Andron Class. Myth. a son of Anius who was given the power of prophecy by Apollo. Also, Andrus.
Archeptolemus ( in the Iliad ) the son of Iphitus who served as charioteer for Hector.
Leucippus Class. Myth. 1. a youth who disguised himself as a girl to be near Daphne and was killed by Daphne and her companions when his disguise was discovered. 2. the son of Gorgophone and Perieres who fathered the Leucippides.
Maeonis An epithet applied to Omphalé ( q. v.) as queen of Lydia or Maeonia.
Alcaeus 2. Class. Myth. a son of Androgeus and a grandson of Minos.
Cressa " The Cretan woman;" a term used by Ovid of Ariadné ( Am.i. 7, 16 ) and of Aëropé ( A. A. i. 327 ).
hero 4. In classical mythology and legend: a The son of a god or goddess and a mortal. b A man of great nobility or physical prowess who was often worshiped as a demigod after death.
Priapean adj. Of or pertaining to Priapus; phallic.
Tydeus Class. Myth. the father of Diomedes: one of the Seven Against Thebes.
Melisseus Class. Myth. a Cretan king who fathered Adrastea and Ida.
thread of life, the, the imaginary thread spun and cut by the Fates. It is supposed to symbolize the course and termination of one's existence.
hellhound 1. A hound of hell, as Cerberus. 2. A cruel and fiendish person.
Urania 1. The Muse of astronomy. 2. The heavenly one: an epithet of Aphrodite. [< L< Gk. Ourania < ouranios heavenly < ouranos heaven ]
Aethra Class. Myth. 1. the mother, by Aegeus, of Theseus. 2. an Oceanid.
Asterius Class. Myth. 1. the king of Crete who married Europa and who named as his heirs her three sons by Zeus. 2. the giant son of Anax. 3. the Minotaur born to Pasiphaë and the Cretan Bull. 4. a son of Hyrasius who joined the Argonauts.
Mater Turrita Rom. Religion. Cybele.
Echemus Class. Arcadian king who killed Hyllus in a duel and thus temporarily delayed the Heraclidan invasion of the Peloponnesus.
City of ( the ) Seven Hills Rome.
Pietas the ancient Roman personification of familial affection, patriotism, and piety,
Amyclas Class. Myth.1. a son of Lacedaemon and Sparta. 2. a son of Niobe and Amphion.
Clytius Class. Myth. 1. ( in the Iliad ) a brother of Priam killed by Hercules. 2. a companion of Jason. 3. one of the Gigantes.
silver age In classical mythology, the age of Jupiter's rule, succeeding that of Kronos or Saturn.
Cacus [L.] Rom. Myth. A thieving, crafty giant, son of Vulcan, slain by Hercules in his cave in the Aventine where he had hidden the cattle of Geryon. In Rome an obscure goddess, Caca, had an altar, and the two probably represent a pair of ancient divinities.
Anna 2. Class. Myth. the sister of Dido, supposed to have drowned herself in Italy.
Ianiscus The name of two mythical personages. ( Paus. ii. 6.§ 3.; Schol. ad Aristoph. Plut. 701.)
sun god A god identified with or personifying the sun.
lotusland Informal. A place or condition of irresponsibility and luxury.
Hephaestian adj. relating to Hephaestus, the god of fire and metallurgy among the Greeks; hence, relating to metalworking or smithery.
Oberon 1. The king of the fairies and husband of Titania in medieval folklore. 2. A satellite of Uranus. [ Fr.< Auberon. of Gmc. orig. See albho-*. ]
Aleian adj. Gr. Myth. Designating the plain ( Alēion pedion ) where Bellerophon wandered.
Megareus The son either of Onchestus or of Poseidon, and father of Hippomenes and Evaechmé.
Ampelos Class. Myth. a satyr who was placed among the stars by Dionysus.
silenus In Greek mythology, any woodland deity resembling a satyr.
Miletus Class. Myth. a son of Apollo and Aria, and the father of Biblys and Caunus.
Gorgé Daughter of Oeneus ( q. v.) and sister of Deianira, both of whom retained their original forms when their other sisters were metamorphosed by Artemis into birds.
Lorelei In Germanic romantic literature, a siren on a rock in the Rhine who lured boatmen to shipwreck by her singing: also Lurlei. [< G ]
Cardea an ancient Roman goddess of door hinges, protectress of family.
Echetus Class. Myth. a king of Epirus who blinded his daughter. Cf. Amphissa. ( def. 1 ).
City of ( the ) Seven Hills Rome.
Pietas the ancient Roman personification of familial affection, patriotism, and piety,
Amyclas Class. Myth.1. a son of Lacedaemon and Sparta. 2. a son of Niobe and Amphion.
Clytius Class. Myth. 1. ( in the Iliad ) a brother of Priam killed by Hercules. 2. a companion of Jason. 3. one of the Gigantes.
silver age In classical mythology, the age of Jupiter's rule, succeeding that of Kronos or Saturn.
Cacus [L.] Rom. Myth. A thieving, crafty giant, son of Vulcan, slain by Hercules in his cave in the Aventine where he had hidden the cattle of Geryon. In Rome an obscure goddess, Caca, had an altar, and the two probably represent a pair of ancient divinities.
Anna 2. Class. Myth. the sister of Dido, supposed to have drowned herself in Italy.
Ianiscus The name of two mythical personages. ( Paus. ii. 6.§ 3.; Schol. ad Aristoph. Plut. 701.)
sun god A god identified with or personifying the sun.
lotusland Informal. A place or condition of irresponsibility and luxury.
Hephaestian adj. relating to Hephaestus, the god of fire and metallurgy among the Greeks; hence, relating to metalworking or smithery.
Oberon 1. The king of the fairies and husband of Titania in medieval folklore. 2. A satellite of Uranus. [ Fr.< Auberon. of Gmc. orig. See albho-*. ]
Aleian adj. Gr. Myth. Designating the plain ( Alēion pedion ) where Bellerophon wandered.
Megareus The son either of Onchestus or of Poseidon, and father of Hippomenes and Evaechmé.
Ampelos Class. Myth. a satyr who was placed among the stars by Dionysus.
silenus In Greek mythology, any woodland deity resembling a satyr.
Miletus Class. Myth. a son of Apollo and Aria, and the father of Biblys and Caunus.
Gorgé Daughter of Oeneus ( q. v.) and sister of Deianira, both of whom retained their original forms when their other sisters were metamorphosed by Artemis into birds.
Lorelei In Germanic romantic literature, a siren on a rock in the Rhine who lured boatmen to shipwreck by her singing: also Lurlei. [< G ]
Cardea an ancient Roman goddess of door hinges, protectress of family.
Echetus Class. Myth. a king of Epirus who blinded his daughter. Cf. Amphissa. ( def. 1 ).
Skrymir Scand. Myth. a giant who took Thor, Thialfi, and Loki to Jotunheim. Also called Utgard-Loki.
Perialla Class. Myth. a priestess of Delphi who was discredited for taking a bribe.
thunderbolt 2. an imaginary bolt or dart conceived of as the material destructive agent cast to earth in a flash of lightning: the thuderbolts of Jove.
Calais Class. Myth. the winged son of Boreas the north wind. As Argonauts he and his twin brother Zetes chased away the Harpies. Also, Kalais.
Marpessa Daughter of Evenus and Alcippé. See IDAS.
Aepytus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Elatus who reared Evadne. 2. the grandson of Hercules who, with his mother, killed Polyphontes. 3. an Arcadian king. 4. father of Cypselus and king of Arcadia. He was blinded when he entered a sanctuary of Poseidon forbidden to mortals.
thunderbolt 2. an imaginary bolt or dart conceived of as the material destructive agent cast to earth in a flash of lightning: the thuderbolts of Jove.
Calais Class. Myth. the winged son of Boreas the north wind. As Argonauts he and his twin brother Zetes chased away the Harpies. Also, Kalais.
Marpessa Daughter of Evenus and Alcippé. See IDAS.
Aepytus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Elatus who reared Evadne. 2. the grandson of Hercules who, with his mother, killed Polyphontes. 3. an Arcadian king. 4. father of Cypselus and king of Arcadia. He was blinded when he entered a sanctuary of Poseidon forbidden to mortals.
Molione Class. Myth. the mother, by Poseidon, of Cteatus and Eurytus.
Homagyrius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "assembler."
Proetus Class. Myth. a son of Abas who was a lifelong enemy of his twin, Acrisius. In their warfare, the brothers invented the shield.
Molorchus Class. Myth. a peasant whose son was killed by the Nemean lion.
Ialemus The personification of a sort of dirge, as was Linus ( q. v.), and as Hymenaeus personified the marriage song. He is called a son of Apollo and Calliopé, and was the inventor of a melancholy song which bore the name of ίαλεμος.
fate 5. [cap.] Gr. & Rom. Relig. The goddess, or one of the goddesses, of fate or destiny; esp., pl. [L. Fata, pl. of fatum ], the three goddesses supposed to determine the course of human life. In Greek they are called the Moirai ( See MOIRA ), their individual names being eventually determined as Clotho ( Spinner ), who spins the thread of life, Lachesis ( Disposer of Lots ), who determines it's length, and Atropos ( Inflexible ), who cuts it off. The Romans identified the Moirai with their own goddesses of fate, the Parcae ( see PARCA ), whose names are Nona, Decuma, and Morta. Cf. NORN. 6. pl. Norse Myth. The Norns; the Weird Sisters.
Chrysothemis Class. Myth. a daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra.
aura 3. [cap.] Gr. Myth. A personification of one of the mild and gentle winds.
Hermod Scand. Myth. a son of Odin who rode to Hel to negotiate for the return of Balder to Asgard.
Ialemus The personification of a sort of dirge, as was Linus ( q. v.), and as Hymenaeus personified the marriage song. He is called a son of Apollo and Calliopé, and was the inventor of a melancholy song which bore the name of ίαλεμος.
fate 5. [cap.] Gr. & Rom. Relig. The goddess, or one of the goddesses, of fate or destiny; esp., pl. [L. Fata, pl. of fatum ], the three goddesses supposed to determine the course of human life. In Greek they are called the Moirai ( See MOIRA ), their individual names being eventually determined as Clotho ( Spinner ), who spins the thread of life, Lachesis ( Disposer of Lots ), who determines it's length, and Atropos ( Inflexible ), who cuts it off. The Romans identified the Moirai with their own goddesses of fate, the Parcae ( see PARCA ), whose names are Nona, Decuma, and Morta. Cf. NORN. 6. pl. Norse Myth. The Norns; the Weird Sisters.
Chrysothemis Class. Myth. a daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra.
aura 3. [cap.] Gr. Myth. A personification of one of the mild and gentle winds.
Hermod Scand. Myth. a son of Odin who rode to Hel to negotiate for the return of Balder to Asgard.
Arene Class. Myth. the mother of Lynceus and Idas.
Chthonia (1) Daughter of Erechtheus of Athens, who was sacrificed by her father to gain victory over the men of Eleusis. ( See ERECHTHEUS.) (2) An epithet of Demeter ( q. v.).
Maeon Class. Myth. a Theban who was among the 50 warriors instructed to ambush Tydeus and was the only one of them who was not slain.
Chthonia (1) Daughter of Erechtheus of Athens, who was sacrificed by her father to gain victory over the men of Eleusis. ( See ERECHTHEUS.) (2) An epithet of Demeter ( q. v.).
Maeon Class. Myth. a Theban who was among the 50 warriors instructed to ambush Tydeus and was the only one of them who was not slain.
Herophilus Class. Myth. a son of Aphrodite and Poseidon.
Halesus A chief of the Auruncans and Oscans, the son of a soothsayer, and an ally of Turnus, slain by Evander. He came to Italy from Argos in Greece, whence he is called Agamemnonius, Astrides, or Argolicus. He is said to have founded Falerii ( Serv. ad. Verg. Aen. vii. 723 ).
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
Halesus A chief of the Auruncans and Oscans, the son of a soothsayer, and an ally of Turnus, slain by Evander. He came to Italy from Argos in Greece, whence he is called Agamemnonius, Astrides, or Argolicus. He is said to have founded Falerii ( Serv. ad. Verg. Aen. vii. 723 ).
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
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