Agyieus [Gr. agyia street.] Gr. Relig. An epithet of Apollo derived from the setting up, at street doors, of Pillars which were regarded as altars or representations of the god.
Thamyris [Gr.] Gr. Myth. A Thracian singer who boasted that he excelled the Muses. He was punished by losing both his sight and his musical power.
Coronus Class. Myth. a companion of Jason who became king of the Lapiths.
Enarete Class. Myth. the wife of Aeolus.
Thiodamas Class. Myth. a Dryopian king slain by Hercules for refusing him one of his oxen.
Iole [L., fr. Gr. Iolē.] Gr. Myth. A daughter of Eurytus, king of Oechalia, who promised her hand to the suiter successful in a contest of archery, but who refused to fullfil his agreement when Hercules won. Hercules sacked the town and took Iole as a captive.
Zoeteus A son of Tricolonus, and founder of the town of Zoetia in Arcadia. ( Paus. viii. 3. § 6; Steph. Byz. s.v).
Macistus 1. A surname of Heracles, who had a temple in the neighbourhood of the town of Macistus in Triphylia. 2. A son of Athamas and brother of Phrixus, from whom the town of Macistus in Triphylia was believed to have derived its name. ( Steph. Byz. s. v. Makistos.)
Cadmilus Or Casmilus, or Cadmus, according to Acusilaus ( ap. Strab. x. p 472 ) a son of Hephaestus and Cabiro, and father of the Samothracian Cabiri and the Cabirian nymphs. Others consider Cadmilus himself as the fourth of the Samothracian Cabiri. ( Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. 1. 917; comp. CABIRI ).
Caicias The god of the north-east wind. See ANEMI.
Agamede Class. Myth. a daughter of Augeas noted for her skill at using herbs for healing.
Iole [L., fr. Gr. Iolē.] Gr. Myth. A daughter of Eurytus, king of Oechalia, who promised her hand to the suiter successful in a contest of archery, but who refused to fullfil his agreement when Hercules won. Hercules sacked the town and took Iole as a captive.
Zoeteus A son of Tricolonus, and founder of the town of Zoetia in Arcadia. ( Paus. viii. 3. § 6; Steph. Byz. s.v).
Macistus 1. A surname of Heracles, who had a temple in the neighbourhood of the town of Macistus in Triphylia. 2. A son of Athamas and brother of Phrixus, from whom the town of Macistus in Triphylia was believed to have derived its name. ( Steph. Byz. s. v. Makistos.)
Cadmilus Or Casmilus, or Cadmus, according to Acusilaus ( ap. Strab. x. p 472 ) a son of Hephaestus and Cabiro, and father of the Samothracian Cabiri and the Cabirian nymphs. Others consider Cadmilus himself as the fourth of the Samothracian Cabiri. ( Schol. ad Apollon. Rhod. 1. 917; comp. CABIRI ).
Caicias The god of the north-east wind. See ANEMI.
Agamede Class. Myth. a daughter of Augeas noted for her skill at using herbs for healing.
Leonteus ( in the Iliad ) one of Helen's early suitors and a leader of the Greek forces at Troy.
Pandrosos Class. Myth. a daughter of Cecrops and Agraulos who was first priestess of Athena.
Alcyonides The daughters of the giant Alcyoneus. After their father's death, they threw themselves into the sea and were changed into ice-birds. Their names are Phthonia, Anthe, Methone, Alcippe, Pallene, Drimo, and Asteria. ( Eustath. ad Hom. p. 776; Suidas, s. v. Alkuonides.)
Caliadne A Naiad nymph, one of the wives of the Egyptian king Aegyptus. She was the mother of twelve of his fifty sons.
Hylonome During the fight between the Lapiths and the Centaurs at the wedding of Pirithous, Hylonome, the wife of the Centaur Cyllarus, killed herself with the same arrow as had killed her husband, because she did not want to survive him.
Dares ( in the Aeneid ) one of the companions of Aeneas, noted for his boxing skill.
Protesilaus [L., fr. Gr. Prōtesilaos.] Gr. Antiq. A Thessalian warrior, first of the Greeks to be slain at the siege of Troy. An oracle having predicted that the first person to step on land should be killed, he alone dared to sacrifice himself. See LAODAMIA.
Erulus ( in the Aeneid ) a king of Italy whose mother, the goddess Feronia, granted him three lives.
Alcyonides The daughters of the giant Alcyoneus. After their father's death, they threw themselves into the sea and were changed into ice-birds. Their names are Phthonia, Anthe, Methone, Alcippe, Pallene, Drimo, and Asteria. ( Eustath. ad Hom. p. 776; Suidas, s. v. Alkuonides.)
Caliadne A Naiad nymph, one of the wives of the Egyptian king Aegyptus. She was the mother of twelve of his fifty sons.
Hylonome During the fight between the Lapiths and the Centaurs at the wedding of Pirithous, Hylonome, the wife of the Centaur Cyllarus, killed herself with the same arrow as had killed her husband, because she did not want to survive him.
Dares ( in the Aeneid ) one of the companions of Aeneas, noted for his boxing skill.
Protesilaus [L., fr. Gr. Prōtesilaos.] Gr. Antiq. A Thessalian warrior, first of the Greeks to be slain at the siege of Troy. An oracle having predicted that the first person to step on land should be killed, he alone dared to sacrifice himself. See LAODAMIA.
Erulus ( in the Aeneid ) a king of Italy whose mother, the goddess Feronia, granted him three lives.
Aristodemus Class. Myth. one of the Heraclidae, a son of Aristomachus and father of Eurystheus and Procles: he was killed by lightning just as he was preparing to invade Peloponnesus.
Hostius Also called Hostus Hostilius, a Roman originally from the colony of Medullia, which was set up by the Albani in Sabine territory. During the reign of Romulus he came and settled in Rome. After the removal of the Sabines he married HERSILIA by whom he had a son who was the father of King Tullus Hostilius. During the Sabine war on the level ground of the Forum, Hostius disguised himself in the front rank of the Roman army and was the first to be killed. After his death the Romans panicked momentarily until Jupiter Stator intervened to restore order. Hostius had already shown outstanding bravery at the capture of Fidenae for which he was rewarded a laurel wreath.
Phlegyas Class. Myth. a king of the Lapithae who condemned Apollo when he learned that his daughter had been violated by the god. Phlegyas was slain for his irreverence.
Hostius Also called Hostus Hostilius, a Roman originally from the colony of Medullia, which was set up by the Albani in Sabine territory. During the reign of Romulus he came and settled in Rome. After the removal of the Sabines he married HERSILIA by whom he had a son who was the father of King Tullus Hostilius. During the Sabine war on the level ground of the Forum, Hostius disguised himself in the front rank of the Roman army and was the first to be killed. After his death the Romans panicked momentarily until Jupiter Stator intervened to restore order. Hostius had already shown outstanding bravery at the capture of Fidenae for which he was rewarded a laurel wreath.
Phlegyas Class. Myth. a king of the Lapithae who condemned Apollo when he learned that his daughter had been violated by the god. Phlegyas was slain for his irreverence.
Caenis Class. Myth. a daughter of Elatus: her request that she become a man was granted by Poseidon after he had violated her. Cf. Caeneus.
Ithomatas Class. Myth. Zeus: so called because Mount Ithome was dedicated to him.
Cynortes Class. Myth. a son of Amyclas and Diomede.
Liriope an ocean nymph, who became by Cephisus the mother of the beautiful Narcissus.
Brimo an ancient Greek goddess identified with Demeter, Hecate, or Persephone.
Busiris [L., fr. Gr. Bousiris.] a A mythical Egyptian king, killed by Hercules. b In Milton and others, the Pharaoh drowned in the Red Sea at the Exodus.
Phyllis [L., fr. Gr. Phyllis.] 1. Literally, a green bough; ─ fem. proper name. 2. In Greek legends a Thracian princess betrothed to Demophoön, son of Theseus. On his failure to return to marry her at the time set, Phyllis, thinking herself deserted, hanged herself and was transformed by the gods into an almond tree.
Caicus 1. Son of Oceanus and Tethys god of the Mysian river. 2. A companion of Aeneas in his voyage from Troy to Italy.
Iobes One of Heracles' sons whose mother was Certhe, one of the daughters of Thespius.
Hecalé A poor old woman who hospitably received Theseus when he had gone out to hunt the Marathonian bull, and offered to Zeus a sacrifice for the safe return of the hero. As she died before his return, Theseus decreed that the people of the Attic tetrapolis should offter a sacrifice to her and to Zeus Hecalesius. See THESEUS.
Illyrius Class. Myth. a son of Cadmus.
Liriope an ocean nymph, who became by Cephisus the mother of the beautiful Narcissus.
Brimo an ancient Greek goddess identified with Demeter, Hecate, or Persephone.
Busiris [L., fr. Gr. Bousiris.] a A mythical Egyptian king, killed by Hercules. b In Milton and others, the Pharaoh drowned in the Red Sea at the Exodus.
Phyllis [L., fr. Gr. Phyllis.] 1. Literally, a green bough; ─ fem. proper name. 2. In Greek legends a Thracian princess betrothed to Demophoön, son of Theseus. On his failure to return to marry her at the time set, Phyllis, thinking herself deserted, hanged herself and was transformed by the gods into an almond tree.
Caicus 1. Son of Oceanus and Tethys god of the Mysian river. 2. A companion of Aeneas in his voyage from Troy to Italy.
Iobes One of Heracles' sons whose mother was Certhe, one of the daughters of Thespius.
Hecalé A poor old woman who hospitably received Theseus when he had gone out to hunt the Marathonian bull, and offered to Zeus a sacrifice for the safe return of the hero. As she died before his return, Theseus decreed that the people of the Attic tetrapolis should offter a sacrifice to her and to Zeus Hecalesius. See THESEUS.
Illyrius Class. Myth. a son of Cadmus.
Phorcids Class. Myth. the children of Phorcys and Ceto, among them Ladon and the Gorgons.
Cithaeron A mountain, 1, 410 m ( 4, 623 ft ) high, of southeast Greece. It was considered sacred to Dionysus and the Muses.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities
Cithaeron A mountain, 1, 410 m ( 4, 623 ft ) high, of southeast Greece. It was considered sacred to Dionysus and the Muses.
a-1898 Harper's Dict. of Class. Literature & Antiquities