Thrasius 1. A soothsayer who is also called Phrasius. ( Hygin. Fab. 56; Ov. Art. Am. 1. 649 A; Apollod. 2. 5. 11.). 2. A Trojan who was killed by Achilles. ( Hom. Il. xx 210.)
Macedon a son of Zeus and Thyia, and a brother of Magnes, from whom Macedonia was believed to have derived its name. ( Steph. Byz. s. v. Μακεδονία.)
Thoön Class. Myth.Thoas ( def. 1.). 2. ( in the Iliad ) a Trojan who was killed by Antilochus while attacking the Greek wall.
Callidice Class. Myth. a Thesprotian queen whom Odysseus married while on one of his pilgrimages.
Chrysomallus The golden-fleece ram of Phrixus. [See THEOPHANE and PHRIXUS.]
Axius a Paeonian river-god, who begot by Periboea a son, Pelagon, the father of Asteropaeus. ( Hom. Il. xxi. 141, with the note of Eustath; see ASTEROPAEUS.)
Baubo [Gr. Baubō.] Gr. Relig. A goddess of a phallic cult, especially worshiped in Paros, and prominent in Orphic legend. In myth she is an Eleusinian slave woman ( called also Iambe ), who seeks by her jests to cheer the sorrow ingredients Demeter. In the allegory of Goethe's Faust ( Part II ) She symbolizes sensuality.
Daphnis [L., fr. Gr. Daphnis.] Gr. Myth. A Sicilian shepherd who was regarded as the inventor of bucolic poetry. According to one version of his story, he was the son of Hermes. When a naiad, to whom he was faithless, punished him with blindness, Hermes translated him into heaven. Hence, a shepherd or rustic.
Echius Two mythical personages of this name occur in the Iliad; the one a Greek and a son of Mecisteus, was slain by Polites ( 8. 333, 15. 339 ), and the other, a Trojan, was slain by Patroclus. ( 16. 416.)
Azorus according to Hesychius ( s. v.), the helmsman of the ship Argo, who is said to have built the Pelagonian town of Azoros. ( Steph. Byz. s. v.)
Rhexenor two mythical personages, one the father of Chalciope, and the second a son of Nausithous the king of the Phaeacians, and accordingly a brother of Alcinous. ( Apollod. 3. 15. 6; Hom. Od. 7. 64, &c.)
Azan Class. Myth. a son of Arcas and the dryad Erato.
Chrysomallus The golden-fleece ram of Phrixus. [See THEOPHANE and PHRIXUS.]
Axius a Paeonian river-god, who begot by Periboea a son, Pelagon, the father of Asteropaeus. ( Hom. Il. xxi. 141, with the note of Eustath; see ASTEROPAEUS.)
Baubo [Gr. Baubō.] Gr. Relig. A goddess of a phallic cult, especially worshiped in Paros, and prominent in Orphic legend. In myth she is an Eleusinian slave woman ( called also Iambe ), who seeks by her jests to cheer the sorrow ingredients Demeter. In the allegory of Goethe's Faust ( Part II ) She symbolizes sensuality.
Daphnis [L., fr. Gr. Daphnis.] Gr. Myth. A Sicilian shepherd who was regarded as the inventor of bucolic poetry. According to one version of his story, he was the son of Hermes. When a naiad, to whom he was faithless, punished him with blindness, Hermes translated him into heaven. Hence, a shepherd or rustic.
Echius Two mythical personages of this name occur in the Iliad; the one a Greek and a son of Mecisteus, was slain by Polites ( 8. 333, 15. 339 ), and the other, a Trojan, was slain by Patroclus. ( 16. 416.)
Azorus according to Hesychius ( s. v.), the helmsman of the ship Argo, who is said to have built the Pelagonian town of Azoros. ( Steph. Byz. s. v.)
Rhexenor two mythical personages, one the father of Chalciope, and the second a son of Nausithous the king of the Phaeacians, and accordingly a brother of Alcinous. ( Apollod. 3. 15. 6; Hom. Od. 7. 64, &c.)
Azan Class. Myth. a son of Arcas and the dryad Erato.
Mysia 1. Class. Myth. an epthet of Demeter, in reference to Mysius, who entertained Demeter when she was searching for Persephone.
Delphus Class. Myth. a son of Poseidon and Melantho.
Hagno Class. Myth. the Arcadian nymph of a spring who provided water whenever it was needed: one of the nymphs who tended the infant Zeus.
Hagno Class. Myth. the Arcadian nymph of a spring who provided water whenever it was needed: one of the nymphs who tended the infant Zeus.
Podarces Class. Myth. 1. Priam. 2. ( in the Iliad ) a son of Iphiclus who, following the death of his brother, took command of the Pythians in the Trojan War. Cf. Protesilaus.
Messene 2. Class. Myth. the wife of Polycaon, for whom Messenia was named.
Lacinius 1. An Italian hero and fabulous robber, by whom Heracles, on his expedition in Italy, is said to have been robbed of some of the oxen of Geryones, and who was killed by the hero in consequence. After the place of the murder was purified Heracles built a temple to Hera ( Juno ), surnamed Lacinia. ( Diod. iv. 24; Serv. ad Aen. iii. 552.)
Mulciber [L.] Rom. Relig. An epithet of Vulcan.
Phobos [Gr.] Gr. Relig. A goddess who was the personification of panic fear which overcame armies and puts them to flight.
Aegaeon [L. Aegaeon, fr. Gr. Aigaiōn.] Gr. Relig. The name given to "him who the gods call Briareus." See BRIAREUS.
Aollius The son of Romulus and Hersilia. [See HERSILIA.]
Otrera a daughter or wife of Ares who is said to have built the temple of Artemis at Ephesus. ( Hygin. Fub. 225; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. 1.1033.)
Xanthippus 1. One of the sons of Melas, who revolted against Oeneus, and were slain by Tydeus. ( Apollod. 1. 85.) 2. A son of Deïphontes. ( Paus. ii. 28. § 3.) 3. A hero who had a heroin at Daulia, in Phocis. ( Paus. x. 4. § 2.).
Melas 1. A son of Poseidon by nymph of Chios, and brother of Angelus ( Paus. 7. 4. 6.) 2. One of the Tyrrhenian pirates mentioned under MELANTHUS No. 1. 3. A son of Phrixus and Chalciope, was married to Eurycleia, by whom he became the father of Hyperes. ( Apollod. i. 9. § 1; Apollon. Rhod. ii. 1158; Schol. ad Pind. Pyth. iv. 221.) 4. A son of Porthaon and Euryte, and brother of Oeneus. ( Hor. Il. xiv. 117; Apollod. i. 7 § 10; comp. OENEUS and TYDEUS. ) 5. A son of Antassus, at Gonusa, near Sicyon. He joined the Dorians on their march against Corinth. His services were at first declined, but he was afterwords allowed to fight in the ranks of the Dorians. He was the ancestor of the family of Cypselus. ( Paus. ii. 4. § 4, v. 18 § 7, 20, in fill.) 6. There are three other mythical personages of this name. ( Paus. vii. 4. § 6, viii. 28 § 3; Apollod. ii. 7. § 7.) (04/10/2015)
Lacinius 1. An Italian hero and fabulous robber, by whom Heracles, on his expedition in Italy, is said to have been robbed of some of the oxen of Geryones, and who was killed by the hero in consequence. After the place of the murder was purified Heracles built a temple to Hera ( Juno ), surnamed Lacinia. ( Diod. iv. 24; Serv. ad Aen. iii. 552.)
Mulciber [L.] Rom. Relig. An epithet of Vulcan.
Phobos [Gr.] Gr. Relig. A goddess who was the personification of panic fear which overcame armies and puts them to flight.
Aegaeon [L. Aegaeon, fr. Gr. Aigaiōn.] Gr. Relig. The name given to "him who the gods call Briareus." See BRIAREUS.
Aollius The son of Romulus and Hersilia. [See HERSILIA.]
Otrera a daughter or wife of Ares who is said to have built the temple of Artemis at Ephesus. ( Hygin. Fub. 225; Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. 1.1033.)
Xanthippus 1. One of the sons of Melas, who revolted against Oeneus, and were slain by Tydeus. ( Apollod. 1. 85.) 2. A son of Deïphontes. ( Paus. ii. 28. § 3.) 3. A hero who had a heroin at Daulia, in Phocis. ( Paus. x. 4. § 2.).
Melas 1. A son of Poseidon by nymph of Chios, and brother of Angelus ( Paus. 7. 4. 6.) 2. One of the Tyrrhenian pirates mentioned under MELANTHUS No. 1. 3. A son of Phrixus and Chalciope, was married to Eurycleia, by whom he became the father of Hyperes. ( Apollod. i. 9. § 1; Apollon. Rhod. ii. 1158; Schol. ad Pind. Pyth. iv. 221.) 4. A son of Porthaon and Euryte, and brother of Oeneus. ( Hor. Il. xiv. 117; Apollod. i. 7 § 10; comp. OENEUS and TYDEUS. ) 5. A son of Antassus, at Gonusa, near Sicyon. He joined the Dorians on their march against Corinth. His services were at first declined, but he was afterwords allowed to fight in the ranks of the Dorians. He was the ancestor of the family of Cypselus. ( Paus. ii. 4. § 4, v. 18 § 7, 20, in fill.) 6. There are three other mythical personages of this name. ( Paus. vii. 4. § 6, viii. 28 § 3; Apollod. ii. 7. § 7.) (04/10/2015)