Wednesday, December 5, 2012


Erato The Muse of lyric and love poetry.

Cilla Class. Myth. a sister of Priam who, with her infant son, was slain by Priam because it had been prophesied that a mother and child of the royal house would cause the destruction of Troy.

Lotis Class. Myth. a nymph who was changed into a lotus tree.

Antiochus Class. Myth. a son of Hercules and Meda.

Deianira Class. Myth. a sister of Meleager and wife of Hercules, whom she killed unwittingly by giving him a shirt that had been dipped in the poisoned blood of Nessus. Also, Deianeira.

Xuthus Class. Myth. a son of Hellen and Orseïs, and the husband of Creusa.

Androgeus Class. Myth. a son of Minos and Pasiphae who fell victim to King Aegeus: in revenge, Minos waged war on the Athenians and forced them to sent a trbute of seven maidens and seven youths to the Minotaur every nine years.

Camilla 1. Rom. Legend. a woman warrior who fought on the side of Turnus against Aeneas. 2. Also, Camila, Camile, Camille a female given name.

Idmon Class. Myth. an Argonaut who was the son of Apollo and Cyrene.

Phylonome Class. Myth. the second wife of Cycnus, buried alive for falsely accusing her stepson, Tenes, of trying to seduce her. Also, Philonome.

Phalerus Class. Myth. a son of Alcon who became one of the Argonauts.

Alcinoüs ( in the Odyssey ) king of the Phaeacians and father of Nausicaä and Laodamas.

Minthe Class. Myth. a nymph who was changed into a mint plant by Persephone to protect her from Hades.

Amarynceus ( in the Iliad ) a king of Messene who ruled Elis with Augeas and who was slain by Nestor in a war against the Pylians.

Daulis or Daulia An ancient town in Phocis, situated on a lofty hill, celebrated in mythology as the residence of the Thracian king Tereus, and as the scene of the tragic story of Philomela and Procné. Hence DAULIAS is the name of both Procné and Philomela ( q. v.).

Porphyrion Class. Myth. one of the Gigantes.

Atymnius ( in the Iliad ) a companion of Sarpedon, slain by Antilochus.

caduceus n. pl. ∙cei 1. In ancient Greece and Rome, a herald's wand or staff: especially, the staff of Hermes or Mercury. 2. A similar wand used as the emblem of a Medical corps or of the medical profession.  [< L< Gk. ( Doric ) karykion herald's staff ]  caducean adj.

Lesbus A son of Lapithus, grandson of Aeolus, who married Methymna, daughter of Macareus. He succeeded his father-in-law, and gave his name to the island over which he reigned.

Aenaria ( also called PITHECUSA and INARIMÉ ) A volcanic island at the entrance to the Bay of Naples; under it the Roman poets represented Typhoeus ( q. v.) as lying. It is the modern Ischia.

Agamede Class. Myth. a daughter of Augeas noted for her skill at using herbs for healing.

Cecrops In Greek legend, the first king of Attica and founder of Athens, represented as half man, half dragon.

Strophades Insulae, formerly called PLOTAE. Now Strofia and Strivali. Two islands in the Ionian Sea, off the coast of Messenia and south of Zacynthus. The Harpies were pursued to these islands by the sons of Boreas; and it was from the circumstance of the latter returning from these islands after the pursuit that mythology derived the name ( στρέΦω, "to turn " ).

Haemon Class. Myth. a son of Creon of Thebes who killed himself on the tomb of Antigone.

Lernaea Class. Myth. Demeter: so called because of mysteries celebrated in her honor at Lerna.

Clymenus Class. Myth. 1. an Arcadian who violated his daughter Harpalyce. 2. a Boeotian king who was accidentally injured by a Theban and who ordered his sons to avenge the fatal injury.

Achilles' spear Greek Legend. the spear of Achilles, the rust of which was made into a cure for wounds inflicted by it.

Brontes [L., fr. Gr. Brontēs, fr. brontē thunder.] One of the Cyclops.

lamia 1. Greek and Roman Mythology. a fabulous monster having the head and breasts of a woman and the body of a serpent, said to lure away children, especially the newborn, to suck their blood. 2. a witch; female demon. [< Latin lamia sorceress, a blood-sucking witch < Greek lamia flesh-eating monster]

Cygnus 1. Greek Mythology. the swan into which Zeus changed himself when he visited Leda to court her. 2. a northern constellation in the Milky Way, seen by ancient astronomers as having the rough outline of a swan in flight; Swan. [< Latin Cygnus ( literally ) swan]

Himeros [Gr. himeros. ] Gr. Myth. A personification of desire. In art Himeros was figured as a winged boy, like Eros.

Bona Dea an ancient Roman goddess of chastity and fertility. Also called Fauna. [ < L: lit., ( the ) Good Goddess ]

Calliste Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis meaning "fairest."

Anteros 1. Class. Myth. a brother of Eros, most often regarded as the avenger of unrequited love.

Alexiares Class. Myth. a son of Hercules and Hebe.

Eurybia Class. Myth. a Titan, daughter of Pontus and Gaea.

Astraeus [L., fr. Gr. Astraios.] Gr. Myth. According to Hesiod, a son of the Titans Crios, and father, by Eos, of the winds Argestes, Zephyrus, Boreas and Notus, and of Astraea.

Poena an ancient Greek personification of punishment or revenge, sometimes conceived of as a monster and sometimes associated with the Furies. Also, Poine.

Aeolian 1. pertaining to Aeolus, the god of the winds.

Charis Class. Myth. 1. one of the Graces, married to Hephaestus. 2. sing. of Charites.

Ilione Class. Myth. the oldest daughter of Priam and Hecuba, and the wife of Polymnestor.

Antagoras Class. Myth. a shepherd from the island of Cos who challenged Hercules to a wrestling match.

Enceladus In Greek mythology, a giant who, after revolting against the gods, was killed by the lightning of Zeus and buried under Mt. Etna.

Aganippe [L., fr. Gr. Aganippē.] Gr. Myth. A fountain near Mount Helicon, in Boeotia, supposed, as sacred to the Muses, to give poetic inspiration.

Acheloides The daughters of the river Achelous. [See NYMPHAE.]

Agamemnonides A patronymic applied to Orestes ( q.v.), the son of Agamemnon.

Misenus [L.] Rom. Myth. One of the followers of Aeneas, drowned near the cape which, according to legend, was named Misenum in his honor.

nympholepsy 1. A state of ecstasy or frenzy believed to be inspired by nymphs. 2. An emotional frenzy, as that caused by desiring something unattainable.  [< Gk. nympholeptos frenzied < nymphē
nymph + lambenein to take ]  nympholeptic adj.

Aeson The son of Cretheus and Tyro, and father of Iason. He was excluded from the throne by his half-brother, Pelias. During the absence of Iason on the Argonautic expedition, Pelias attempted to murder Aeson, but the latter put an end to his own life. According to Ovid, Aeson survived the return of the Argonauts, and was made young again by Medea. See ARGONAUTAE; IASON; MEDEA.

Aeneades A patronymic applied specifically to Ascanius or Iulus, the son of Aeneas, and generally to those who claimed descent from him, such as Augustus Caesar and the Romans as a race.

Aeneas Silvius 2. Rom. Legend. a king of Alba Longa.

Icadius A Cretan, and brother of Iapyx, who guided by a dolphin ( Apollo ), came to Mount Parnassus, and there gave Delphi and Crissa their names ( Serv. ad Aen. iii. 332.)

Juturna [L.] Rom. Myth. a water nymph, of Lanuvian origin, taken by the Romans as the presiding sPirithoüs of a spring near the temple of Vesta.

Cotys. Also Cotytto  [Gr. Kotys, Kotyttō.] Gr. Relig. A Thracian vegetation goddess, whose worship was introduced at Athens and Corinth, her festivals, Cotyttia (Gr. Kotytto), being orgiastic.

Panhellenios [Gr. Panhellēnios.] Gr. Relig. An epithet of Zeus as god of all the Greeks.

Ion 1. Class. Myth. the eponymous ancestor of the Ionians: son of Apollo and Creusa who is abandoned by his mother but returns to become an attendant in Apollo's temple at Delphi. 2. ( italics ) a drama on this subject ( 415? B.C. ) by Euripides.

Auge Class. Myth. a daughter of King Aleus who became a priestess of Athena. After being raped by Hercules she bore a son, Telephus.

Laodamia Class. Myth. 1. a daughter of Acastus who committed suicide so that she could join her huband, Protesilaus, in the underworld. 2. ( in the Iliad ) the mother, by Zeus, of Sarpedon.

Apsyrtus Class. Myth. a son of Aeetes, killed by his sister Medea, who, while fleeing with Jason, threw pieces of her brother's body into the sea so that her father, in pursuing her, might be delayed while picking them up.

Aloadae Class. Myth. Ephialtes and Otus, the sons of Poseidon and Iphimedia, raised by Aloeus. Also, Aloidae.

a-1966 Random House Dict. of the English Language: The Unabridged Edition

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