Ismarus Class. Myth. a city of the Cicones, plundered by Odysseus on his return from Troy.
Cleone Class. Myth. a daughter of Asopus.
Oeonus Class. Myth. a relative of Hercules who was beaten to death by the owners of a dog he killed in self-defense.
Amymone Class. Myth. one of the daughters of Danaus and mother of Nauplius by Poseidon.
Gargaphia, Vale of Class. Myth. the place where Actaeon was torn apart by his hounds.
Cipus, Genucius Class. Myth. a praetor who, having heard a prophecy, while away from Rome, that he would be made king when he returned, remained perminantly away from the city in order to preserve the republican form of government.
Hypsistus Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "most high."
Astrabacus Class. Myth. a Spartan prince who, with Aloepecus, found the wooden image of Artemis that Orestes had hidden in a willow thicket.
Centimani an ancient Roman name for the Hecatoncheires.
Amber Islands ( in ancient geography ) a name given by the Greeks in later times to the islands in the North Sea. Cf. Electrides, Glessariae.
Oeno Class. Myth. a daughter of Anius who was empowered by Dionysus to change anything into wine.
Thestius Class. Myth. an Aetolian king fathered by Ares.
Alcidice Class. Myth. the wife of Salmoneus and the mother of Tyro.
Curtius 2. Marcus, Class. Myth. a young Roman who, on learning that a sacrificial victim was needed to close a crevice formed in the floor of the Roman Forum, voluntarily plunged himself and his horse into it.
Lochia Class. Myth. Artemis: so called because she protected women in childbirth. [<Gk Locheía, substantive use of fem. of locheíos of, belonging to childbirth ]
Hegeleos Class. Myth. a son of Tyrsenus.
Damysus Class. Myth. one of the Gigantes.
Alcis Class. Myth. a daughter of Antipoenus, who, with her sister, Androclea, gladly committed suicide to insure a victory against the attacking Erginus, king of the Minyans.
Scephrus Class. Myth. a son of Tegeates who wa murdered by his brother, Limon.
Areus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Bias and Pero who, with his brothers, Leodocus and Talaus, became an Argonaut. 2. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "warlike." Also, Areius.
Myrina ( in the Iliad ) the wife of Dardanus.
Selemnus Class. Myth. 1. a shepherd who died of unrequited love for the sea nymph Argyra and was turned into a river by Aphrodite. 2. a river which enabled those who bathed in it to forget hopeless passions.
Archias Class. Myth. a descendant of Hercules who was the founder of the city of Syracuse in Sicily.
Xenia 2. Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena, meaning "hospitable."
Balius ( in the Iliad ) one of the two immortal horses of Achilles.
Cteatus ( in the Iliad ) a son of Actor and Molione. Cf. Molionidae.
Ancius Class. Myth. a centaur.
Hyrmina Class. Myth. a granddaughter of Endymion and mother, by Phorbas, of Actor.
Enalus Class. Myth. a youth who leaped into the sea because he was grief-stricken by the impeding sacrifice of his love, Phineis: he was carried to safety on the back of a dolphin.
Dascylus Class. Myth. a member of the Argonauts and son of Lycus.
Pero Class. Myth. a daughter of Neleus and Chloris who was given in marriage to Bias when he presented Neleus with the cattle of Phylacus.
Asphalius Class. Myth. Poseidon: so called because of his power to insure the safety of ships and harbors.
Trochilus Class. Myth. a priest of the mysteries at Argos and father of Eubuleus and Triptolemus.
Carnus Class. Myth. a seer of Apollo who was murdered by one of the Heraclidae invading Peloponnesus.
Eriboea Class. Myth. a wife of Aloeus.
Oxylus Class. Myth. an exiled Aetolian who, upon returning home on a one-eyed mule, was chosen by the Heraclidae to lead their invasion of the Peloponnesus. They believed him to be the three-eyed man who, according to an oracle, would lead them.
Planctae Class. Myth. rocks forming a group said to shift in the sea as as to be a menace to navigation, sometimes identified with the Clashing Rocks. [<L, fem. pl. n. use of planctus, ptp. of plangere to strike, beat, lament ]
Aella Class. Myth. an Amazon, noted for her swiftness , who was slain by Hercules.
Cleodaeus Class. Myth. the grandson of Hercules and the ancestor of many renowned Spartans.
Pylaemenes ( in the Iliad ) a king of the Paphlagonians, slain by Menelaus in the Trojan War.
Thermasia Class. Myth. an epithet of Demeter, meaning "warmth."
Halitherses ( in the Odyssey ) an Ithacan seer who predicted the return of Odysseus and his slaughtering of Penelope's suitors.
Tmolus Class. Myth. a Lydian king killed by a wild bull after having ravished a maiden in the temple of Artemis.
Myles 1. Class. Myth. a Laconian king, believed to have invented the waterpowered grain mill. 2. Also, Miles. a boy's given name.
Acessamenus ( in the Iliad ) a Thracian king.
Symaethis Class. Myth. a sea nymph, the mother, by Faunus, of Aeis.
Daira Class. Myth. a daughter of Oceanus.
Charops Class. Myth. an epithet of Hercules, meaning "with bright eyes."
Ischepolis Class. Myth. a son of Alcathous who was killed on the Calydonian Boar Hunt.
Orthia Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "upright," in reference to an image of the goddess held upright by willow tendrils.
Philoetius ( in the Odyssey ) a cowherd of Odysseus who remained loyal to his master and helped him kill the suitors of Penelope.
Caryatis Class. Myth. an epithet of Artemis, meaning "of the walnut tree."
Agathon 2. ( in the Iliad ) one of the 50 sons of Priam.
Cosmetes Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "orderer."
Chlidanope Class. Myth. a naiad.
Hyrnetho Class. Myth. a daughter of Temenus and a granddaughter of Aristomachus. Cf. Deiphontes.
Thriambus Class. Myth. an epithet of Dionysus.
Arisbe Class. Myth. 1. the wife of Priam and then of Hyrtacus, to whom she was given by Priam. 2. the daughter of Teucer and the wife of Dardanus.
Teuthis Class. Myth. an Arcadian general who wounded the disguised Athena while she was trying to effect a reconciliation between him and Agamemnon: he was punished with disease and a pestilence on his fields. Also called Ornytus.
Everes Class. Myth. the father of Tiresias.
Orthaea Class. Myth. a daughter of Hyacinthus.
Carneus Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, alluding to the cornel trees in his sacred grove.
Doritis Class. Myth. an epithet of Aphrodite, meaning "bountiful."
Aenius ( in the Iliad ) a Paeonian ally of the Trojans who was slain by Achilles.
Pyreneus Class. Myth. a king who offered shelter to the Muses, and then tried to assault them. Driven mad for his arrogance, he jumped from a tower to his death. Also, Pyrenaeus.
Ocnus 1. Class. Myth. the personification of unavailing effort, often depicted endlessly plaiting a straw rope which his donkey eats as fast as he makes it. 2. Rom. Legend. the son of the Tuscan river god and the seeress Manto who founded the town of Mantua.
Arnaeus ( in the Odyssey ) a beggar who ran errands for the suitors of Penelope. Also called Irus.
Cedalion Class. Myth. a smith at the forge of Hephaestus who was forced to serve as a guide for the blinded Orion.
Phyxius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "god of escape."
Glessariae Class. Myth. the Amber Islands.
Brizo an ancient Greek goddess of sailors, noted for prophesying through dreams: she was worshiped mainly by women.
Stichius ( in the Iliad ) a captain of Athenian forces in the Trojan War, slain by Hector.
Hypercheiria Class. Myth. an epithet of Hera, meaning, "protectress."
Virtus the ancient Roman personification of courage.
Thessalus Class. Myth. 1. a son of Hercules and Chalciope who became king of Thessaly. 2. a son of Jason and Medea.
Cyane Class. Myth. 1. a princess who was violated by her father, who did not recognize her. 2. a nymph who unsuccessfully attempted to keep Hades from taking Persephone to the underworld.
Iardanus Class. Myth. a Lydian king who was the father of Omphale.
Anchesmius Class. Myth. Zeus: so called because of a shrine to him on Mount Anchesmus, near Athens.
Perilaus Class. Myth. a son of Icarius who demanded vengeance for the murder of his cousin, Clytemnestra.
Scamander 1. ancient name of the river Menderes. 2. Class. Myth. Also called Xanthus. the god of the river Scamander, a son of Oceanus and Tethys.
Molossus Class. Myth. the son of Neoptolemus and Andromache.
Chalinitis Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena meaning "bridler," referring to her invention of the bridle.
Pylaeus ( in the Iliad ) a captain of the Pelasgian allies of Troy.
Arsippe Class. Myth. a daughter of Minyas who was driven mad for mocking Dionysus.
Catharsius Class. Myth. an epithet of Zeus, meaning "purifier."
Rhigmus ( in the Iliad ) a Thracian ally of the Trojans, slain by Achilles.
Aetna 1. Class. Myth. a Sicilian nymph.
Telephus Class. Myth. a son of Hercules and Auge who became king of Mysia and who charted the course that the Greeks followed to Troy.
Phereclus ( in the Iliad ) a son of Tecton who was endowed by Athena with great skill as an artisan, and who built the fleet of ships in which Paris sailed with Helen to Troy.
Schoenius Class. Myth. a Boeotian sometimes described as the father of Atalanta.
Rhodus Class. Myth. a son of Aphrodite and Poseidon.
Gorgythion ( in the Iliad ) a son of Priam slain in the Trojan War by Teucer.
Egesta Class. Myth. ( in the Aeneid ) a Trojan woman sold as a slave by Laomedon but rescued by Aphrodite. Also, Aegesta, Segesta.
Scylaeus Class. Myth. a Lycian ally of the Trojans who, on his return home from the Trojan War, was stoned to death by the Lycian women when he told them that their husbands and sons had been slain.
Hippocurius Class. Myth. an epithet of Poseidon, meaning "horse-tending."
Arsinoë Class. Myth. 1. the wife of Alcmaeon, who continued to love her husband even though he was unfaithful. 2. the nurse of Orestes. 3. a daughter of Leucippus and Philodice.
Robigo an ancient Roman goddess who protected grain from blight.
Pyraechmes ( in the Iliad ) a captain of the Paeonian allies of Troy.
Capys Class. Myth. 1. a Trojan who cautioned his countrymen against bringing the Trojan Horse into the city: he fled Troy with Aeneas and later founded the city of Capua. 2. the father of Anchises and the grandfather of Aeneas.
Moeragetes Class. Myth. an epithet of Apollo, meaning "guide of the Fates."
Ochimus Class. Myth. a king of Rhodes who was one of the seven sons of Helius, the husband of the nymph Hegetoria and the father of Cydippe.
Hegemone Class. Myth. one of the Graces worshiped at Athens.
Taranis an ancient thunder-god, sometimes identified by the Romans with Jupiter.
Noëmon ( in the Odyssey ) an Ithacan inspired by Athena to supply Telemachus with a ship to search for Odysseus.
Philia Class. Myth. a nymph of Daxos who watched the infant Dionysus.
Phrontis Class. Myth. 1. a son of Phrixus and Chalciope. 2. the wife of Panthous of Troy.
Telephassa Class. Myth. the wife of Agenor and the mother of many children, among them Cadmus and Europa.
Gallus Class. Myth. a priest of Cybele who established the practice of having eunuchs serve the goddess.
Schedius ( in the Iliad ) a son of Iphitus and Hippolyte who was one of the suitors of Helen.
Ophthalmitis Class. Myth. an epithet of Athena meaning "of the eye."
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