Thebe Class. Myth. a daughter of Asopus and Metope who was abducted by Zeus.
Phemius ( in the Odyssey ) a bard who, against his will, entertained the suitors of Penelope.
Stator [L.] Rom. Relig. An epithet of Jupiter, probably originally meaning stayer, establisher. It was sometimes interpreted as meaning one who stays an army in flight.
Locrus Class. Myth. the eponymous king of the Locrians.
Stator [L.] Rom. Relig. An epithet of Jupiter, probably originally meaning stayer, establisher. It was sometimes interpreted as meaning one who stays an army in flight.
Locrus Class. Myth. the eponymous king of the Locrians.
Aqueus Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "watery," referring to the time when ancient priestesses interpreted the murmer of the water of a sacred spring as the voice of Zeus.
Prodromia Class. Myth. an epithet of Hera, meaning "pioneer."
Chthonius Class. Myth. 1. one of the Sparti. 2. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "of the underworld."
Hemerasia Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "she who soothes."
Perimedes Class. Myth. 1. a son of Eurystheus. 2. ( in the Odyssey ) one of the companions of Odysseus on his trip to the underworld.
Chaos According to Hesiod, the yawning, unfathomable abyss which was the first of all existing things. From Chaos arose Gaea ( Earth ), Tartarus ( Hell ), and Eros ( Love ). Chaos bore Erebus and Night; from their union sprang Aether and Hemera ( Sky and Day ). The conception of Chaos is the confused mass out of which, in the begining, the separate forms of things arose is erroneous, and belongs to a later period.
ox-eyed adj. Having eyes like those of an ox; ─ translation of Gr. boōpis boöpis, used by Homer as an epithet for Hera.
Atreus [L., fr. Gr. Atreus.] A son of Pelops ( which see ) and Hippodamia, and father of Menelaus and Agamemnon. Atreus and his brother Thyestes slew their half brother Chrysippus. They fled to Mycenae, where Atreus became king and married Aërope, daughter of Minos, king of Crete. Thyestes seduced Aërope, and sent Pleisthenes ( Atreus's son ) to kill Atreus; Atreus unwittingly slew Pleisthenes, and, feigning reconciliation with Thyestes, killed three of the sons of Thyestes and served them in a banquet to their father, whereupon Thyestes cursed the house of Atreus. Atreus was slain by Aegisthus, son of Thyestes. Cf. AGAMEMNON.
Saturn In Roman mythology, the god of agriculture: identified with the Greek Cronus. ─ n. The second largest planet of the solar system and sixth in order from the sun. Abbr. Sat. [< L Saturnus? Akin to satus, pp. of severe to sow ]
Ascalaphus Class. Myth. 1. a gardener in the underworld who, on learning that Persephone could leave Hades provided she had eaten no food there, claimed that he had seen her eat pomegranate seeds. As punishment, he was changed into an owl by Demeter. 2. a son of Ares who joined the Argonauts and who served as a sentry under Agamemnon in the Trojan War. He was killed by Deïphobus.
Chaos According to Hesiod, the yawning, unfathomable abyss which was the first of all existing things. From Chaos arose Gaea ( Earth ), Tartarus ( Hell ), and Eros ( Love ). Chaos bore Erebus and Night; from their union sprang Aether and Hemera ( Sky and Day ). The conception of Chaos is the confused mass out of which, in the begining, the separate forms of things arose is erroneous, and belongs to a later period.
ox-eyed adj. Having eyes like those of an ox; ─ translation of Gr. boōpis boöpis, used by Homer as an epithet for Hera.
Atreus [L., fr. Gr. Atreus.] A son of Pelops ( which see ) and Hippodamia, and father of Menelaus and Agamemnon. Atreus and his brother Thyestes slew their half brother Chrysippus. They fled to Mycenae, where Atreus became king and married Aërope, daughter of Minos, king of Crete. Thyestes seduced Aërope, and sent Pleisthenes ( Atreus's son ) to kill Atreus; Atreus unwittingly slew Pleisthenes, and, feigning reconciliation with Thyestes, killed three of the sons of Thyestes and served them in a banquet to their father, whereupon Thyestes cursed the house of Atreus. Atreus was slain by Aegisthus, son of Thyestes. Cf. AGAMEMNON.
Saturn In Roman mythology, the god of agriculture: identified with the Greek Cronus. ─ n. The second largest planet of the solar system and sixth in order from the sun. Abbr. Sat. [< L Saturnus? Akin to satus, pp. of severe to sow ]
Ascalaphus Class. Myth. 1. a gardener in the underworld who, on learning that Persephone could leave Hades provided she had eaten no food there, claimed that he had seen her eat pomegranate seeds. As punishment, he was changed into an owl by Demeter. 2. a son of Ares who joined the Argonauts and who served as a sentry under Agamemnon in the Trojan War. He was killed by Deïphobus.
Promachorma Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "protectress of the anchorage."
Androcrates Class. Myth. the hero who founded Plataea.
Leucothea Class. Myth. a sea goddess, the deified Ino, who gave Odysseus a veil as a float after a storm had destroyed his raft. Also, Leukothea. [< Gk: lit., the white goddess]
Alexander 2. Also, Alexandros. Class. Myth. Homeric name for Paris.
Ellotia or Hellotia A festival with a torch-race celebrated at Corinth in honour of Athené as a goddess of fire ( Athen. xv. p. 678 a, b ). A festival of the same name in honour of Europa. The ελλωτίς, from which the festival derived its name, was, according to Seleucus ( ap. Athen. 1. c.), a myrtle garland twenty cubits in circumference, which was carried about at the festival of the Ellotia.
Agretae The name of nine maidens chosen each year in the island of Cos, as priestesses of Athené.
Latinus Rom. Legend. the father of Lavinia and king of Latium at the time of the arrival of Aeneas.
Clite Class. Myth. the wife of Cyzicus, who hanged herself when her husband was mistakenly killed by the Argonauts.
Lyaeus ( Αναίος," care-dispeller"). A name of Dionysus ( q. v.).
Polybotes One of the giants who fought against the gods. He was pursued by Poseidon across the sea as far as the island of Cos. There Poseidon tore away a part of the island, which was afterwords called Nisyrion, and throwing it upon the giant buried him under it.
Ilaïra The daughter of Leucippus and Philodicé and sister of Phoebé. She and her sister, who are called by the poets Leucippidae, were carried off by the Dioscuri. Ilaïra became the wife of Castor.
Olympius A name applied especially to Zeus as the chief of the gods who lived upon Olympus. See OLYMPUS; ZEUS.
Aphrogeneia " Foam-sprung." An epithet of Aphrodité ( q.v.).
Polybus Class. Myth. a Corinthian king who was the foster father of Oedipus. 2. ( in the Iliad ) a son of Antenor and Theano who fought against the Greeks in the Trojan War.
Astyanax [L., fr. Gr. Astyanax.] Gr. Myth. The son of Hector and Andromache, less often called by his proper name Scamandrius. He was hurled by the Greeks from the walls of Troy, that he might not restore the kingdom, as predicted by Calchas. Another story is that he was carried away from Troy, with his mother, by Neoptolemus, whom he succeeded as king of Epirus.
Eurynome Class. Myth. a goddess, the mother, by Zeus, of the Graces.
demigod 1. An inferior or lesser deity. 2. In classical mythology, a hero, supposed to be the offspring of a god and a mortal. 3. A man with the attributes of a god. ─ demigoddess n. fem.
Cocalus Class. Myth. a Sicilian king whose daughters saved the fugitive from the pursuing King Minos.
Leucothea Class. Myth. a sea goddess, the deified Ino, who gave Odysseus a veil as a float after a storm had destroyed his raft. Also, Leukothea. [< Gk: lit., the white goddess]
Alexander 2. Also, Alexandros. Class. Myth. Homeric name for Paris.
Ellotia or Hellotia A festival with a torch-race celebrated at Corinth in honour of Athené as a goddess of fire ( Athen. xv. p. 678 a, b ). A festival of the same name in honour of Europa. The ελλωτίς, from which the festival derived its name, was, according to Seleucus ( ap. Athen. 1. c.), a myrtle garland twenty cubits in circumference, which was carried about at the festival of the Ellotia.
Agretae The name of nine maidens chosen each year in the island of Cos, as priestesses of Athené.
Latinus Rom. Legend. the father of Lavinia and king of Latium at the time of the arrival of Aeneas.
Clite Class. Myth. the wife of Cyzicus, who hanged herself when her husband was mistakenly killed by the Argonauts.
Lyaeus ( Αναίος," care-dispeller"). A name of Dionysus ( q. v.).
Polybotes One of the giants who fought against the gods. He was pursued by Poseidon across the sea as far as the island of Cos. There Poseidon tore away a part of the island, which was afterwords called Nisyrion, and throwing it upon the giant buried him under it.
Ilaïra The daughter of Leucippus and Philodicé and sister of Phoebé. She and her sister, who are called by the poets Leucippidae, were carried off by the Dioscuri. Ilaïra became the wife of Castor.
Olympius A name applied especially to Zeus as the chief of the gods who lived upon Olympus. See OLYMPUS; ZEUS.
Aphrogeneia " Foam-sprung." An epithet of Aphrodité ( q.v.).
Polybus Class. Myth. a Corinthian king who was the foster father of Oedipus. 2. ( in the Iliad ) a son of Antenor and Theano who fought against the Greeks in the Trojan War.
Astyanax [L., fr. Gr. Astyanax.] Gr. Myth. The son of Hector and Andromache, less often called by his proper name Scamandrius. He was hurled by the Greeks from the walls of Troy, that he might not restore the kingdom, as predicted by Calchas. Another story is that he was carried away from Troy, with his mother, by Neoptolemus, whom he succeeded as king of Epirus.
Eurynome Class. Myth. a goddess, the mother, by Zeus, of the Graces.
demigod 1. An inferior or lesser deity. 2. In classical mythology, a hero, supposed to be the offspring of a god and a mortal. 3. A man with the attributes of a god. ─ demigoddess n. fem.
Cocalus Class. Myth. a Sicilian king whose daughters saved the fugitive from the pursuing King Minos.
Amphissus Class. Myth. a son of Apollo and the nymph Dryope.
Arete Class. Myth. 1. the wife of Alcinous, who had much influence over her husband. 2. the personification of courage.
Apollonia A propiatory festival solemnized at Sicyon in honour of Apollo and Artemis. See Pausan. ii. 7, & 7.
Clymené (1) A daugher of Oceanus and Tethys, who married Iapetus, by whom she had Atlas, Prometheus, Menoetius, and Epimetheus. (2) The mother of Phaëthon. (3) A female servant of Helen, who accompanied her in her flight with Paris.
nine ─ the Nine The Muses.
Epigoni In Greek legend, the sons of the Seven against Thebes who successfully attacked Thebes.
Philyra Class. Myth. a daughter of Oceanus who was changed into a linden tree after giving birth to Chiron.
Asopus [L., fr. Gr. Asōpus.] The god of the river Asopus, in Sicyonia, struck by a thunderbolt from Zeus, whom he had attacked when the latter was carrying off Aegina.
Leucothoë [L.] 1. Gr. & Rom. Myth. Daughter of Orchards, king of Babylon. She is fabled to have been changed by Apollo into a sweet-scented shrub.
Agriope Class. Myth. Eurydice.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
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