Asterion Class. Myth. a son of Cometes who joined the Argonauts. Also, Asterius.
Litae Class. Myth. the daughters of Zeus who personify prayer.
Coryphaea Class. Myth. an epithet meaning "of the peak," applied to goddesses inhabiting mountaintops.
Anthas Class. Myth. a son of Poseidon and Alcyone.
Metioche Class. Myth. a daughter of Orion. Cf. Menippe.
achech Egyptian Myth. a creature having the body of a lion and the wings of a bird. [< Egypt ]
Palinurus [L., fr. Gr. Palinouros.] 1. In Vergil's Aeneid, Aeneas's pilot, who fell asleep at the helm, and tumbled into the sea off the coast of Lucania, where he he was murdered by the natives. From him is said to be derived the name of Cape Palinurus, near the spot.
Callirhoë [L., fr. Gr. Kallirhoē, fr. kallirrhoos, kalliroos, beautiful-flowing, fr. kalli- beautiful + rhein to flow.] 1. Gr. Myth. a The wife of Alcmaeon and the cause of his death through her covetous wish to possess the famed necklace of Harmonia. b An ocean nymph, wife of Chrysaor.
Agoraeus Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus and Hermes, meaning "of the market place."
Taras A son of Poseidon by a nymph, is said to have traversed the sea from the promontory of Taenarum to the south of Italy, riding on a dolphin, and to have founded Tarentum in Italy ( Paus. x. 10.§ 4, 13. § 5 ), where he was worshipped as a hero. ( Strab. vi. p. 279.)
Rhene ( in the Iliad ) the mistress of Oileus and the mother of Medon.
Taphius A son of Poseidon and Hippothoë, was the father of Pterelaus. He led a colony to Taphos, and called the inhabitants Teleboans. ( Apollod. ii. 4. § 5.).
Narcaeus A son of Dionysus and Narcaea, established a sanctuary of Athena Narcaea in Elis, and also introduced there the worship of Dionysus. ( Paus. v. 16. § 5.).
Xenodice 1. A daughter of Minos and Pasiphaë. ( Apollod. iii. 1. § 2.) 2. A daughter of Syleus, at Aulis, was slain by Heracles, together with her. ( Apollod. ii. 6. § 3.) 3. A captive Trojan woman. ( Paus. x. 26. § 1.)
Camarina An Oceanid nymph, the eponym of the Sicilian town of Camarina.
Pleuron A son of Aetolus and Pronoe, and brother of Calydon, was married to Xanthippe, by whom he became the father of Agenor, Sterope, Stratonice, and Laophone. He is said to have founded the town of Pleuron in Aetolia, but he had a heroum at Sparta. ( Apollod. i. 7. § 7; Paus. iii. 13. § 5.)
Iaeira 1. One of the daughters of Nereus and Doris ( Hom. Il. xviii. 42; Hygin. Fab. Praefat.) 2. Another person of this name occurs in Virg. Aen. ix. 673.
Targitaus Class. Myth. a son of Zeus who was the first to inhabit Scythia.
Palinurus [L., fr. Gr. Palinouros.] 1. In Vergil's Aeneid, Aeneas's pilot, who fell asleep at the helm, and tumbled into the sea off the coast of Lucania, where he he was murdered by the natives. From him is said to be derived the name of Cape Palinurus, near the spot.
Callirhoë [L., fr. Gr. Kallirhoē, fr. kallirrhoos, kalliroos, beautiful-flowing, fr. kalli- beautiful + rhein to flow.] 1. Gr. Myth. a The wife of Alcmaeon and the cause of his death through her covetous wish to possess the famed necklace of Harmonia. b An ocean nymph, wife of Chrysaor.
Agoraeus Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus and Hermes, meaning "of the market place."
Taras A son of Poseidon by a nymph, is said to have traversed the sea from the promontory of Taenarum to the south of Italy, riding on a dolphin, and to have founded Tarentum in Italy ( Paus. x. 10.§ 4, 13. § 5 ), where he was worshipped as a hero. ( Strab. vi. p. 279.)
Rhene ( in the Iliad ) the mistress of Oileus and the mother of Medon.
Taphius A son of Poseidon and Hippothoë, was the father of Pterelaus. He led a colony to Taphos, and called the inhabitants Teleboans. ( Apollod. ii. 4. § 5.).
Narcaeus A son of Dionysus and Narcaea, established a sanctuary of Athena Narcaea in Elis, and also introduced there the worship of Dionysus. ( Paus. v. 16. § 5.).
Xenodice 1. A daughter of Minos and Pasiphaë. ( Apollod. iii. 1. § 2.) 2. A daughter of Syleus, at Aulis, was slain by Heracles, together with her. ( Apollod. ii. 6. § 3.) 3. A captive Trojan woman. ( Paus. x. 26. § 1.)
Camarina An Oceanid nymph, the eponym of the Sicilian town of Camarina.
Pleuron A son of Aetolus and Pronoe, and brother of Calydon, was married to Xanthippe, by whom he became the father of Agenor, Sterope, Stratonice, and Laophone. He is said to have founded the town of Pleuron in Aetolia, but he had a heroum at Sparta. ( Apollod. i. 7. § 7; Paus. iii. 13. § 5.)
Iaeira 1. One of the daughters of Nereus and Doris ( Hom. Il. xviii. 42; Hygin. Fab. Praefat.) 2. Another person of this name occurs in Virg. Aen. ix. 673.
Targitaus Class. Myth. a son of Zeus who was the first to inhabit Scythia.
Isander ( in the Iliad ) a son of Bellerophon who was killed by Ares.
Boebus A son of Glaphyrus, from whom the Thessalian town of Boebe derived its name. ( Steph. Byz. s. v. Boibê.)
Damasen A Lydian giant who slew a dragon. He was a son of Gaea.
Xenodamas A son of Menelaus and the nymph Cnossia.
Caieta According to some accounts, the nurse of Aeneas ( Virg. Aen. vii. 1; Ov. Met. xiv. 442 ), and, according to others, the nurse of Creusa or Ascanius. ( Serv. ad Aen. 1. c.) The promontory of Caieta, as well as the port and town of this name on the western coast of Italy, were believed to have been called after her. ( Klausen, Aeneas u. d. Penat. p. 1044, &c.)
Upis ( in pre-Hellenic mythology ) a goddess of childbirth, later identified with Artemis.
Hymettius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus meaning "of Hymettus," because of an image of him there.
Anchinoë Class. Myth. a daughter of Nilus who was the mother, by Belus, of Aegyptus and Danaus.
Thiazi Scand. Myth. a giant who carried away Idun and the apples from Asgard. Also, Thiatsi, Thjazi, Thjatsi.
Scaeus One of the sons of Hippocoon. ( Paus. iii. 14. § 7; Herod. v. 60; Apollod. iii. 10. § 5; comp. HIPPOCOON.)
Deiopea A fair Lydian nymph, who belonged to the suite of Hera, and whom she promised as a reward to Aeolus if he would assist her in destroying the fleet of Aeneas. ( Virg. Aen. 1. 72.)
Anthracia An Arcadian nymph, one of the nurses of Zeus. [ See MYRTOESSA.]
Caanthus Class. Myth. a son of Oceanus who, upon discovering that his sister Melia had been abducted by Apollo, set fire to the god's sacred grove. For this sacrilege, Apollo killed him.
Scaeus One of the sons of Hippocoon. ( Paus. iii. 14. § 7; Herod. v. 60; Apollod. iii. 10. § 5; comp. HIPPOCOON.)
Deiopea A fair Lydian nymph, who belonged to the suite of Hera, and whom she promised as a reward to Aeolus if he would assist her in destroying the fleet of Aeneas. ( Virg. Aen. 1. 72.)
Anthracia An Arcadian nymph, one of the nurses of Zeus. [ See MYRTOESSA.]
Caanthus Class. Myth. a son of Oceanus who, upon discovering that his sister Melia had been abducted by Apollo, set fire to the god's sacred grove. For this sacrilege, Apollo killed him.
Menodice Class. Myth. a nymph who was the mother, by Thiodamas, of Hylas.
Panoptes Class. Myth. an epithet of Argus, meaning "all-eyes."
Cilissa Class. Myth. the nurse of Orestes.
Rhanis A nymph in the train of the goddess Artemis.
Hebrus A Thracian river-god. [ See ABARIS.]
Gelanor Class. Myth. a king of Argos who peacefully yielded his throne to Danaus.
Astacus 1. A son of Poseidon and the nymph Olbia, from whom the town of Astacus in Bithynia, which was afterwords called Nicomedia, derived its name. ( Arrian. ap. Steph. Byz. s. v.; Paus. v. 12. § 5; Strab. xii. p. 563.)
Echephron 1. A son of Heracles and Psophis, the daughter of Xanthus or Eryx. He was twin-brother of Promachus, and both had a heroum at Psophis. ( Paus. viii. 24. § § 1, 3.) 2. A son of Nestor by Eurydice or Anaxibia. ( Hom. Od. iii. 413; Apollod. i. 9. § 9.) 3. A third Echephron is mentioned in Apollodorus. ( iii. 12. § 5.)
Azeus A son of Clymenus of Orchomenos, was brother of Erginus, Stratius, Arrhon, and Pyleus, father of Actor and grandfather of Astyoche. ( Hom. Il. ii. 513; Paus. ix. 37. § 2.) He went with his brothers under the command of Erginus, the eldest, against Thebes, to take vengeance for the murder of his father, who had been slain by the Thebans at a festival of the Onchestian Poseidon. [ See ERGINUS and CLYMENUS.]
Bura A daughter of Ion, the ancestral hero of the Ionians, and Helice, from whom the Achaean town of Bura derived its name. ( Paus. vii. 25. § 5; Steph. Byz. s. v.)
Maeandrus A son of Oceanus and Tethys, and the god of the winding river Maeander in Phrygia. He was the father of Cyanea and Caunus, who is hence called Maeandrius. ( Hes. Theog. 339; Ov. Met. ix. 450, 473.)
Neda Class. Myth. 1. a river formed on a mountaintop in Arcadia when Rhea prayed to Gaea for water in which to bathe the infant Zeus. 2. a nymph of this river.
Rhanis A nymph in the train of the goddess Artemis.
Hebrus A Thracian river-god. [ See ABARIS.]
Gelanor Class. Myth. a king of Argos who peacefully yielded his throne to Danaus.
Astacus 1. A son of Poseidon and the nymph Olbia, from whom the town of Astacus in Bithynia, which was afterwords called Nicomedia, derived its name. ( Arrian. ap. Steph. Byz. s. v.; Paus. v. 12. § 5; Strab. xii. p. 563.)
Echephron 1. A son of Heracles and Psophis, the daughter of Xanthus or Eryx. He was twin-brother of Promachus, and both had a heroum at Psophis. ( Paus. viii. 24. § § 1, 3.) 2. A son of Nestor by Eurydice or Anaxibia. ( Hom. Od. iii. 413; Apollod. i. 9. § 9.) 3. A third Echephron is mentioned in Apollodorus. ( iii. 12. § 5.)
Azeus A son of Clymenus of Orchomenos, was brother of Erginus, Stratius, Arrhon, and Pyleus, father of Actor and grandfather of Astyoche. ( Hom. Il. ii. 513; Paus. ix. 37. § 2.) He went with his brothers under the command of Erginus, the eldest, against Thebes, to take vengeance for the murder of his father, who had been slain by the Thebans at a festival of the Onchestian Poseidon. [ See ERGINUS and CLYMENUS.]
Bura A daughter of Ion, the ancestral hero of the Ionians, and Helice, from whom the Achaean town of Bura derived its name. ( Paus. vii. 25. § 5; Steph. Byz. s. v.)
Maeandrus A son of Oceanus and Tethys, and the god of the winding river Maeander in Phrygia. He was the father of Cyanea and Caunus, who is hence called Maeandrius. ( Hes. Theog. 339; Ov. Met. ix. 450, 473.)
Neda Class. Myth. 1. a river formed on a mountaintop in Arcadia when Rhea prayed to Gaea for water in which to bathe the infant Zeus. 2. a nymph of this river.
Aegia Class. Myth. a daughter of Adrastus and the wife of Polynices. Also, Argia.
Asterodia Class. Myth. a Caucasian nymph.
Illissus The god of an Athenian stream.
Phoetius A giant who battled Hera in the war of the Gigantes. (04/10/2015)
Illissus The god of an Athenian stream.
Phoetius A giant who battled Hera in the war of the Gigantes. (04/10/2015)
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