Thursday, December 6, 2012


Pirene, Peirene [L., fr. Gr. Peirēnē.] a A spring on Acrocorinth, the Acropolis of ancient Corinth, where Bellerophon is said to have caught the winged horse Pegasus. b A fountain in the market place of ancient Corinth, supplied by conduits believed to bring water from the spring on Acrocorinth.

Paphos 1. an ancient city in SW Cyprus. 2. Also, Paphus. Class. Myth. the son of Pygmalion, who inherited the throne of Cyprus.

manticore Also manticora [L. manticora, fr. Gr. mantikhorās, mantichoras, fr. OPer. martya man + xvar- to eat ( Av. axvaratii ).] In ancient fables, a monster described usualy as having the head of a man with horns, the body of a lion, and the tail of a scorpion or dragon.

Ledaei Dii Castor and Pollux, the sons of Leda.

Thesmophoros [Gr.] Gr. Relig. Demeter; an epithet usually interpreted as meaning the "giver of laws" but probably originally meaning "the giver of riches", that is, of the fruits of the earth. Cf. THESMOPHORIA.
The goddess Thesmophoros founded and presided over social order, family life, the functions of women, and the birth of children.
                                                                     W. M. Ramsay.

Rhoecus [Gr. Rhoikos.] Gr. Myth. A youth who saved an oak from falling, and was rewarded by the dryad of the tree with her love. She sent a bee to remind him of his appointments to meet her. It came when he was absorbed in dicing, and he impatiently brushed it away, which slight the dryad avenged by making him blind.

Titania 1. The queen of the fairies and wife of Oberon in Medieval folklore. 2. A satellite of Uranus.  [< Lat. Tītaniā, the goddess Diana, sister to the sun < fem. of Titanius, of the Titans < Titan, Titan. See TITAN ]

Amphimarus Class. Myth. a son of Poseidon, sometimes believed to be the father, by Urania, of the poet Linus.

theogony A genealogy of the gods, especially as recited in ancient poetry.  [< Gk. theogoria < theos god + gonos generation < gignesthai to be born ] ─ theogonic adj. ─ theogonist n.

Carmenta, Carmentis [L.] Rom. Myth. A water or spring goddess, who was also guardian of women in childbirth. In this function she was invoked as Prorsa or as Postvorta, according as the child was born facing forward or back; hence, later conceived as two goddesses, the Carmentes. She was also a goddess of prophecy, and, in reference by the poets, mother of Evander, whom she accompanied from Arcadia to Latium. Her festivals, Carmentalia, occurred Jan. 11 and 15. Her cult strives in modern Italy where she is still invoked for aid in childbirth.

Ampycus Class. Myth. a son of Pelias, husband of Chloris, and father of Mopsus. Also, Ampyx.

Menoetius Class. Myth. 1. a Titan, the brother of Prometheus, Epimetheus, and Atlas. 2. one of the Argonauts and the father of Patroclus.

Halosydné " Sea-born." An epithet applied to Thetis and to Aphrodité.

Terpsichore The Muse of dancing.   [ < Gk. Terpsichorē < terpsichoros delighting in the dance < terpsis enjoyment + choros dance]  ─ Terpsichorean adj.

Heraclidae [Gr. Hērakleidai.] 1. Gr. Myth. The descendants of Hercules. The myths relating to them are chiefly accounts of their repeated efforts to obtain the mastery of the Peloponnesus, which Zeus had designed for Hercules, though Hera had succeeded in securing it for Eurystheus. The first and second invasions were headed by Hyllus, Hercules's son, who was slain. Success only attended the fifth invasion, under Oxylus, eighty years after the fall of Troy. Those legends are doubtless founded on Dorian conquests of the Peloponnesus.

Pegasides The Muses. See PEGASUS.

Parthenopaeus Class. Myth. a son of Hippomenes and Atalanta, and one of the Seven against Thebes.

Cora  1. Class. Myth. Kore. 2. a female given name: from a Greek word meaning "girl."

Mallophora " Wool-bearing." An epithet of Demeter, as worshipped at Megara, whose inhabitants she was fabled to have taught the use of wool ( Pausan. i. 44 ).

Cepheis A name applied to Andromeda as daughter of Cepheus ( Ovid, A. A. i. 193 ).

Kore 2. Also, Core, Cora. ( cap.) Class. Myth. Persephone, esp. as a symbol of virginity.  [1915-20; < Gk Kórē girl]

Chalcotauri Fire-breathing, bronze bulls which King Aeetes of Colchis commanded Jason to yoke and plow a field with dragon's teeth.

Hilaira Class. Myth. the daughter of Leucippus who served as a priestess of Artemis. Also, Hilara.

Dirce [L., fr. Gr. Dirkē.] 1. Gr. Myth. The second wife of Lycus. The sons of Antiope (which see) tied her to a wild bull, which dragged about until she died. See FARNESE BULL. 2. Hence, a fountain near Thebes in Boeotia, into which Dirce's body was fabled to have been thrown.

Stratius 1. A son of Nestor and Anaxibia. ( Hom. Od. iii. 413.) 2. A son of Clymenus. ( Paus. ix. 37.§ 1.) 3. Stratios, i. e. the warlike, occurs also as a surname of Zeus and Ares. ( Strab. xiv. p. 659; Herod. v. 119.)

Amphilochus Class. Myth. a seer, the son of Amphiaraus and Eriphyle, and the brother of Alcmaeon.

twilight of the gods. See RAGNORÖK.

Sciras A surname of Athené given from a temple in the Attic port of Phalerum, built by a soothsayer, Scirus, of Dodona ( Pausan. i. 1, 4, ii. 36, 3 ).

Polynoe [NL., fr. Gr. Polynoē daughter of Nereus and Doris.]

Venilia A nymph, daughter of Pilumnus, sister of Amata, wife of Latinus, and mother of Turnus and Iuturna by Daunus.

Crocus A youth who, unable to obtain the object of his affections, the nymph Smilax, pined away, and was changed into the crocus or saffron. Smilax herself was metamorphosed into the smilax, or bindweed ( Ovid, Met. iv. 283 ).

Ixionides A patronymic name applied to Pirithoüs, the son of Ixion ( q.v.). The Centaurs are also called Ixionidae ( Lucan, vi. 386 ).

Cretan bull Gk. Legend. a savage bull, captured on Crete by Hercules and allowed to roam near Marathon in Greece until captured by Theseus. Also called Marathonian bull.  [1930-35]

Hylaeus (Υλ, i.e." the Woodman "). The name of an Arcadian centaur who was slain by Atalanta when he pursued her. According to some legends, Hylaeus fell in the flight against the Lapithae, and according to others he was one of the centaurs slain by Heracles.

Rhoetus Class. Myth. one of the Gigantes who made war on the gods.

Agraulos Class. Myth. the wife of Cecrops. Also, Aglauros.

Cithaeron Class. Myth. a savage murderer who threw himself and his brother, Helicon, over a precipice: both were changed into mountains.

Pandemos [Gr. pandēmos.] Gr. Relig. An epithet of Aphrodite. See APHRODITE PANDEMOS.

Halimede One of the Nereides. ( Hes. Theog. 25; Apollod. i. 2. § 6.).

Zeuxippus A son of Apollo, by the nymph Syllis, was king of Sicyon. ( Paus. ii. 6. § 3.).

Ephyra A daughter of Oceanus, from whom Ephyraea, the ancient name of Corinth was derived. ( Paus. ii. 1. § 1; Virg. Georg. iv. 343.).

Ocnus A son of Tiberis and Manto, and the reputed founder of the town of Mantua, though according to others he was a brother or a son of Auletes, and the founder of Cesena in Gaul. ( Serv. ad. Aen. x. 198.).

Morpho [NL., fr. Gr. Morphō, an epithet of Venus.]

Pallantia A daughter of Evander, beloved by Heracles, and said to be buried on the Palatine hill at Rome, which derived its name from her. ( Serv. ad. Aen. viii. 51.). Evander himself, being a grandson of Pallas, is also called Pallantius. ( Ov. Fast. v. 647.).

Evander Rom. Legend. a son of Hermes who, as a Greek settler in Italy, founded a town at the foot of the Palatine Hill in Rome and allied himself with Aeneas upon the latter's arrival.

Cyrene Greek Mythology. a water nymph beloved by Apollo, by whom she bore Aristaeus.

asphodel 2. the immortal flower of the Greek paradise whose pale blossoms covered the Elysian meadows.

Ilioneus A son of Niobé, whom Apollo would have liked to save, because he was praying; but the arrow was no longer under the control of the god ( Ovid, Met. vi. 261 ). See NIOBÉ.

Tauropolis 1. A daughter of the Megarian Cleson, who was believed, together with her sister Cleso, to have found and buried the body of Ino, which had been washed on the ciast of Megara. ( Paus. i. 42, in fin.) 2. A son of Dionysus and Ariadne. ( Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. iii. 997.)

Arcesius Class. Myth. a son of Zeus and Euryodia, father of Laertes, and grandfather of Odysseus.

Arne 2. Class. Myth. a. the mother of Aeolus and Boeotus. b. a princess who was changed into a magpie as a punishment for accepting a bribe.

Meleager [L., fr. Gr. Meleagros.] Gr. Myth. The son of Althaea, queen of Calydon. At his birth it was foretold that his life would last no longer than the brand then burning on the hearth. Althaea quenched it, and hid it away. At the hunt of the Calydonian boar, Meleager, in love with Atalanta ( which see ), gave her the trophies of the chase. In the quarrel which this caused with his uncles he slew them. Althaea, enraged, thrust the fatal brand into the fire, so causing Meleager's death.

Ilia Rom. Legend. the mother of Romulus and Remus, either identified with Rhea Silvia or believed to be the daughter of Aeneas and Lavinia.

Pelopidae [L.] Gr. Myth. Descendants of Pelops. Cf. ATREUS.

Graces In Greek mythology, three sister goddesses Aglaia ( splendor ), Euphrosyne ( mirth ), and Thalia ( abundance ) who confer grace, beauty, charm, and joy upon human beings and on nature. Also the three Graces.

Iynx Class. Myth. a daughter of Pan and Echo.

Musagetes Class. Myth. Apollo: so called because he was a patron of the Muses.

Iphimedia The wife of Aloeus. She became by Poseidon the mother of the Aloadae, Otus and Ephialtes. See ALOADAE.

Dardan or Dardanian Archaic A Trojan.  [after Dardanus, the mythical founder of Troy. ]  Dardan adj.

Nomia Class. Myth. a nymph who blinded Daphnis because he was unfaithful to her.

Rhamnes Rom. Legend. an arrogant Rutulian chief and prophet.

boöpis  [Gr. boōpis.] Ox-eyed; an epithet of certain Greek goddesses.

Astomoi [Gr.] Gr. Myth. A fabulous people of India. It was said that they had no mouths, and lived on the scent of flowers and fruits.

earth mother 1. A goddess or female spirit resembling the earth as the giver of life. 2. A woman combining matereal and sensual qualities.

Poemander The father by Tanagra, daughter of Aeolus, of Ephippus and Leucippus. He was the reputed founder of the town of Tanagra, in Boeotia. See TANAGRA.

Iphis Class. Myth. 1. a Cretan maiden, reared as a boy by her mother because her father ordered that all of his daughters be killed: Io changed her into a man when she fell in love with the beautiful Ianthe. 2. a son of Alector.

Dryope [L., fr. Gr. Dryopē.] Gr. Myth. A playmate of the wood nymphs, beloved by Apollo. She was a daughter of King Dryops, eponymous ancestor of the Dryopes, or Dryopians, a Greek tribe, orig., of Thessaly.

a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities

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