Cotyleus Class. Myth. an epithet of Asclepius, meaning "of the hip joint," in reference to a hip wound suffered by Hercules which Asclepius cured.
Anaxo Class. Myth. a daughter of Alcaeus who was the mother, by Electryon, of Alcmene.
Hipponous Class. Myth. 1. a Trojan warrior slain by Achilles. 2. the father of Periboea.
Skirnir Scand. Myth. the servant of Frey.
Eurygeneia Class. Myth. a woman sometimes believed to be the mother, by Oedipus, of Polynices and Eteocles.
Pelorus Class. Myth. one of the Sparti.
Salamis 3. Class. Myth. a daughter of Asopus and Metope who bore a son, Cychreus, by Poseidon.
Prytanis ( in the Iliad ) a Lycian ally of Sarpedon, slain by Odysseus.
Galeus Class. Myth. a lizard who was the son of Apollo.
Hecaleius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus.
Metiscus Rom. Legend. the charioteer of Turnus.
Acmon Class. Myth. a companion of Diomedes who was changed into a bird for defying Aphrodite.
Cranaus Class. Myth. a man born of the earth who became a king of Attica.
Prylis Class. Myth. a son of Hermes who is sometimes believed to have suggested, through the inspiration of Athena, the use of the wooden horse in the Trojan War.
Ialmenus Class. Myth. a son of Ares and Astyoche who joined the Argonauts and was a leader of the Boeotians in the Trojan War.
Phytalus Class. Myth. an Eleusinian who was given a fig tree by Demeter in return for his hospitality.
Wayland ( in N European folklore ) the king of the elves, a smith and artificer: known in Scandinavia as Völund and in Germany as Wieland.
Euneus Class. Myth. a son of Jason and Hypsipyle.
Melus Class. Myth. the son of Cinyras of Cyprus whose grief at the death of Adonis so touched Aphrodite that she changed him into an apple tree.
Talaemenes ( in the Iliad ) the father of Mesthles and Antiphus.
Iache Class. Myth. a nymph who was a companion of Persephone.
Eurysthenes Class. Myth. a son of Aristomachus who shared the Spartan throne with his twin brother, Proclus.
Logi Scand. Myth. a man, a personification of fire, who defeated Loki in an eating contest.
Pytho Class. Myth. Delphi. ( def. 1.).
Thrym Scand. Myth. a giant who, having demanded Freya in return for the stolen hammer of Thor, was killed by Thor, who came disguised as Freya.
Coresus Class. Myth. a priest of Dionysus who loved Callirrhoë, a maiden of Calydon: when she rejected Coresus, Dionysus inflicted a plague on Calydon.
Hippolochus ( in the Iliad ) a son of Bellerophon.
Iphidamas ( in the Iliad ) the son of Antenor and Theano, who was killed by Agamemnon.
Sthenelus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Actor and a companion of Hercules in the war against the Amazons. 2. one of the Epigoni. 3. a son of Perseus and Andromeda who became king of Mycenae: he was the father, by Nicippe of Eurystheus.
Deïpyle Class. Myth. a daughter of Adrastus who became the mother, by Tydeus, of Diomedes.
Narcaeus Class. Myth. a son of Physcoa and Dionysus who initiated the worship of Dionysus in Elis.
Cnidia Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite referring to the city of Cnidus, where there was a statue of the goddess by Praxiteles.
Vulcanalia an ancient Roman festival, in honor of Vulcan.
Oeax Class. Myth. a son of Nauplius and Clymene who, in seeking revenge for the slaying of his brother, Palamedes, provoked Clytemnestra to murder Agamemnon.
Cyprian 6. the Cyprian, Aphrodite: so called because her cult was centered on Cyprus. [<L Cypri(us) of Cyprus (< Gk Kýprios, deriv. of Kýpros CYPRUS ) + -AN ]
Leuce Class. Myth. a nymph changed into a white poplar tree as a protection against the pursuing Pluto.
Bias 2. Class. Myth. a son of Amythaon and Idomene, who, with the help of his brother Melampus, secured the cattle of Phylacus and wed Pero.
Heliadae Class. Myth. the seven sons of Helius and Rhode.
Phlias Class. Myth. a son of Dionysus who joined the Argonauts.
Therapne Class. Myth. a girl who gave her name to the grounds on which the Dioscuri were buried.
Clide Class. Myth. a nymph who lived on the island of Naxos.
Harmonides ( in the Iliad ) Phereclus.
Chamyne Class. Myth. an epithet of Demeter.
Numanus Rom. Legend. the brother-in-law of Turnus, killed in the war between Turnus and Aeneas.
Thespian Maids Class. Myth. the Muses. Cf. Thespiae.
Theoxenius Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "god of strangers."
Periapis Class. Myth. a woman believed to be the mother of Patroclus. Also, Periopis.
Syleus Class. Myth. a king who forced all passing travelers to work in his vineyard: he was killed by Hercules.
Argyrotoxus Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "lord of the silver bow," referring to the bow and arrows made for him by Hephaestus.
Eumolpus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Poseidon and Chione who founded the mysteries at Eleusis. 2. a flute player who supported the false accusations of Phylonome against Tenes.
Merops ( in the Iliad ) a Percosian augur who foresaw and unsuccessfully tried to prevent the death of his sons in the Trojan War. 2. Class. Myth. the husband of Clymene and the stepfather of Phaëthon.
Comaetho Class. Myth. 1. daughter of Pterelaus who, out of love for Amphitryon, betrayed her father by cutting off the lock of golden hair which made him immortal. Despite her love, Amphitryon killed her for her treacherous deed. 2. a priestess who was sacrificed with her lover, Melanippus, to appease Artemis, in whose sanctuary they had impiously made love.
Arsinous ( in the Iliad ) the father of Aecamede.
Gygaea ( in the Iliad ) a lake nymph. Also, Gyge.
Pylas Class. Myth. a king of Megara who gave his throne to Pandion the Younger.
Areïthoüs ( in the Iliad ) the father of Menesthius, who used an iron mace in battle. He was killed by Lycurgus.
Itonia Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena.
Clitus Class. Myth. a son of Mantius who was beloved and abducted by Eos.
Hyrie Class. Myth. the mother of a child by Apollo: she was changed into a swan to relieve her grief over the death of her son.
Thamus Class. Myth. an Egyptian sailor who was bound for Italy when he heard a voice announce the death of Pan.
Zosteria Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "one who girds with armor."
Sesostris ( in Greek legend ) a king of ancient Egypt believed to have conquered areas in Asia and Africa.
Galinthias Class. Myth. a handmaid of Alcmene.
Cytissorus Class. Myth. a son of Phrixus and Chalciope.
Nauplius Class. Myth. 1. a son of Poseidon and a Danaid, credited with discovering a way of navigating by the Great Bear constellation. 2. a king of Nauplia who was one of the Argonauts.
Learchus Class. Myth. a son of Athamas and Ino who was killed by his father in a fit of madness.
Cleone Class. Myth. a daughter of Asopus.
Adamas ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan ally who was killed when his attempt to slay Antilochus was thwarted by Poseidon.
Eurypylus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Poseidon, slain by Hercules. 2. a nephew of Priam, slain by Neoptolemus in the Trojan War. 3. a brave Greek warrior who was driven insane by an image of Dionysus that he received as part of the Trojan spoils.
Hyacinthides Class. Myth. the daughters of Hyacinthus who were sacrificed to save Athens from the attacking King Minos.
Pandareus Class. Myth. a son of Merops who was turned to stone for stealing the golden dog created by Hephaestus to guard the temple of Zeus.
Anchiale Class. Myth. a nymph.
Opheltes Class. Myth. the son of King Lycurgus of Nemea who was killed in infancy by a serpent and in whose memory the Nemean games were held. Also called Archemorus.
Calyce Class. Myth. a daughter of Aeolus and Enarete and the mother of Endymion.
Archegetes Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "founder," referring to an altar established in his honor by the first Greek colonists of Sicily.
Megarus Class. Myth. a son of Zeus who fled to the safety of Mount Gerania during the flood that Zeus sent to punish mankind.
Hylaeus Class. Myth. a cloud-born Arcadian centaur.
Podalirius Class. Myth. a son of Asclepius who was physician to the Greeks in the Trojan War.
Protogonia Class. Myth. a daughter of Erechtheus and Praxithea, who, when her sister Otionia was sacrificed, fulfilled a vow by taking her own life.
Deïon Class. Myth. a son of Aeolus and Enarete who became king of Phocis.
Leucippides Class. Myth. Phoebe and Hilaira, the daughters of Leucippus.
Deïope Class. Myth. a woman believed to be the daughter of Triptolemus.
Aesepus Class. Myth. a son of Abarbarea who, with his twin brother Pedasus, fought in the Trojan War and was slain by Euryalus.
Ptoüs Class. Myth. a son of Athamas and Themisto for whom Mount Ptoüs in Boeotia was named.
Baton Class. Myth. the charioteer of Amphiaraus.
Canens Rom. Legend. a daughter of Janus who cried herself to death over the disappearance of her husband, Picus.
Simois ( in the Iliad ) a river god.
Migonitis Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning "uniter."
Cychreus Class. Myth. a son of Poseidon who became king of Salamis.
Ida 3. Class. Myth. a. one of the nymphs who kept watch over the infant Zeus to protect him from being devoured by his father, Cronus. b. a nymph who was the mother, by Zeus, of the Dactyls.
Agacles ( in the Iliad ) a king of the Myrmidons.
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