Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Cypris an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning " Lady of Cyprus." Also, Kypris.

Aidoneus Class. Myth. a king of Thesprotia.

Parthenia Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning " virgin."

Superi ( in ancient Rome ) the gods.

Thespiae a city at the foot of Mount Helicon where, according to mythology, the Muses performed their games.

Alcyoneus Class. Myth.1. a giant who threw a stone at Hercules and was killed when Hercules hit the stone back with his club. 2. a giant who, invulnerable in his own country, was dragged by Hercules to another country and there killed.

Cephalus Class. Myth. the husband of Procris. Also Kephalos.

Sparti Class. Myth. a group of fully armed warriors who sprung from the dragon's teeth that Cadmus planted.

Aura Class. Myth. a companion of Artemis who bore twins to Dionysus. Zeus changed her into a spring because, in a fit of madness, she had killed one of her children.

Saturnus [L.] Saturn.

Pegasis A name applied to the fountain Hippocrené ( the fons cabalinus of Persius ) as having been made by the hoof of Pegasus from this fountain the Muses got their name Pegasides. See HIPPOCRENÉ; PEGASUS.

Aleus Class. Myth. a king of Tegea, and the father of Amphidamas, Auge, Cepheus, and Lycurgus.

Tempe, Vale of  A valley between Mount Olympus and Mount Ossa in Thessaly, Greece, famous for its beauty and in ancient times regarded as sacred to Apollo. Greek Tembe.

Agelaus Class. Myth.1. the herdsman of Priam who raised Paris. 2. A son of Hercules and Omphale. 3. ( in the Iliad ) a son of Phradmon who was killed by Diomedes. 4. ( in the Odyssey ) one of the suiters ofor Penelope.

sea king c. Neptune.

Aletes Class. Myth.1. a son of Clytemnestra and her lover Aegisthus. He became ruler of Mycenae after the death of his parents. 2. a descendant of Hercules who conquered Corinth.

Antiphus Class. Myth. 1. ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan ally, the son of Talaemenes and a nymph. 2. one of the 50 sons of Priam. 3. a Greek commander who sailed from Troy with Odysseus and was devoured by Polyphemus.

Asteropaeus ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan ally slain by Achilles.

Parca 1. an ancient Roman goddess of childbirth and destiny. Cf. Parcae. 2. Any one of the Parcae.

Aidos the ancient Greek personification of modesty, respect, and shame.  [< Gk. aidṓs]

Agrius Class. Myth.1. one of the Gigantes. 2. a centaur who attacked Hercules. 3. a son of Circe and Odysseus. 4. the father of Thersites.

Silvius ( in the Aeneid ) a son of Aeneas.

Creon Class. Myth. a king of Thebes, the brother of Jocasta and the uncle of Eteocles, Polynices, and Antigone.

Cimmerian adj.1. Of or pertaining to the Cimmerians, a mythical people mentioned by Homer as living in perpetual darkness. 2. Densley dark; gloomy.

netherworld 1. The world of the dead. 2. The world of punishment after death; hell.

Nemean lion In Greek legend, a fierce lion that Hercules strangled as one of his twelve labors.

petasus 1. A hat with a broad brim and low crown, worn in ancient Greece. 2. The winged hat of the god Mercury. Also petasos.  [< L< Gk. petasos. Akin to Gk. petannynai to expand ]

roc In Arabian and Persian legend, an enormous and powerful bird of prey.  [< Arabic rokh < Persian rukh ]

Thrinacia A mythical island on which the herds of the Sun-god ( Helios ) grazed ( Ovid. xi. 127; xix 275 ), afterwords identified with Sicily ( Trinacria ). See HELIOS; SICILIA.

Rhodope 2. Class. Myth. a maiden skilled in hunting, the companion of Artemis.

Amyntor Class. Myth. a king of Ormenium who refused to give his daughter Astydamia to Hercules and who was slain by Hercules.

Alba Longa A city of ancient Latium, SE of Rome; traditional birthplace of Romulus and Remus.

Calliope The Muse of eloquence and epic poetry.  [< L< Gk. Kallīope the beautiful-voiced < kalos beautiful + ops voice ]

Bizya A Thracian city on the Euxine Sea, northwest of Byzantium. The poets declare it to have been shuned by swallows because of the fate of Tereus ( q.v.). See Ovid, Met. vi. 424 foll.

trident A three-pronged fork; especially, the emblem of Neptune ( Poseidon ).  adj.Having three teeth or prongs: also tridentate, tridentated[< L tridens, -dentis < tri- three + dens, dentis tooth ]

heroic age 1. The age when demigods and heroes are supposed to have been on earth. 2. The age that produced epic poetry.

theomachy A combat with or among the gods.  [< Gk. theomachia < theos god + machē combat ]

a-1966 Random House Dict. of the English Language: The Unabridged Edition

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