Aornis Class. Myth. one of the five tributaries of the river Styx.
Eurippa Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "delighting in horses."
Leïtus ( in the Iliad ) the only Boeotian chief to return home safely from the siege of Troy.
Periguene Class. Myth. the mother, by Theseus, of Melanippus.
Catamitus ancient Roman name for Ganymede.
Abantes ( in the Iliad ) a warlike tribe from the island of Euboea, allies of the Greeks in the Trojan War.
Gyas ( in the Aeneid ) a companion of Aeneas on the flight from Troy.
Aornum Class. Myth. the entrance through which Orpheus descended to Hades to find Eurydice.
Itonius Class. Myth. a Boeotian, sometimes believed to be the father of Athena.
Cilix Class. Myth. a brother of Europa who went searching for her after she had been abducted by Zeus.
Tolumnius Rom. Legend. an augur who warned Turnus against fighting Aeneas singlehandedly.
Laertiades ( in the Odyssey ) an epithet of Odysseus, meaning "son of Laertes."
Hypseus Class. Myth. a son of Peneus and Creusa who became king of the Lapiths.
Elaïs Class. Myth. a daughter of Anius and Dorippe who had the power to change anything she touched into oil.
Baton Class. Myth. the charioteer of Amphiaraus.
Ipoctonus Class. Myth. an epithet of Hercules, meaning, "worm-killer," in reference to his protection of vines.
Brize Class. Myth. a gadfly sent by Hera to annoy Io.
Apemosyne Class. Myth. a daughter of Catreus, ravished by Hermes and unjustly killed by her brother, Althaemenes, who considered her immoral.
Caucon Class. Myth. a son of either Lycaon or Poseidon who brought the mysteries of Demeter to Messinia.
Laodocus Class. Myth. a son of Apollo and Phthia who was killed by Aetolus.
Ithome 3. Class. Myth. one of the nymphs who reared Zeus.
Phyleus 1. Class. Myth. a son of Augeas who was banished when he reminded his father of an unpaid debt. 2. a king of Ephyra and the father of Astyochia.
Lecheates Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "in childbed."
Pergamus 1. Class. Myth. a son of Neoptolemus and Andromache.
Aretus ( in the Iliad ) one of the 50 sons of Priam. He was killed by Automedon while trying to seize the immortal horses of Achilles.
Cyaneë Class. Myth. the mother, by Miletus, of Caunus and Byblis.
Echecles ( in the Iliad ) the husband of Polymela who raised his wife's son by Hermes as his own child.
Pielus Class. Myth. a son of Neoptolemus and Andromache from whom Alexander the Great claimed descent.
Mygdon Class. Myth. a king of the Bebryces who was killed by Hermes.
Telphusa Class. Myth. a spring nymph of Boeotia who cunningly advised Apollo to erect a temple and oracle at Delphi where she knew he would have to subdue the Python.
Polites ( in the Odyssey ) a companion of Odysseus who was changed into a swine by Circe.
Gasterocheires Class. Myth. seven Cyclops who accompanied Proteus from Lycia.
Helenor ( in the Aeneid ) a Lydian prince who accompanied Aeneas from Troy.
Idaean Mother Class. Myth. Cybele.
Maris ( in the Iliad ) a companion of Sarpedon in the Trojan War.
Briseus ( in the Iliad ) the father of Briseis: he committed suicide when his daughter was abducted by Achilles.
Prytanis ( in the Iliad ) a Lycian, ally of Sarpedon, slain by Odysseus.
Sergestus ( in the Aeneid ) a Trojan companion of Aeneas on his flight from Troy.
Astydamia Class. Myth. 1. a daughter of Amyntor who was abducted by Hercules. 2. the mother of Amphitryon.
Steropes Class. Myth. one of the Cyclopes.
Aethylla Class. Myth. a sister of Priam.
Deiphontes Class. Myth. the son-in-law of Temenus and husband of Hyrnetho. Temenus willed his kingdom to Deiphontes rather than to his own sons.
Teuthras Class. Myth. 1. a Mysian king who killed a boar sacred to Artemis: he was punished with disease and madness. 2. a king of Phrygia and the father of Tecmessa. 3. ( in the Iliad ) a Magnesian ally of the Greeks who was slain by Hector in the Trojan War.
Aegicores Class. Myth. a son of Ion.
Galata 2. Class. Myth. the ancestress of the Gallic race by her union with Hercules.
Praxis Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning "action."
Atrax Class. Myth. a son of Peneus.
Simoisius ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan youth killed by Telamonian Ajax in the Trojan War.
Tychius ( in the Iliad ) the artisan who created the shield used by Telamonian Ajax.
Brome Class. Myth. one of the nymphs who cared for the infant Dionysus.
Homadus Class. Myth. a centaur killed by Hercules.
Cleothera Class. Myth. a daughter of Pandareus.
Limon Class. Myth. a son of Tegeates and Maera who killed his brother, Scephrus, believing that Scephrus had informed against him to Apollo.
Evius Class. Myth. Dionysus. [< Gk Evios, from the cry evaí, evoí associated with Dionysus in lyric passages ]
Pelasgis Class. Myth. Demeter: named for Pelasgus, the founder of her sanctuary at Argos.
Tyro Class. Myth. the daughter of Salmoneus and Alcidice, and the mother, by Poseidon, of Neleus and Pelias.
Eurytion 1. Class. Myth. a centaur who was killed by Hercules. 2. ( in the Aeneid ) a companion of Aeneas during the flight from Troy. 2. an adopted son of Actor accidentally killed by Peleus. 4. a son of Ares who guarded the cattle of Geryon.
Thisoa Class. Myth. an Arcadian nymph who tended the infant Zeus.
Henioche Class. Myth. an epithet of Hera, meaning "charioteer."
Polymelus ( in the Iliad ) a Lycian ally of the Trojans, killed by Patroclus.
Isenland ( in the Nibelungenlied ) the country of Brynhild, usually identified with Iceland.
Selli Class. Myth. the priests of Zeus at the sacred grove at Dodona.
Meliboea Class. Myth. a maiden who, forbidden to marry Alexis, tried to leap to her death from a housetop but survived to marry him.
Camirus Class. Myth. a grandson of Hellus.
Peisenor ( in the Odyssey ) an Ithacan herald famous for his wise counsel.
Agathyrsus Class. Myth. a son of Hercules.
Hemithea Class. Myth. a daughter of Cycnus and Proclea who was amorously pursued by Achilles and swallowed up by the earth.
Thrasydemus ( in the Iliad ) the squire of Sarpedon: he was slain by Patroclus. Also, Thrasymelus.
Caeneus Class. Myth. an invulnerable Argonaut who was Caenis before Poseidon changed her into a man.
Amphoterus Class. Myth. a son of Alcmaeon and Callirrhoë, and the brother of Acarnan. The two brothers grew to manhood in a single day and avenged the murder of their father by the sons of Phegeus.
Bunaea Class. Myth. an epithet of Hera, alluding to a temple built for her by Bunus.
Saehrimnir Scand. Myth. a boar that is roasted and served up every night in Valhalla and grows whole by morning.
Paraebius Class. Myth. a youth who was cursed because his father had cut down a hamadryad's tree.
Nebrophonus Class. Myth. Thoas ( def. 2.)
Enyeus ( in the Iliad ) a king of Scyrus.
Glaucia Class. Myth. a daughter of Scamander.
Hicetaeon ( in the Iliad ) the brother of Priam who advised to return Helen to Menelaus.
Cyparissus Rom. Legend. a youth who grieved for having accidentally killed his stag: the gods turned him into a cypress tree.
Amphissa Class. Myth. 1. a daughter of Echetus, blinded by her father in punishment for being ravished and bearing a child. 2. a granddaughter of Aeolus, loved by Apollo.
Telesphorus 2. the god of recovery from illness: worshiped with Asclepius and often depicted in art, as a child.
Eurysaces Class. Myth. the son of Telamonian Ajax and Tecmessa who inherited his father's shield of thick bull's hide.
Limnoria Class. Myth. one of the Nereids.
Boëdromius Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "rescuer."
Daphnaea Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "of the laurel."
Strophius Class. Myth. a king of Phocis who sheltered and reared Orestes.
Eëtion ( in the Iliad ) a king of Thebes in Cilicia and the father of Andromeda.
Cithaeronian Class. Myth. Zeus: so called because Mount Cithaeron was sacred to him.
Lycomedes Class. Myth. a king of Scyrus who pushed Theseus over a cliff.
Glenus Class. Myth. a son of Hercules and Deianira.
Molus Class. Myth. a son of Ares and Demodice, father of Meriones.
Demiphon Class. Myth. a king who, at the suggestion of an oracle, annually drew by lot the name of a noble maiden to be sacrificed in order to avert a plague. His daughters were murdered when it was discovered that their names were never placed among the lots.
Archias Class. Myth. a descendant of Hercules who was the founder of the city of Syracuse in Sicily.
Cissaea Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "ivy goddess."
Isenstein ( in the Nibelungenlied ) the home of Brunhild in Isenland. Cf. Hindfell.
Menoetes Class. Myth. a cowherd who tended the cattle of Hades on Erythea.
Lyrus Class. Myth. a son of Aphrodite and Anchises.
Parnopius Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "locust-god, having referred to his once having ended a plague of locusts.
Scyphius Class. Myth. the first horse created by Poseidon.
Harpalyce Class. Myth. 1. daughter of Clymenus of Arcadia, by whom she bore a child: he slew her upon discovering that she had killed the child and had fed it to him. 2. a huntress killed by shepherds upon whose flocks she had preyed.
Nautes ( in the Aeneid ) an aged Trojan, taught by Pallas Athena and noted for his wisdom. who advised Aeneas during the journey from Troy.
Thymoetes Class. Myth. 1. a Trojan elder who counseled Priam and suggested that the Trojan Horse be brought into the city. 2. an Athenian king who gained the throne by killing his brother.
Sthenelaus ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan warrior killed by Patroclus.
Ctesippus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Hercules. 2. ( in the Odyssey ) one of Penelope's suitors.
Hiera Class. Myth. the beautiful wife of Telephus, sometimes described as a daughter of Priam, who was slain by Nireus in the Trojan War.
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