experience giving knowledge of the future world. The oracle was probably under Orphic influence. Trophonius seems to have been originally an earth-god.

Briareus [L., fr. Gr. Briareōs, fr. briaros strong.] Gr. Myth. A monster of a hundred hands, son of Uranus and Gaea, and represented sometimes as an ally of Zeus, as in Homer, or as an enemy of Zeus, punished by being buried under Aetna. Cf. AEGAEON.

Margarelon A Trjan hero of medieval Troy legend. In Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida he is a valiant bastard son of Priam.

Fortunate Islands Gr. & Rom. Myth. Islands of the Blessed; later applied to the Canary and Madeira Islands.

Calliste 1. The personification of the island of Calliste. She was a daughter of the sea god Triton. 2. A surnameof Artemis, by which she was worshiped at Athens and Tegea. ( Paus. i. 29. § 2, viii. 35. § 7.)

Libitina [L.] Rom. Myth. The goddess of corpses and buriels.

Tisamenus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Orestes and Hermione who ruled in Sparta until he was killed by the invading Heraclidae. 2. a leader of the Boeotians at Troy. 3. a seer whose prophetic powers aided several Spartan victories.

Limenia Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning "of the harbor."

Copreus Class. Myth. the herald of Eurystheus.

Auxesia [Gr. Auxēsia.] Gr. Relig. One of two closely related divinities, the other being Damia ( see BONA DEA ), worshiped in Aegina as earth goddesses and helpers in childbirth. They were akin to and sometimes identified with Demeter and Kore.

Thrasymedes ( in the Iliad ) a son of Nestor who commanded the Greek sentries and fought bravely in the Trojan War.

Helice [L., fr. Gr. Helikē.] Gr. Myth. An Arcadian nymph confused with Callisto, mother by Zeus of the hero Arcas; also, a Cretan nymph, one of the nurses of the infant Zeus. It was told of each that she ws placed in the heavens as the constellation of the Great Bear.

Earthshaker Translation of Greek Enosichthon, an epithet of Zeus and, esp., Poseidon.

Demodocus [L., fr. Gr. Dēmodokos.] 1. In Homer's Odyssey, the bard of Alcinoüs, king of the Phaeacians, whose songs charmed Odysseus. 2. In Vergil's Aeneid, a Trojan chief, friend of Aeneas.

Alectryon [Gr. alektryōn cock.] 1. Gr. Myth. A youth changed by Ares into a cock. Hence, Poetic, a cock.

Thalestris [Gr. Thalēstris.] An Amazon who figures in mythical stories, chiefly medieval, of Alexander the Great.

Pales [L.] Rom. Relig. God or goddess of shepherds and herdsmen. The festival ( Parilia or Palilia ) of this deity, celebrated on April 21, was the occasion of the lustration of the herds, and it included the building of the bonfires ( cf. NEEDFIRE, 1) ovef which men jumped and through which the herds were driven. Latr the Parilia were celebrated as the anniversary of the founding of Rome, probably from confusion of Pales with Palatua, the tutelary deity of the Palatine.

Ogyges Also Ogygos [Gr. ŌgygēsŌgygos.] Gr. Myth. A legendary king of Boeotia or Attica, in whose reign a destructive flood took place.

Triteia A daughter of Triton, a priestess of Athena, by whom Ares became the father of Melanippus, who gave a town in Achaea the name of his mother. Sacrifices were offered there to Ares and Tritaea in the temple of Athena. ( Paus. viii. 22. § 5, &c.)

Uranidae [Gr. Ouranidai.] Gr. Myth. Descendants of Uranus.

Corycian Cave, the A cave on Mount Parnassus, sacred to Pan and the nymphs.

Adranus [L., fr. Gr. Adranos.] Gr. Relig. A god of the Siculi in Sicily, similar in attributes to Hephaestus.

Metanira Class. Myth. the wife of Celeus and the mother of Abas, Demophoön, and Triptolemus.

Deus Fidius [L. See FIDES.] Rom. Relig. Jupiter, as invoked in oaths.

Ucalegon [L. Ucalegon, fr. Gr. Oukalegōn.] In Trojan legend, one of the ancient counselors who sat with Priam on the wall. Aeneas speaks of the flamed reaching Ucalegon's house, next to that of Anchises, before he fled from the city. Hence, a next-doir neighbor, or a neighbor whose house is on fire.

Peneus [L., fr. Gr. Pēneios.] Gr. Myth. God of the Thessalian river Peneus, and father of Daphne.

Britomartis [L. Britomartis, fr. Gr. Britomartis.] 1. A Cretan goddess, patron of hunters, and sailors, and sometimex identified with Artemis; called also Dictynna. 2. In Spenser's Faerie Queene, a lady knight, representing Chastity. She marries Artegal, or Justice.

Tyndarides [L., fr. Gr. Tyndaridēs.] A male descendant, or a child, of Tyndareus.

Mopsus Class. Myth. 1. a seer who, with Amphilochus, founded the famous oracle in the city of Mallus in Cilicia. 2. a son of Ampyeus who joined the Argonauts as a seer.

Eurymede Class. Myth. a woman thought to be the mother of Bellerophon.

Coryphasia Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena. [< Gk. Koryphasia, from her worship at Coryphasium in Messinia ]

Tarquin In Roman legend, oneo a family to which belonged the fifth king ( Lucius Tarquinius Priscus ) and the seventh king ( L. Tarquinius Superbus ). In consequence of the misdeed of Sextus, son of the latter, the family was expelled from Rome. Cf. LUCRECE, 2.

a-Webster's Inernational Dictionary 2nd Edition, Unabridged 1938

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