Monday, July 5, 2021


Alcmaon ( in the Iliad ) the son of Thestor who wounded Glaucus and was slain by Sarpedon.

Pyrene Class. Myth. 1. a princess who, ravished by Hercules, gave birth to a serpent. 2. the mother, by Ares, of the Cycnus who fought with Hercules.

Tyndarides Class. Myth. a patronymic of Castor and Pollux.

Pitys Class. Myth. a nymph who was changed into a pine tree to escape the god Pan.

Hercyna Class. Myth. a fountain nymph who was the playmate of Persephone.

Ogygus Class. Myth. a Boeotian king, the son of either Poseidon or the soil.

Theritas Class. Myth. Ares: so called because his nurse was named Thero.

Cenaean Class. Myth. Zeus: so called because of a temple in his honor on Cenaeum.

Lycon Class. Myth. a Trojan slain by Peneleus.

Hipponous Class. Myth. 1. a Trojan warrior slain by Achilles. 2. the father of Periboea.

Melantho ( in the Odyssey ) a handmaid of Penelope who became the mistress of Eurymachus: she mocked Odysseus on his return and was killed for her faithlessness.

Tenes Class. Myth. a son of Cycnus and Proclea who was banished by his father and set adrift in a chest when Phylonome, his stepmother, falsely accused him of trying to seduce her.

Aganus Class. Myth. a son of Helen and Paris.

Cunina an ancient Roman deity, the guardian of sleeping infants.

Eniopeus ( in the Iliad ) a charioteer of Hector who was slain by Diomedes.

Iamus Class. Myth. a son of Evadne and Apollo who became a prophet.

Pronaus Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "of the pronaos."

Demphoön Class. Myth. a son of Celeus and Metanira, nursed by Demeter.

Neleus Class. Myth. king of Pylus and father of Nestor by Chloris.

Herceius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "of the courtyard."

Aegialia ( in  the Iliad ) the wife of Diomedes who took Cometes as her lover when Nauplius falsely convinced her that her husband was deceiving her. Also, Aegiale.

Laphystius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus. [< Gk laphýstios gluttonous ]

Nelides Class. Myth. an epithet of Nestor.

Aeseyetes ( in the Iliad )  the father of Antenor.

Philammon Class. Myth. the musician son of Chione and Apollo.

Chalcis 1. Class. Myth. a daughter of Asopus and Metope.

Marmax Class. Myth. a suiter of Hippodamia who was murdered by her father, Oenomaus.

Deïpylus Class. Myth. a grandson of Priam.

Idas Class. Myth. the rival of Apollo for Marpessa.

Harmothoë Class. Myth. the wife of Pandareus and the father of Aëdon, Cleothera, and Merope.

Mulius ( in the Iliad ) the husband of Agamede who was killed by Nestor in the Trojan War where he served as a spearman of King Augeas, his father-in-law.

Cerambus Class. Myth. a man who was changed into a beetle so that he could fly above a flood sent by Zeus to punish the wicked.

Epibaterius Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "seafaring."

Jotunheim Scand. Myth. the outer world, or realm of giants; Utgard. Also, Jotunnheim, Jötunheim, Jötunnheim. [<Icel, equiv. to jötunn giant + heimr world, HOME ]

Ascus Class. Myth. a giant who helped Lycurgus chain Dionysus.

Lycomedes Class. Myth. a king of Scyrus who pushed Theseus over a cliff.

Genetrix an ancient Roman epithet of Venus, meaning "mother."

Ancius Class. Myth. a centaur.

Menestheus Class. Myth. a regent of Athens and a rejected suitor of Helen who assisted Menelaus by leading 50 ships against Troy in the Trojan War.

Anesidora Class. Myth. an epithet of Demeter, meaning "sender of gifts."

Polymastus Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "many-breasted," in reference to a many-breasted image of her at Ephesus.

Tecton ( in the Iliad ) a carpenter, the father of Phereclus.

Sieglinde ( in the Nibelungenlied ) the wife of Sigmund and mother of Siegfried. Cf. Signy.

Apostrophia Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning "rejector of sinful passions."

Lycotherses Class. Myth. a king of Illyria who was murdered by his wife, Agave.

Corynetes Class. Myth. an epithet of Periphetes meaning "cudgel bearer." Cf. Periphetes. ( def. 1.).

Telemus Class. Myth. a seer who warned Polyphemus that Odysseus would blind him.

Coroebus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Mygdon, slain by Diomedes in the Trojan War. 2. an Argive hero who in penance for having slain the monster Poena built a temple to Apollo.

Deicoön Class. Myth. a son of Megara and Hercules, killed by his father in a fit of madness.

Crotus Class. Myth. a son of Pan who was skilled in archery and who served as a companion of the Muses.

Eubuleus Class. Myth. a son of Trochilus who helped Demeter find Persephone.

Spelaites Class. Myth. an epithet of Hermes, meaning "of the cave," referring to his advising certain warring generals to hide their women and children in a cave for safety.

Xanthus 2. ( in the Iliad ) a. one of two immortal horses of Achilles that wept when Patroclus was killed by Hector. Cf. Balius. b. a Trojan warrior slain by Diomedes. c. the name given to the river god Scamander by the gods.

Priamid Class. Myth. any of the 50 sons of Priam.

Ctesius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "god of gain."

Arete Class. Myth. 1. the wife of Alcinous, who had much influence over her husband. 2. the personification of courage.

Lycus Class. Myth. 1. a son of King Pandion and Pylia who succeeded Sarpedon as king of Cilicia. 2. a king in Mysia who earned the gratitude and military assistance of Hercules by hospitably entertaining him. 3. the husband of Dirce and the uncle of Antiope who was killed by Antiope's sons. 4. a son of Lycus and Dirce whose murder of Creon was avenged by Hercules.

Melanippe Class. Myth. an Amazon queen who was a daughter of Ares. 2. a foal born to Euippe: Poseidon transformed the foal into a human girl, Arne.

Children of Hercules Heraclidae.

Thyoneus Class. Myth. an epithet of Dionysus, meaning "son of Thyone."

Hagen ( in the Nibelungenlied ) the killer of Siegfried, himself killed by Kriemhild, Siegfried's wife.

Alphesboea Class. Myth. 1. a nymph who rejected the attentions of Dionysus. 2. Arsinoë. 3. the mother, by Phoenix, of Adonis. 4. a daughter of Bias.

Polypemon Class. Myth. Procrustes.

Crotopus Class. Myth. a king of Argos who murdered his daughter Psamathe for bearing a son to Apollo.

Euphorion Class. Myth. a son of Helen and Achilles who fled from the love of Zeus.

Semaleus Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus meaning "sign-giving."

Saitis Class. Myth. Athena: so called because of her identification with the Egyptian goddess Neïth, of Saïs.

Thialfi Scand. Myth. the fastest man and the servant of Thor.

Pelopia Class. Myth. the mother of Aegisthus. Pelopia was raped by her father, Thyestes, and killed herself on learning that he was her attacker. Also, Pelopea.

Hecamede ( in the Iliad ) a daughter of Arsinous who became the servant of Nestor during the Trojan War.

Scamandrius Class. Myth. 1. Astyanax. 2. ( in the Iliad ) the son of Strophius who was skilled in archery but was slain by Menelaus.

Gorgophone Class. Myth. the daughter of Perseus and Andromeda, and the wife of Perieres and later of Oebalus. She is sometimes believed to have been the first widow to remarry.

Cestrinus Class. Myth. a son of Andromache and Helenus.

Astrabacus Class. Myth. a Spartan prince who, with Alopecus, found the wooden image of Artemis that Orestes had hidden in a willow thicket.

Hugin Scand. Myth. one of the two ravens of Odin that brought him news from the whole world: later regarded as personifying thought. Cf. Munin.

Sidero Class. Myth. the second wife of Salmoneus: she was killed by the sons of her stepdaughter, Tyro, in revenge for her poor treatment of their mother.

Saron Class. Myth. a king of Troezen who pursued a doe into the sea and was drowned.

Eurytus Class. Myth. 1. the son of Melaneus of Thessaly who was a famous archer. 2. a son of Augeas. 3. a son of Actor. Cf. Molionidae. 4. one of the giants who was killed by Hercules.

Polyporthis Class. Myth. a son of Penelope and Odysseus, born after the return of Odysseus to Ithaca.

Acamas Class. Myth. 1. a son of Theseus and Phaedra who entered Troy in the Trojan Horse. 2. ( in the Iliad ) a. the companion of Aeneas who killed Promachus to avenge the murder of his brother Archelochus. b. a captain of the Thracian allies of Troy.

Themisto Class. Myth. a wife of Athamas who killed herself when she discovered she had mistakenly brought about the death of her children while jealously plotting against Ino, her husband's former wife.

Hippodamas Class. Myth. the father of Perimele, who drowned her upon learning that she had been raped.

Tropaean Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "giver of victory."[<Gk tropaî(os) lit., of a turning or change, hence for defeat ( tropé a turn + -aios adj. suffix ) + -AN; see TROPHY ]

Acacallis Class. Myth. the mother of Amphithemis by Apollo.

Dorus Class. Myth. the youngest son of Hellen and  Orseïs. 2. a son of Apollo and  Phthia, slain by Actolus.

Doritis Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning "bountiful."

Himerus Class. Myth. a son of Laecedaemon who unknowingly ravished his sister Cleodice.

Adrastea Class. Myth. Nemesis ( def. 1) 2. a daughter of Melisseus entrusted by Rhea with the rearing of the infant Zeus.

Coccygius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus meaning "cuckoo," alluding to the story that he took the shape of a cuckoo to win the affection of Hera.

Abia Class. Myth. a nurse who founded a temple of Hercules in Messinia.

Eumedes 1. ( in the Iliad ) a wealthy Trojan herald. 2. ( in the Aeneid ) the son of Dolon who was a companion of Aeneas.

Corinthus Class. Myth. a son of either Zeus or Marathon, the eponymous founder of Corinth.

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