Corybas The son of Iasion and Cybele, who introduced the rites of the mother of the gods into Phrygia from the island of Samothrace. See CORYBANICA; RHEA.
Macareus Class. Myth. a son of Aeolus and Enarete.
Aetheria 2. Class. Myth. a daughter of Helius and Clymene who, with her sisters, was one of the Heliades.
Rhodopis Class. Myth. a maiden whose sandal was snatched by an eagle and carried to King Psammetichus. Considering this an omen, the king married Rhodopis.
Idalium A town in Cyprus, sacred to Aphrodité, who hence bore the surname Idalia.
Agenorides A descendant of an Agenor, such as Cadmus, Phineus, and Perseus.
Iapyx Class. Myth. a son of Daedalus.
Idalium A town in Cyprus, sacred to Aphrodité, who hence bore the surname Idalia.
Agenorides A descendant of an Agenor, such as Cadmus, Phineus, and Perseus.
Iapyx Class. Myth. a son of Daedalus.
Cydippe Class. Myth. a priestess of Hera at Argos and the mother of Biton and Cleobis.
coryphaeus 3. (cap.) Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "highest."[<L<Gk coryphaîos leader (n.), leading ( adj.), equiv. to Koryph (ḗ) head, top + aîos adj. suffix ]
Minervae Castrum or Minervium Now Castro; a hill on the coast of Calabria, the traditional landing-place of Aeneas in Italy.
Ithacus The son of Pterolaüs. He was the hero after whom Ithaca was said to have been named ( Odyss. xiii. 207 ).
Biton Class. Myth. one of the sons of Cydippe. Cf. Cleobis.
Alcithoë Class. Myth. a daughter of Minyas who was driven mad for mocking Dionysus.
Electrides Class. Myth. the Amber Islands.
Curetes [L., fr. Gr. Kourētes.] Gr. Relig. Earthborn daemons, attendants upon Rhea, in Crete, who, when she gave the infant Zeus into their charge, executed a wild dance so that the clamor drowned the child's cries and concealed his presence from Cronus; also, priests of the Cretan Rhea.
Rhode Class. Myth. a nymph born to Halia and Poseidon. She bore eight children by Helius.
Aglaos [Gr.] Gr. Lit. A poor Arcadian peasant whom the Delphic oracle pronounced happier than Gyges, king of Lydia, because he was contented.
Psyche In Greek and Roman mythology, a maiden who, after many tribulations caused by the jealousy of Aphrodite, is united with her lover, Eros, and accorded a place among the gods as a personification of the soul.
Dodonides The priestesses who gave oracles in the temple of Zeus in Dodona. See DODONA.
Iasides A patronymic given to Palinurus, as descendant from a person of the name of Iasius ( Verg. Aen. v. 843 ).
labors of Hercules Class. Myth. the 12 extraordinary feats performed by Hercules for Eurystheus in order to gain immortality.
Pelasgus Class. Myth. the first man, father of Lycaon and founder of the Pelasgian race. Also called Corynetes.
Lysippe Class. Myth. a daughter of Antia and Proteus who was driven mad.
Podarge Class. Myth. one of the Harpies.
Phylas (1) A king of the Dryopes, who was attacked and slain by Heracles, because he had violated the sanctuary of Delphi. By his daughter Midea, Heracles became the father of Antilochus. (2) Son of Antilochus and grandson of Heracles and Midea, was married to Deïphilé, by whom he had two sons, Hippotas and Thero. (3) King of Ephyra, in Thesprotia, and father of Polymelé and Astyoché, by the latter of whom Heracles was the father of Tlepolemus.
Iardanes King of Lydia, and father of Omphalé, who is hence called Iardanis ( Apollod. ii. 6 § 3 ).
Lausus (1) Son of Mezentius ( q. v.), king of the Etruscans, slain by Aeneas. (2) Son of Numitor and brother of Ilia, killed by Amulius.
Pagasae or Pagasa A town of Thessaly, on the coast of Magnesia, and on the bay called after it SINUS PAGASAEUS or PAGASYCUS. It was the port of Iolcus, and afterwords of Pherae, and is celebrated in mythology as the place where Iason built the ship Argo. Hence the adjective Pagasaeus is applied to Iason, and is also used in the general sense of Thessalian. Apollo is also called Pagasaeus from having a temple at the place.
dragon 1. A mythical, serpentlike, winged monster.
Xanthe one of the daughters of Oceanus. ( Hes. Theog. 356; Verg. G. 4. 336.)
Ischys Class. Myth. a youth who was slain after committing an act of infidelity with Coronis, the beloved of Apollo.
Meges ( in the Iliad ) a nephew of Odysseus who commanded the Epeans in the Trojan War.
Leander Gk. Myth. A young man who loved Hero and drowned during one of his nightly swims across the Hellespont to be with her.
Laodamas Class. Myth.1. a son of Eteocles who defended Thebes against the Epigoni, killed Aegialeus and was killed by Alcmaeon. 2. ( in the Odyssey ) the son of Alcinous who, not recognizing Odysseus, challenged him to athletic contests when Odysseus landed in Phaeacia.
Tityus [L., Tityos, fr. Gr. Tityos.] Gr. Myth. a giant, son of Gaea or of Zeus, who for offering violence to Leto, was slain by her son Apollo. In Hades he lies prone while two vultures gnaw his liver.
Aeaean adj. [L. Aeaecus, fr. Gr. Aiaios.] Gr. & Rom. Myth. Pertaining to or desgnating the island Aeaea (now Monte Circello), lying between Italy and Sicily and fabled as the abode of Circe. ─ Aeaean, n.
Caesar dives [L.] Rom. Relig. The deified Caesar or emperor of Rome.
Stymphalus Class. Myth. 1. a king of Arcadia who was treacherously murdered by his military inferior enemy, Pelops. 2. a lake in Arcadia where the Stymphalian birds dwelt.
Hesione In Greek legend, Laomedon's daughter, rescued from a sea monster by Hercules.
Meriones ( in the Iliad ) a skillful archer who aided the Greek forces in the Trojan War.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
Phylas (1) A king of the Dryopes, who was attacked and slain by Heracles, because he had violated the sanctuary of Delphi. By his daughter Midea, Heracles became the father of Antilochus. (2) Son of Antilochus and grandson of Heracles and Midea, was married to Deïphilé, by whom he had two sons, Hippotas and Thero. (3) King of Ephyra, in Thesprotia, and father of Polymelé and Astyoché, by the latter of whom Heracles was the father of Tlepolemus.
Iardanes King of Lydia, and father of Omphalé, who is hence called Iardanis ( Apollod. ii. 6 § 3 ).
Lausus (1) Son of Mezentius ( q. v.), king of the Etruscans, slain by Aeneas. (2) Son of Numitor and brother of Ilia, killed by Amulius.
Pagasae or Pagasa A town of Thessaly, on the coast of Magnesia, and on the bay called after it SINUS PAGASAEUS or PAGASYCUS. It was the port of Iolcus, and afterwords of Pherae, and is celebrated in mythology as the place where Iason built the ship Argo. Hence the adjective Pagasaeus is applied to Iason, and is also used in the general sense of Thessalian. Apollo is also called Pagasaeus from having a temple at the place.
dragon 1. A mythical, serpentlike, winged monster.
Xanthe one of the daughters of Oceanus. ( Hes. Theog. 356; Verg. G. 4. 336.)
Ischys Class. Myth. a youth who was slain after committing an act of infidelity with Coronis, the beloved of Apollo.
Meges ( in the Iliad ) a nephew of Odysseus who commanded the Epeans in the Trojan War.
Leander Gk. Myth. A young man who loved Hero and drowned during one of his nightly swims across the Hellespont to be with her.
Laodamas Class. Myth.1. a son of Eteocles who defended Thebes against the Epigoni, killed Aegialeus and was killed by Alcmaeon. 2. ( in the Odyssey ) the son of Alcinous who, not recognizing Odysseus, challenged him to athletic contests when Odysseus landed in Phaeacia.
Tityus [L., Tityos, fr. Gr. Tityos.] Gr. Myth. a giant, son of Gaea or of Zeus, who for offering violence to Leto, was slain by her son Apollo. In Hades he lies prone while two vultures gnaw his liver.
Aeaean adj. [L. Aeaecus, fr. Gr. Aiaios.] Gr. & Rom. Myth. Pertaining to or desgnating the island Aeaea (now Monte Circello), lying between Italy and Sicily and fabled as the abode of Circe. ─ Aeaean, n.
Caesar dives [L.] Rom. Relig. The deified Caesar or emperor of Rome.
Stymphalus Class. Myth. 1. a king of Arcadia who was treacherously murdered by his military inferior enemy, Pelops. 2. a lake in Arcadia where the Stymphalian birds dwelt.
Pyronia Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "fire-goddess."
Antheus Class. Myth. a son of Antenor, accidentally killed by Paris.
Sthenius Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "strong."
Clinis Class. Myth. a Mesopotamian man loved by Artemis and Apollo.
Aechmagoras Class. Myth. a son of Hercules and Phialo.
Ancus Marcius Rom. Legend. a king of Rome, during whose reign the first bridge over the Tiber was constructed.
Ancus Marcius Rom. Legend. a king of Rome, during whose reign the first bridge over the Tiber was constructed.
Hesione In Greek legend, Laomedon's daughter, rescued from a sea monster by Hercules.
Meriones ( in the Iliad ) a skillful archer who aided the Greek forces in the Trojan War.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
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