Chelidon Class. Myth. a sister of Aëdon who was raped and then made a slave by her brother-in-law Polytechnus: Artemis changed her into a swallow.
Atabyrian Class. Myth. Zeus: so called because of his sanctuary on Mount Atabyrium in Rhodes.
Taurica Thea "The Taurian goddess," commonly called Artemis. Her image was believed to have been conveyed to Brauron, Sparta, or Aricia. The worship of this Taurian goddess, who was identified with Artemis and Iphigenia, was carried on with orgiastic rites and human sacrifices, and seems to have been very ancient in Greece. ( Paus. iii. 16 § 6; Herod. iv. 103; comp. ARTEMIS.)
Epeus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Panopeus who was noted for his cowardice. With the help of Athena, he built the Trojan Horse. 2. a son of Endymion who succeeded his father as king in the Peloponnesus.
Tritogeneia Class. Myth. Athena: so called because it was near lake Tritonis that she was born from the head of Zeus.
Hecatonchires Class. Myth. three giants, Briareus, Cottus, and Gyges, who were the sons of Uranus and Gaea and had 50 heads and 100 arms each: they were best known for having helped the gods in their struggle against the Titans. Also, Hecatoncheires.
rhesus 2. ( cap.) Class. Myth. a Thracian ally of Troy whose horses were captured by Odysseus and Diomedes to prevent them from eating Trojan fodder or drinking from the Xanthus, since it was foretold that if the horses did so, Troy would not fall. ─ rhesian, adj.
Cumaean sibyl Class. Myth. a famous prophetess at Cumae who guided Aeneas through the underworld and who was believed in the Middle Ages to have foretold the coming of Christ.
Antipoenus Class. Myth. a Theban descendant of the Sparti who refused to give his life for his city. Cf. Alcis.
Hippolochus ( in the Iliad ) a son of Bellerophon.
Ceyx Class. Myth. a son of Hermes who served as herald of the gods at the Eleusinian mysteries.
Pallas 1. Class. Myth. a. a name given to or used with the name of Athena. b. a daughter of Triton who was killed while playing with the youthful Athena. The goddess adopted her name and made an effigy of her.
Telegonus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Odysseus and Circe who eventually married Penelope. 2. a son of Proteus and the husband of Io who was killed by Hercules in a wrestling match.
Stymphalian birds Class. Myth. a flock of annoying or dangerous birds of Arcadia that were driven away or killed by Hercules as one of his labors. Also called Stymphalides.
Ultor an ancient Roman epithet of Jupiter meaning "avenger."
Gigantes Class. Myth. beings with the heads of men and the bodies of serpents, who were born to Gaea when she was impregnated with the blood of the mutilated Uranus: the Gigantes attacked the gods but were defeated with the help of Hercules. [<L <Gk (pl.): giants]
Hippothous Class. Myth. a son of Alope and Poseidon who was crowned king of Arcadia.
Aristomachus Class. Myth. one of the Heraclidae, the father of Temenus, Cresphontes, and Aristodemus: he was killed while invading Peloponnesus.
Heliconian 1. Class. Myth. an epithet of Poseidon.
Eurymedon Class. Myth. an epithet of Perseus, meaning "wide-ruling."
Melicertes Class. Myth. a son of Athamas and Ino who was changed into the sea god Palaemon when his father, in a fit of madness, tried to kill him.
Cresphontes Class. Myth. a Heraclid who gained control of Messinia after helping lead the invasion of Peloponnesus by the Heraclidae.
Phoroneus Class. Myth. a son of Inachus and the nymph Melia who was the founder of Argos and who was considered a national hero for furthering religious, cultural, and civil causes in the Peloponnesus.
Eumelus 1. ( in the Iliad ) the commander of the Thessalian forces. He lost a chariot race to Diomedes. 2. ( in the Aeneid ) a Trojan companion of Aeneas.
Acetes Class. Myth. a Lydian helmsman who, realizing that a youth captured by his crew was actually Dionysus in disguise, protected the god from the crew and eventually became his follower.
Pholus Class. Myth. a centaur who guarded the wine presented to the centaurs by Dionysus.
Nisus Class. Myth. a son of Pandion whose life and fate of his kingdom depended upon a lock of hair on his head. 2. Rom. Legend. the son of Hyrtacus and the nymph Ida: a companion of Aeneas on the flight from Troy.
Sychaeus Rom. Legend. a priest of Hercules and the husband of Dido: murdered for his wealth by his brother-in-law Pygmalion. Also called Acerbas.
Antiphas Class. Myth. one of the twin sons of Laocoön.
Medon 1. ( in the Odyssey ) a herald who warned Penelope that her suitors were conspiring against Telemachus. 2. ( in the Iliad ) the illegitimate son of Oileus and Rhene, slain in the Trojan War by Æneas.
Itylus Class. Myth. the only child of Aëdon and Zethus, mistakenly killed by his mother.
Cretheus Class. Myth. 1. the founder of Iolcus and a son of Aeolus. 2. ( in the Aeneid ) a companion of Aeneas beloved by the Muses.
Proteus 1. Class. Myth. a sea god, son of Oceanus and Tethys, noted for his ability to assume different forms and to prophesy. 2. a king of Egypt and the husband of Psamathe. During the Trojan War, in Euripides' version of the story, Proteus kept Helen in Egypt while a phantom Helen joined Paris.
Archelaus Class. Myth. a son of Temenus and a descendant of Hercules: founder of the royal house of Macedonia.
Ilioneus 1. ( in the Aeneid ) a Trojan warrior who fled from Troy with Aeneas. 2. ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan warrior who was brutally killed by Peneleus.
Phorbas Class. Myth. 1. a son of Lapithes who dispelled a plague of serpents in Rhodes. 2. a leader of the Phrygian allies of Troy, slain by Ajax. 3. a renowned boxer who challenged pilgrims, killed them, and was eventually slain by Apollo.
Antiphates Class. Myth. 1. a son of Melampus. 2. ( in the Odyssey ) a chieftain of the Laestrygonians, the man-eating giants of Italy. 3. ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan warrior, slain by Leonteus.
Machaerus Class. Myth. a Phocian who killed Neoptolemus.
Pythian 2. of or pertaining to Apollo, with reference to his oracle at Delphi.
Athaemenes Class. Myth. a son of Catreus who mistakenly killed his father, thus fulfilling a prophecy that Catreus would die by the hand of one of his children.
Phantasus Class. Myth. an ancient Greek god of dreams who assumed the shapes of inanimate objects.
Mestor Class. Myth. a son of Perseus and Andromeda.
Archelochus ( in the Iliad ) a son of Antenor and Theano who joined Aeneas in skirmishes against the Greeks and was killed by Telamonian Ajax.
Melanippus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Theseus and Periguene. 2. a Theban who killed Tydeus in the battle of the Seven against Thebes and who was in turn, slain by Amphiaraus. 3. ( in the Iliad ) a son of Hicetaeon, slain by Antilochus. 4. a youth who impiously made love to Comaetho in the temple of Artemis.
Phobetor Class. Myth. an epithet of Icelus, meaning "terrifier."
Adrestus ( in the Iliad ) 1. the son of Merops who was a Trojan ally killed by Diomedes. 2. a Trojan ally captured by Menelaus and killed by Agamemnon.
Pedasus ( in the Iliad ) the twin brother of Aesepus, killed in the Trojan War by Euryalus.
Megamede Class. Myth. the wife of King Thespius and the mother of his 50 daughters.
Altes ( in the Iliad ) a king of the Leleges and the father of Laothoë.
Polyxenus Class. Myth. a grandson of Augeas who was an ally of the Greek forces in the Trojan War.
Actor Class. Myth. 1. a brother of King Augeas, sometimes believed to be the father, by Molione, of Eurytus and Cteatus. Cf. Moliones. 2. a son of Myrmidon and Pasidice who became king of Phthia.
Phlias Class. Myth. a son of Dionysus who joined the Argonauts.
Ask Scand. Myth. the first man, made by the gods from an ash tree. Also, Askr. [< Icel; see ASH² ]
Thule 1. the ancient Greek and Latin name for an island or region variously identified as one of the Shetland Islands, Iceland, Norway, etc.: supposed to be the most northerly region of the world.
Gynaecothoenas Class. Myth. an epithet of Ares, meaning "feasted by the women."
Rhiannon Welsh Legend. the wife of Pwyll and mother of Pryderi. Accused of having eaten her son, she was forced to do penance until his return. After Pwyll's death she married Manwyddan.
Neleus Class. Myth. king of Pylus and father of Nestor by Chloris.
Brynhild Scand. Myth. a Valkyrie and the wife of Gunnar, for whom she was won by Sigurd: corresponds to Brunhild in the Nibelungenlied.
Ronan Irish Legend. a king who his son, Mael, after his wife had falsely accused the boy of attempting to seduce her, and who was himself killed by the children of Mael.
Antheus Class. Myth. a son of Antenor, accidentally killed by Paris.
Brut any of a number of partly legendary, partly historical chronicles dealing with early English history, written during the Middle Ages and usually beginning with Brutus, the mythic and eponymous ancestor of the country. [<ML, Brutus, descendant of Aeneas ]
Procris Class. Myth. 1. a daughter of the Athenian king Erechtheus who was killed, while spying on her husband Cephalus, when he mistook her for a concealed animal, and threw at her a spear fated never to miss. 2. a daughter of Thespius who bore twin sons to Hercules.
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